
Friday, 10 April 2020

Ed West: Why conservatives have lost almost every political argument since 1945

Bunty McCunty
​Why the entrenched class system has lost every political argument since 1945? That makes no sense whatsoever.

​The Left embrace 'by any means necessary' and 'the ends justify the means'. The Conservatives are very naive in comparision. The idea of 'moral victory' as they lose explains a lot.

​Just look at the Catholic Church

Elizabeth Blackwell
​Not sure I agree. Conservatism is the dominant politics of the modern world. Even when conservatives are not in power, conservative ideas and policies set the shape of society and the economy.

Elizabeth Blackwell
​Even left wing governments uphold the fusion of disruptive capitalism and social traditionalism ergo conservative.

William H
​I think when you're a 30+ conservative you don't argue with young lefties. because, we used to be them and we know there's no point arguing with them

British LA
​I wonder how much art and creativity will be permitted under sharia law. by hyper moralizing western life and politics the left may destroy western civilisation.

Claire Khaw
​Conservatism was always Theocracy Lite and was created as a defence against the ideas of the French Revolution. A merely defensive ideology will not protect your society.

Claire Khaw
​@ Michele P Nigel Farage still class himself a Classical Liberal, doesn't he?

Claire Khaw
​@Bunty McCunty Conservatism is not up to the job of fighting feminism and Cultural Marxism.

Jean de Valette
​@William H The Reformation is only conveniently retrofitted as 'conservative' by conservative evangelicals in AmericaIn truth Catholics were the conservatives in the Reformation. See: St. Thomas More

Claire Khaw
​@Kit Conservatism is just not up to the job because it was always a defensive ideology against the ideas of the French Revolution. Conservatism was really Theocracy Lite.

Claire Khaw
​Conservatism = being middle class and having gone to a good school. Such people will always be in the minority.

Claire Khaw
​@888rogermoore Christianity is kaput.

Bunty McCunty
​@Claire Khaw -- I don't think it needs to be. I think those things are fetishised by a tiny minority of loudmouths, while people are inherently conservative. See the last election results.

Jean de Valette
​Oh ffs Clare. Spare us your Marxist University bollocks, please

M. Allan
​i miss Roger Scruton

British LA
​conservativism is founded on faith, family and the nation state. pure and simple.

Claire Khaw
​@Elizabeth Blackwell What are the Conservative ideas you can think of? It was a Conservative Prime Minister who legalised gay marriage.

Claire Khaw
​@Elizabeth Blackwell "Even left wing governments uphold the fusion of disruptive capitalism and social traditionalism ergo conservative." No idea what you are trying to say.

Jean de Valette
​Ed West talking bollocks on tidy desks meaning conservatism.

William H
​jean, I'll look at that. I thought the issue was the church had become corrupt and Luther tried to re ignite some truth

Claire Khaw
​@William H Who do you argue with?

Claire Khaw
​@British LA Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia that has no intention of not permitting art and creativity. By the way, I have met Ed West.

British LA
​conservatism is dependent on a deep knowledge of history and cultural heritage. the modern, liberal, reactionary conservatives have effectively become the new Whigs.

Claire Khaw
​@Nick Garrott Kindly explain the difference.

​we need a whole new system left right thing does not work anymore westminster is disfunctional

Claire Khaw
​@Jean de Valette Yes, he is talking bollocks. I should be invited on New Culture Forum, but you can check out both my channels.

Claire Khaw
​Conservatism and Christianity are both kaput.

Curtis Loftis
​A huge difference between the left and right: the left hires its people-for every job. The right does little of this. It creates a massive Left presence in every entity of influence.

William H
​I don't know about America religious movements. I don't know how interesting that is

Jean de Valette
​Ed West would "love not to be conservative"? Ed West is not conservative, so he needn't worry.

Crystal J
​@Claire Khaw Christianity kaput!!!!! this space! 😉

Curtis Loftis
​America is post Christian

Claire Khaw
​@Nick Garrott Why don't you appear on my channel to tell me how and why I am a moron?

Claire Khaw
​@M. Allan What does my husband think about what and why should you care if I have a husband, let alone what he thinks?

M. Allan
​Claire im just poking fun. relax

Claire Khaw
​@Crystal J Watch both my channels on why Christianity is kaput. Ed West's mama is Irish Catholic.

Crystal J
​@Claire Khaw catholicism and Christianity not necessarily the same thing!!! My RESURRECTED leader and king aint finished yet!!

Claire Khaw
​@M. Allan Unlike the New Testament, there is nothing in the Koran saying women should be quiet either in mosque or anywhere else.

Curtis Loftis
​In America, Christians gave their children to the Leftwing school/university system to be educated. They came out agnostic.

Claire Khaw
​@Crystal J Christianity includes Catholicism and saying Christianity is kaput implicitly means Catholicism is also kaput.

Crystal J
​@Claire Khaw they are 2 different things ....

Claire Khaw
​@Curtis Loftis Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia. I am the only political commentator prepared to say this again and again and again.

Curtis Loftis
​The right just gave the institutions of cultural and political power...they did so as the leaders of the right were making lots of money. the right was sold out...

M. Allan
​Diversity, disaster.

Claire Khaw
​@Crystal J You don't appear to have noticed that Christ is deceased or are you an idolater who worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

Curtis Loftis
​Christianity as a political force is kaput (sadly to me). Democracy follows culture so our brand is not helpful, but thankfully, there are not a lot of competitors in that arena

Curtis Loftis
​But Christianity is alive in well in certain groups.

Claire Khaw
​@New Culture Forum Channel How likely are you to invite me on your channel to explain my proposal for a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism?

2:00  Because of the decline of Christianity, the default religion of university educated women is leftism.

3:00  "Democracy is against Conservatism." Democracy is dementia.

5:00  Comedy is now university-educated comedians sneering at the lower middle class ie people who have not their opportunities.

10:00  Brexit, Nationalism and the Reformation

11:00  Catholic identity was stronger than national identity.

11:30  Political tribalism in America. It is really more fundamental: Patriarchy v Matriarchy. Yin v Yang. The eternal battle of the sexes is being played out in the Western political establishment. Only I know where the battlelines really are.

12:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

13:00  Conservatism as a political philosophy as well as a state of mind

19:00  Ed West was too gutless to accept a very well paid job at Breitbart being offered by Steve Bannon. What a shame he won't offer me a job. Did his wife put her foot down then?

23:00  "Social proof" and cultural values

25:00  Diversity

26:00  Repurposing stories

28:00  Dominic Cummings

30:00  BBC licence fee

31:00  "Gentleness of Conservatism"

Is Ed West more or less depressing than Peter Hitchens, who it seems has been hired specially to demoralise Conservatives? 

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