
Friday, 22 May 2020

A safe space for marginalised men

1:00  One woman radio service with her political associates
3:00  A perpetual motion of streams
4:00  The very masculine Lord Sumption
British masculinity resides in Lord Sumption who should be made Dictator of Britain,_Lord_Sumption

In the 1970s, Sumption served as an adviser to the Conservative MP and Cabinet Minister Sir Keith Joseph, He wrote parts of Joseph's controversial 1974 Edgbaston speech, which was generally thought to have doomed Joseph's chances of becoming Leader of the Conservative Party. Sumption and Joseph also co-wrote a 1979 book, Equality, in which they argued that no convincing arguments for an equal society have ever been advanced and that no such society has ever been successfully created.

12:00  100 Years War

16:00  The valuable lesson learned by England after losing the 100 Years War

17:00  Choosing a religion is always a moral and political choice.

18:00  When Christianity began to die

20:00  The end of the dynastic system in China

21:00  Choosing our religion is a moral and political choice.

23:00  Church of Entropy measuring weight with a ruler

27:00  Crisis of masculinity

28:00  A beta male will not accept the authority of another beta male. John Major was a beta male appointed by a woman - Margaret Thatcher - whose authority was never accepted by the other men in his cabinet.

29:00  Civilisations die because of a crisis of masculinity inviting its external and internal enemies to attack their society with ever ferocity until it is finally extinct.

30:00  Atomised beta males with no trusted male figures with whom to collaborate

31:00  Pathetic atomised not worth talking to

32:00  What infuriates me about Jay is that his Islamophobia is so evident and absurd that he continues to insist that his self-help book for alcoholics is better for him and his society than the Koran. Even now, he continues to insist that his beliefs are his "religion" when no one else shares them. He also claims he is someone who believes in God with whom he has "a constant connection" and "enters the kingdom of heaven" as often as he enters the sea when he goes swimming.

When asks what he thinks will happen to him after he is dead, he laughs and says "Nothing" revealing his atheism. When asked whether religion is important, he says "Yes." When asked if Christianity is kaput, he used to say yes, but now says no, probably because admitting that Christianity is kaput would lead to uncomfortable questions about whether it should be replaced and whether it should be replaced by Secular Koranism. When asked if he can think of anything better than Secular Koranism to restore the patriarchy, he says no. When asked if he can think of any political ideology he would prefer to Secular Koranism, he says it is not his position to propose solutions because he knows his place, implying that I do not know mine.

Insofar as Jay actually thinks of a deity, he thinks of a deity completely agreed with him on everything, just more powerful.

The fact is that Jay is an atheist, a nihilist and an Islamophobe who has not yet come to terms with his atheism, nihilism and Islamophobia.

33:00  Emmet Fox
34:00  Church of Divine Science
36:00  The morally compromised men of the alt-right

37:00  OV joins.
41:00  Marginal people
46:00  Why Jay refuses to admit Christianity is kaput
47:00  OV: "You tend to have a more mature audience."
48:00  Jay's Cognitive Dissonance that he was unable to resolve.
50:00  The position of Islam on Christ as a prophet and Christianity as idolatrous.
52:30  Sermon on the Mount

54:00  GANDALF joins.
1:09:00  Hitler on Islam
1:14:00  Brian Ruhe
1:15:00  Following in Hitler's footsteps is a bad idea because Hitler lost the war.

1:17:00  ZUHER joins.
1:32:00  GANDALF makes his excuses and goes.
1:39:00  CK speaks.
1:49:00  Alexander the Great
1:56:00  Gandalf comes back and they talk about ethnicity.
2:08:00  INDIAN MAN joins.
2:14:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins
2:34:00  Israel should be light unto the nations.
2:35:00  We need to refer to scripture to evaluate the effectiveness of a religion.
2:36:00  The effectiveness of Judaism is that it has kept Jews together and apart from others after 2000 years in the diaspora.
2:37:00  We have to distinguish between a species of animal and a tribe within the human race.
2:37:30  Gandalf interferes pointlessly with quantum material and panpsychism and quantum states. He affirms his loyalty to Church of Entropy.
2:39:00  Jews are the most ancient and powerful tribe.
2:40:00  India is a fallen civilisation because it has been forced to adopt representative democracy. Vincent points out that Israel is a liberal democracy. Israel is of course an American Protectorate.
2:41:00  "India is the world's largest democracy"
2:43:00  Blaming Jews for everything gives them supreme power over you.
2:44:00  Beliefs dictate our actions.
2:45:00  The flaw in human psychology
2:45:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
2:48:00  OV agrees with me about understanding of his position ie that Western Man is now keener to be seen to be nice since he no longer has to compete for food and shelter with others.
2:51:00  OV blames Jews for globohomo.
2:52:00  Transgenderism
2:53:00  Puppet masters
2:55:00  Liberal Jews and Jews with a Jewish agenda
2:59:00  The category error  of conflating Jews with Liberalism
3:00:00  Abusing liberalism with the 1964 Civil Rights Act
3:01:00  ACLU, ADL
3:02:00  Jews became American citizens in 1790.
3:07:00  Christianity now so corrupted it is conflated with Liberalism by historians like Tom Holland, and no one even challenges him because British intellectuals are now intellectually corrupt.
3:08:00  The Jen God
3:09:00  The rule of law in Hinduism is absent
3:11:00  OV cites a list deities.
3:13:00  Muslims agree that the Koran is God's Word.
3:15:00  Even Brahmins have not read the Vedas.
3:15:30  Vincent talks about the caste system.
3:17:00  The Hindu rule of law of the caste system
3:21:00  A more flexible caste system based on the attributes of individuals
3:22:00  Priesthood v Judiciary
3:23:00  Quantum Mechanics is not relevant to morality.
3:24:00  Noahide laws
3:25:00  Even ethno-nationalist countries have minorities. My concern is how women and minorities are to be treated.
3:27:00  Hitler and China
3:28:00  China is civic nationalist.
3:30:00  OV accuses me of being Conops.
3:31:00  Badges of national identity
You can predict that a Jew and Muslim will not be eating pork and that a Hindu will not be eating beef. Our beliefs dictate our actions and law is the algorithm of human beings.
3:32:00  OV disagrees that religion is the defining characteristic of a group.
3:33:00  E Michael Jones: no religion, no identity.

"Ethnicity is based on religion."

3:33:00  "Muslim countries are basket cases after being exploited by Western imperialism, therefore Islam is inferior."
3:34:00  Jews command the narrative because they were the first to establish it.
3:35:00  I mock the idea of creating a caste system in America.
3:37:00  The warrior class and the Praetorian Guard
3:38:00  The priesthood tends to be aristocracy. What's so good about the aristocracy?
3:40:00  Siddhartha
3:42:00  Gandalf: "Buddhism is a corruption of Hinduism and nihilistic."
3:49:00  Hannibal > Alexander

3:54:00  ELLIOTT joins.
4:33:00  China
4:43:00  OV admits his envy of Jews.
4:49:00  StreamYard

4:50:00  DOMINGO joins.
4:57:00  Hitler
5:05:00  The Sackler dynasty’s ruthless marketing of painkillers has generated billions of dollars—and millions of addicts.
5:10:00  If Jews commit crimes because they are Jewish, do Christians commit crimes because they are Christians, and do Muslims commit crimes because they are Muslims?

How many Jews are there and how many criminals are Jewish?
How many Christians are there and how many criminals are Christian?
How many Muslims are there and how many criminals are Muslims?
How many atheists are there and how many criminals are atheists?
Are Muslims less likely to steal and be sex offenders since their rules against stealing and extramarital sex are clearer?

5:11:00  OV: "Jews commit crimes because they are chosen."
5:13:00  Jews have more group solidarity.
5:15:00  OV is atheist.
5:17:00  Group solidarity
5:18:00  East Asian countries are suffering from a low birth rate.
5:19:00  Blaming Jews for everything means giving them God-like powers.
5:20:00  Zuher earlier accused OV of conferring on Jews God-like powers by blaming them for everything.
5:22:00  OV says Jews are "sore losers".
5:23:00  Why Jews rebelled against the Romans
5:25:00  Idolatry
5:26:00  Jewish diaspora
5:33:00  Constantine the Great - deathbed conversion to Christianity on 337
5:40:00  Breaking the Sabbath technically means death for a Jew.
5:41:00  Jews are members of a tribe.
5:42:00  Religious and political conflict in Israel
5:44:00  Culture > Ethnicity
5:47:00  OV blames Jews for feminism.
5:48:00  OV: "Jews promote feminism."
5:49:00  Feminism lowers the price of sex.
5:50:00  Men want the best of both worlds: to fuck sluts and marry a virgin bride.
5:51:00  Why Conops is a feminist
5:52:00  A culture of fornication
5:54:00  Slut-shaming
5:56:00  Feminism bribes men with fornication.
5:57:00  Challenging the culture of fornication identifies one as a heretic.
5:59:00  Married sex is the most expensive form of sex.
6:00:00  The fun part of feminism
6:01:00  Who is a slut?
6:02:00  Deflowering a virgin
6:07:00  Talking about sluts ....
6:08:00  Sex is a drug but fornication is a mortal sin.
6:11:00  Adultery is a sexual offence in some American states
6:16:00  The Sex Revolution and the pill corrupting the morals of women
6:19:00  Good sex before marriage distracts us from choosing our spouse wisely.

6:21:00  DOMINGO rejoins.
6:22:00  Jews following their religious principles would have greater group solidarity than gentiles who have no religion.
6:23:00  RENEE
6:24:00  French Revolution
6:28:00  CEOs who sociopaths and psychopaths
6:30:00  Ashkenazi Jews
6:36:00  OV rejoins.
6:38:00  Hollywood
6:39:00  Kinsey Report
6:40:00  Pederasty
6:41:00  Male circumcision in the US
6:42:00  Conflating Jews with Liberalism
6:43:00  People like to watch sex and violence
6:45:00  The new Star Wars
6:47:00  US Censorship
6:54:00  One party state
6:55:00  AIPAC
6:57:00  An irrelevant interruption about pederasty

7:01:00  The Secret Police
7:03:00  Testing the integrity of politicians
7:05:00  Religion
7:06:00  The right to porn?
7:07:00  Jewish identity politics
7:10:00  Omerta
7:11:00  The role of religion
7:12:00  Violence and fear of violence
7:15:00  Theocracy
7:16:00  The Koran as the Book of Rules of my proposed one party theocracy

7:18:00  The arrival of aliens on earth would not invalidate Allah because He is the Lord of the Universe anyway.
7:19:00  The necessary rigidity and flexibility of using the Koran as your constitution in a changing world
7:20:00  A Ministry of Objections and Suggestions
7:21:00  HR
7:23:00  Keeping people happy
7:24:00  Whistle-blowers and how every man has his price
7:28:00  If Christians are kaput, doesn't it mean that Christianity is kaput?
7:30:00  OV: "Jews are bullies."
7:31:00  Ben Shapiro
7:32:00  Rabbi Kahane
7:33:00  Lebensraum
7:35:00  Hitler becoming dictator
7:37:00  Hitler's greatest mistake
7:38:00  Churchill
7:39:00  Rothschilds
7:41:00  Invading Poland
7:42:00  Subverting the morals of women results in subverting your entire society.
7:40:00  Claire Khaw > Church of Entropy
7:46:00  Doooovid
7:47:00  OV > Church of Entropy
8:00:00  Joe Rogan and Spotify
8:12:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz on OV
8:24:00  Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values.
8:26:00  Jay
8:27:00  "Gradually, I began to hate them."
8:29:00  Why I had that flag and gun photo taken
8:32:00  Brian Ruhe
8:37:00 GANDALF
8:38:00  Jay is the British Old Guy and Brian Ruhe is Nazi Old Guy.
8:41:00  Liberalism is matriarchy.
8:47:00  The traditions and instincts of the American people
8:48:00  A marriage between the old and the new for the future of your nation
8:49:00  The design flaw of the oligarchy
8:50:00  History of political parties
8:51:00  Articles of Confederation, Battle of Yorktown
8:53:00  The Anti-Federalists
8:54:00  Tax revolts
8:58:00  Benjamin Franklin
9:01:00  A central government
9:02:00  Public health
9:03:00  Bill Gates
9:04:00  Infrastructure
9:05:00  Education, science and culture
9:06:00  The historical narrative of your nation
9:07:00  The political establishment

9:13:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
9:22:00  Syllogisms
9:24:00  Religion controls the beliefs of people and their actions.
9:25:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
9:26:00  Opinion-formers
9:28:00  Analytical minds
9:29:00  Narratives
9:31:00  Leaders
9:32:00  Background and culture
9:33:00  Natural hierarchy
9:34:00  Hegelian dialectic of linear progression
9:35:00  A Theory of Everything
9:37:00  Which theory is more effective?
9:39:00  People like Jen who reject what I say because they hate me
9:41:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
9:42:00  Coolness
9:45:00  Being a role model
9:50:00  Maximum compliance, the Noahide laws and their principles
9:51:00  Incentives
9:52:00  Laws to protect
9:53:00  Changing the laws
9:54:00  The system
9:55:00  Virtue
9:56:00  Lobbyists
9:58:00  DOMINGO rejoins.
10:00:00  How opinions are formed
10:03:00  Critical thinking v Post hoc rationalisation
10:05:04  Knowing the difference between valid and sound arguments
10:07:00  Dunning-Kruger
10:09:00  HR
10:10:00  Everyone has a price.
10:11:00  Integrity v Income
10:13:00  Social status
10:18:00  The Path of Supreme Knowledge
10:19:00  Learning from mistakes
10:20:00  Analysing the motives of an actor
10:23:00  I come from a long line of slave-owners, apparently.
10:25:00  Church of Entropy wants to ban me.
10:30:00  Organic growth
10:33:00  The balance of terror
10:37:00  China - The Three Kingdoms
10:38:00  Ageing population
10:40:00  Suicide in China and Russia
10:45:00  Putin and Chabad
10:47:00  Aversion therapy for alcoholics
10:50:00  History of China
10:55:00  Secular Koranism
11:01:00  India and Indians
11:03:00  Trump and his son-in-law
11:04:00  Salvitri Devi

11:09:00  Vedas Church of Entropy calls them "shadows on a wall".
There is no rule of law in the Vedas.

11:16:00  The revelation of Church of Entropy is revealed to Domingo who is astounded at the chutzpah of Church of Entropy.
11:23:00  Church of Entropy is a snake oil saleswoman.
11:28:00  The ultimate procrastination
11:29:00  Gandalf's past life
11:37:00  Dayananda Saraswati

11:38:00  I want to enslave Church of Entropy and make her sit examinations that I will set and mark until she gives me the correct answer or becomes a Secular Koranist, whichever is sooner. from 15:00

11:50  The credibility of Church of Entropy

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

AI fun with Secular Koranism with @realvinbruno #7 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 8, 2025 1:00...