
Sunday 26 April 2020

OV on rendering unto Caesar and God what is theirs

2:00  Generalisations
3:00  ‘Destroying the Knesset’: Thousands protest in Tel Aviv against coalition deal
Demonstrators castigate Blue and White’s Gantz for failing to prevent Prime Minister Netanyahu from obtaining leverage over the justice system that is trying him

6:00  "When the Torah specifies the death penalty of stoning, the Talmud explains it meant the offender was hurled down from a high place – rather than pelted with stones."

8:00  I want Jews to acknowledge that liberalism is bad for both Jews and gentiles and commend Secular Koranism to the gentile after adopting it in Israel. Most Jews and gentiles of the West are liberal and that is the problem.

9:00  Noahide laws

10:00  Rabbis relied on to interpret the Torah to dilute its harshness.

11:00  Progressive revelation

12:00  Scripture is the source of the rule of law.

12:30  The codification of the Torah by Maimonides

13:00  The Ten Commandments and divine law

14:00  Islam is Monotheism III, Christianity is Monotheism II and Islam is Monotheism I.

15:00  Noahide laws

16:00  It would be irrational to worship any deity less powerful than the Abrahamic God.

17:00  The Abrahamic faiths are three competing routes to the same Abrahamic God.

18:00  The rule of law

19:00  If Israel should be a theocracy and Jews should be at least Noahide, and Koran-based Islam is already Noahide, then Secular Koranism - also based on the Koran - has the same status as Islam, which is more Noahide-observant than Christianity.

 20:00  The purpose of the Noahide laws for me

21:00  Why even atheists need the Hypothetical Supreme Authority that is the Abrahamic God to settle their disputes

22:00  The divine right and the Mandate of Heaven

23:00  The rules of fasting

27:00  Secular Koranism

If Nazi Germany were still around and decided to adopt Secular Koranism, it would presumably be finding ways of being mean to Jews but only within the parameters of the Koranic principles. They would not be able to do anything to Jews that the Koran does not permit. Actually, nothing in the verses cited at referring to Jews says do anything nasty to Jews so really even Nazis operating under Secular Koranism and interpreting it literally wouldn't be able to do any more than give them disapproving looks and read verses of the Koran critical of Jews at them. They cannot incite crime, violence or provoke public disorder against Jews AKA the Children of Israel, as they are referred to in the Koran. 

29:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism

30:00  My intention is to be helpful to both Jews and gentiles who have had such a troubled relationship with each other.

31:00  If Jews adopted Secular Koranism to make Israel a theocracy, they would at last be light unto the nations because other nations would follow in Israel's footsteps too.

32:00  Rabbi Kahane who wanted Israel to be a theocracy and an ethnostate was assassinated in 1990.

32:30  Israel is an American Protectorate. Previously, it was a British Protectorate.

37:00  The Noahide laws
39:00  Civic nationalism
44:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
46:00  White people who passed the Hart-Celler Act
47:00  Jews look white.
48:00  Mexicans
49:00  Jews who marry out
50:00  Mamzer
51:00  How to stay Jewish
51:30  Groups that practise marriage and family values
52:00  Christianity
53:00  Jews and Muslims are people with a religion while the people who complain about them are without the advantages of organised religion. In fact, their organised religion - Christianity - has already failed them.
54:00  The nature and purpose of religion
55:00  When Christianity died
Scofield Bible and Vatican II
59:00  The Koran says Christ was not killed.
1:04:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
1:05:00  All the Abrahamic faiths expect the Messiah.
1:07:00  Virgin birth
1:08:00  How Jews, Christians and Muslims define themselves
1:09:00  Forbidding idolatry in others but practising it oneself
1:10:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:12:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Nicene creed
1:13:00  The Council of Nicaea
1:14:00  "In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons or hypostases, but is one being, having a single divine nature. The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will."
1:19:00  Nicene creed
1:21:00  Unitarian Christianity
1:24:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:26:00  The schisms of Christianity
1:28:00  Separation of Church and State
1:30:00  It was the Americans who dealt the death blow to Christianity by quarantining the church from their state.
1:31:00  The First Amendment was based on
1:32:00  Why Thomas Jefferson Rewrote the Bible Without Jesus' Miracles and Resurrection
The third president had a secret: his carefully edited version of the New Testament.
1:32:30  Muhammad performed no miracles, but he was a successful military and a political leader.
1:33:00  Splitting the moon
1:35:00  The Koran comes from God, the New Testament was written by mortal men.
1:36:00  Hearsay
1:37:00  Talmud
1:38:00  The devil is in the detail.
1:39:00  The legal draughtsmanship of the Koran
1:40:00  Render unto Caesar
1:52:00  Temptation of Christ

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