
Monday 27 April 2020

Week In Review with Church of Entropy, Episode 53

5:00  "As we count the Omer during the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot, we turn to God in repentance and prayer. Since the fruiting of the seven fruits is linked to our own spiritual achievement, it is not surprising that these seven kinds comprise a wealth of spiritual attributes, nutrients, and medicinal properties."

8:00  Jen has been on my streams in the past fortnight.


11:00  Church of Entropy's alleged Jewishness

I have always been very careful to say I do not know for certain that Jen is Jewish. Even if her father were Jewish, that would not make Jen halachically Jewish. There are plenty of people who think they are Jewish when they are not ie people with Jewish fathers but gentile mothers, and plenty of people who don't think they are Jewish but are in fact Jewish as was the case of Christopher and Peter Hitchens because their mother never mentioned to them that she was a Jewess. Since Jen is the only female YouTuber in our circles who will engage with these Jew-obsessed people of the alt-right, it is only to be expected that they obsess about her, as Brundle did, though his reasons may have been more carnal than intellectual.  

12:00  New Age seems to be categorised as Hinduism because they are both marginal and exotic in people's minds.  

17:00  Many people think The Mystery of Jen Scharf could be solved if it were confirmed that she is a Jewess.

41:00  Church of Entropy on Rational Emotionalism 
43:00  Patterns and logic
57:00  What is true
1:38:00  It's already been done: science has been monetised.
1:46:00  At what point would we resort to selling our body to the night?
1:52:00  Spiritualism
1:53:00  Supply and demand, greed and fear
1:55:00  Hubris
1:56:00  Monopolies
1:59:00  There is also the question of elasticity of supply, demand and price.
2:04:00  The price difference between a healthy and sick slave
2:08:00  Air is free and so are the best things in life, apparently.
2:09:00  Chess and money
2:11:00  Universal and global averages
2:12:00  Money and karma
2:13:00  Oil price
2:16:00  Negative price value of oil
2:18:00  Saudi Arabia
2:29:00  Fear of death prevents revolution but Covid-19 may have taken away some of that fear.
2:30:00  Gun violence in Detroit
2:32:00  Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
2:51:00  Chess and trading the market
3:04:00  The Deep State is run by bureaucrats.
3:09:00  Paying people ten bucks to say "butter".
3:11:00  The monetisation of value.  Trading Places - the movie
3:14:00  Church of Entropy is not from the big city.
3:15:00  "If that were true everyone would be a Christian, Doooovid."
3:15:30  Doooovid: "There is such a thing as impulse control."
3:17:00  "Why isn't everyone Christian?"

3:17:30  "Week in Review's biggest fan is here." 

3:18:00  Church of Entropy begins to badmouth me as soon as I arrive.
3:18:30  Doooovid is surprised that Jen is surprised that the people she associates with ie the alt-right who are obsessed about Jews discuss her alleged Jewishness and that I sometimes join in.
3:19:00  I am accused of lying.
3:21:00  Jen seems to think that being German and Jewish are mutually exclusive.
3:22:00  Unconfirmed rumours
3:23:00  Why people care about Gandalf
3:24:00  Jen interprets interest in Gandalf as interest in her.
3:25:00  I am accused of having malign intent.
3:26:00  Mungo Jerry
3:26:00  A sense of duty to comment on information received
3:27:00  We should take a stance of healthy scepticism when dealing with unverifiable information received.
3:27:30  I point out that if anyone posted in Jen's chat about Gandalf she would feel a duty to deal with it in some way. Jen is clearly angry that Mungo Jerry came to my channel to announce the news rather than hers. She would probably hide him from her chat rather than deal with it.
3:28:00  Jen denies that she has a duty to Gandalf.
3:29:00  Jen mentions Ego Dik implying that he was an associate of mine whom I defended in the past because I have the principle of defending intellectually defensible but unpopular opinions.
3:29:30  Jen seems to be questioning Gandalf's loyalty to her.
3:30:00  Jen says I take things too literally.
3:30:30  Jen now seems to be saying that Gandalf's association with her was unhelpful to her.
3:30:45  I defend Jay by pointing out that he never raises his voice at people while Gandalf was more of a guard dog who barked at people who disagreed with Jen such as Conops and me.
3:32:00  I know that my audience is not into Truth, Logic and Morality and neither are the people in the establishment above them.
3:33:00  Jen denies that I have ever said anything true, logical or moral.
3:34:00  I demand to know what lies Jen thinks I told, but she only lists disagreements eg
  • my definition of matriarchy
  • that Islam can end usury
  • Islam would be better for restoring and maintaining the patriarchy than Hinduism because it gives women more rights than Hinduism
  • that children should have two married parents living together in a loving relationship
  • the state of her mental health
3:36:00  I am described as "antagonistic to truth" simply because I disagree with her.

3:36:15  There is a difference between sound and valid arguments. 

3:36:30  Jen refuses to debate her definition of morality with me. She says the correct definition is "minimising suffering" and I say morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group together and apart from others. 

3:36:45  What is the point of knowing pointless facts when there is so much to be done as regards what should be done to solve and avoid problems? Jen likes propounding unfalsifiable theories to show off, waste people's time and derail people's discussions. 

3:37:00  Jen calls the people who defend me "disgusting, degenerate and shameless" but she is glad I am around. She accuses me of feminine perfidy and rootless cosmopolitanism when I am the one who has advanced the cause of nationalism by defining it in an honest, rational and morally-appealing way with an emphasis on restoring the patriarchy using the rule of divine law. There are only two revealed scripture from the most powerful deity conceivable - the Abrahamic God who has revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. If we want to restore the patriarchy to return our societies to good moral order, Secular Koranism - which is sharia interpreted by a female ex-feminist ex-liberal non-Muslim non-white - is the only rational and moral choice left since Christianity is kaput, Judaism is for Jews only while Hinduism and Buddhism are too alien to Western traditions.     

3:38:00  Jen's so-called "oral tradition" cannot under any circumstances be used as a basis for any rule of law because the law only works when it is written down and people know what the words are. We already know that Jen is delusional, unreasonable, egotistical, unstable, unprincipled and uncorrected. To entrust the ship of state to Jen and her proposed priesthood consisting of unprincipled unstable younger men desperate for female attention would be folly of the highest order. She claims she backs up all her laws "with science".  

3:39:00  Criminalising drugs increases consumption of drugs, claims Jen.  

3:40:00  The drug problem in Russia 

3:41:00  Marijuana

3:42:00  Opium   DOOOOVID rejoins.

3:45:00  How to instantly lower the crime rate: legalise crime, of course. 

3:36:00  Doooovid and I discuss the potential of a pawn to become the queen in chess. The value of each piece would only depend on what it could achieve from its position. It would be logical for a pawn to convert into a knight even though it is lower in rank to the queen if it is only the knight that would checkmate the king in the next move. 

3:47:00  The socially acceptable crime?

3:48:00  Prisoners being released because of the lockdown

3:48:30  Recreational marijuana over Passover

3:49:00  No recreational dispensaries in Detroit but the police would protect the dealer because locally marijuana has been legalised. 

3:50:00  Democracy is parents allowing children to always vote for more sweets and cakes until they are sick or dead.  

3:52:00  The government of China at the time knew it was a bad idea to allow its populace to get hooked on opium but were helpless to stop the British smuggling it into China.

Victoria’s reply to China: gunboats, misery and death

3:54:00  "We have been ingesting marijuana since before we were human."

3:55:00  Jen wants all drugs legalised unless they are synthetic. 

3:56:00  Gateway drug

3:57:00  Streaming with OV on Christian theology and the Jefferson Bible.  

4:00:00  Solon and the Kabah

4:01:00  My dream of Jen and a rodent

4:02:00  StreamYard and Zoom

4:05:00  What I like about StreamYard

4:08:00  OBS can allow me to record the chat on the stream itself.

4:09:00  I have already thanked Jen for her help in teaching me OBS and will be eternally grateful to her for how she has enriched my life. I have always had an interest in psychiatry and psychology and do enjoy fixing things and solving problems. 

However fond I am of Jen, I cannot allow my care and concern and love and affection for her to compromise my integrity as a political activist and a commentator. I think Jen's modus operandi is to make me submit to her utterly as Gandalf did and Rook still does and this I cannot do since this would compromise my political activism and the propagation of my message. The best I can do is to humour her and play the role of a kindly psychiatric nurse. I like to think that abuse and insults I must endure from Jen in order to engage with her demonstrates my commitment to the welfare of Westerners of all races and religions, age, marital status and sexual orientation. While Jen complains bitterly that I often question her questionable mental health, my position is that the West is suffering from neurosis if not psychosis and is in denial about many fundamental facts of life. I like to think what I do amounts to putting the entire West on the couch and psychoanalysing its inability to use truth, logic and morality to solve and avoid simple problems. Mental illness is actually a feature of the West nowadays and no one any longer feels ashamed to be mentally ill. I do care about Jen and want her to get better. Indeed, I want everyone else around me to get better by no longer denying Truth, Logic and Morality and submitting to the power and glory of Secular Koranism.  

4:09:00  Jen says I am insane. I say everyone else around me is. 
4:10:00  Impulse control
4:11:00  Filtering craziness with Truth, Logic and Morality. Jen is the pot calling the kettle black when she says expecting others to conform to your ideas of truth is crazy.  
4:14:00  Destigmatising eccentricities. Crazy is when you can't tell cause from effect. This is not as obvious as Jen thinks according to Virgil.
4:16:00  Crazy in love
4:17:00  Gandalf
4:22:00  Secular Koranism
4:25:00  Being a good streamer and streaming personality
4:26:00  Asking intelligent questions
4:28:00  I am not afraid to ask questions. 
4:32:00  If everyone submitted to Truth, Logic and Morality

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