
Tuesday, 14 April 2020

"America no longer has a macro-culture that is accepted from sea to shining sea"

47:00  "If only we had a decent Conservative movement," says Gottfried. But Conservatism was only ever a defensive ideology to protect European nations against the ideas of the French Revolution. Conservatism was only intended to be "Theocracy Lite". However, since it became OK to deny the Trinity without being charged with blasphemy and since the Americans quarantined the church from their state in the early 1800s, Christianity began to die. It has taken Christianity 200 years to die. It is now finally dead. Its death certificate needs to be signed by Jews and Muslims and the significance of its death discussed by those who might wish to become married parents in order to parent their legitimate offspring properly. Since no one is interested in marriage, family values and good parenting any more, no government trusts itself to raise these matters with an electorate who have for generations regarded the right to have extramarital sex as a human right. To address these issues, indiscriminate universal suffrage and representative democracy would have to be abolished amongst other things, but no one in the alt-right quite dares discuss this either.

1:03:00  The Conservatives are like the deserving poor falling over themselves to dissociate themselves from the undeserving poor whom they probably call "the criminal classes". The alt-right are perceived to be the dregs of society being seen as unmarriageable and unemployable low status social retards considered physically repulsive by white upper middle class college educated women who instinctively despise marginalised men in the classes below them. Women are after all hypergamous. Unfortunately for these men who are in fact unemployable and unmarriageable, they have no longer have a societal purpose and have no one in the political establishment who will defend their interests. Being atomised men incapable of ever co-operating with each other to achieve anything because they do not even want a leader, nothing can be done for them. It is well known that no beta male will submit to the leadership of another beta male, and any male with alpha male leadership qualities would disdain to risk anything for them since these degenerates are known only for their stupidity, social retardation, mental illness, drink and drug-dependence as well as their disloyalty. Also, to be associated with the alt-right or even to make noises sympathetic to these men now means social death, loss of income, employment and reputation.

1:19:00  "Fractured America no longer has a macro-culture that is accepted from sea to shining sea".

Even tribes need a moral system and the only moral system that would keep a group in existence and apart from others is religion.  Religions worth their salt would be political ideologies and narratives promoting patriarchal moral values because only under a patriarchy would there be enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest.

1:25:00  I define nationalism as government in the national interest. Is there any Western moral or political philosopher capable of discussing this?

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