
Sunday, 17 May 2020

Analysing the beliefs and motivations of my alt-right community

das Verhalten der Schüler

8:58 AM
Claire Khaw
​If you are using an oral tradition, it means you are pre-writing and therefore more primitive than someone with a written tradition.

8:59 AM
Claire Khaw
​If you want the rule of law, you will want it written down.

9:01 AM
Claire Khaw
​Church of Entropy demonstrates how Dunning Kruger works.

9:13 AM
Claire Khaw
​Listen to Church of Entropy obscuring the truth and pretending she knows more than others when she does not.

9:13 AM
​i have an affinity towards gnosticism

9:14 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Gnosticism is just hocus pocus though.

9:14 AM
​got me , ill convert to islam now lol

9:15 AM
Claire Khaw
​Why would you not choose the best religion for your people?

9:16 AM
Claire Khaw
​Church of Entropy uses her status and sex to assert all kinds of rubbish to men in the class below her.

9:17 AM
Claire Khaw
​Church of Entropy leads you down blind alleys about what could or couldn't have happened in the past when what is required is to decide what the problem is and what is its solution.

9:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Why would you not choose the best religion for your people and why is it so hard to work out which is the best one from the five world religions available?

9:20 AM
Claire Khaw
​It bemuses me why what is so blindingly obvious to me is apparently invisible to so many people.

9:21 AM
Claire Khaw
​People whose time don't matter spend days, weeks, months and years arguing about something that is completely irrelevant to their problems.

9:22 AM
Perennial Koenig
​wow this is getting interesting

9:22 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Perennial Koenig Are you being ironic?

9:23 AM
Claire Khaw
​Why would anyone who cares about solving their political problems give a shit about proto-European languages? Church of Entropy focuses on that to give her Entropism credibility.

9:23 AM
Perennial Koenig

9:24 AM
Perennial Koenig
​I am being truthful

9:24 AM
Perennial Koenig
​Beefore this, i wasn't so interested

9:24 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​Norv the KIng !!

9:24 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Perennial Koenig Why do you care about Indo-European history?

9:25 AM
Perennial Koenig
​@Claire Khaw don't read me too deeply. I am a simple person.

9:25 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Perennial Koenig What is your religion?

9:26 AM
Perennial Koenig
​@Claire Khaw Because i am interested in History. I always how the European mummies were found in the Xiao He rigion

9:26 AM
Perennial Koenig

9:27 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Perennial Koenig Are you Oriental?

9:27 AM
Perennial Koenig

9:27 AM
Perennial Koenig
​Ia m like u

9:27 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Perennial Koenig That's very interesting. Why are you interested in the alt-right?

9:29 AM
Perennial Koenig
​IDK, I feel that the winner writes the history so most things that happened, we may not know truthfully.

9:29 AM
Perennial Koenig
​So i do like to find out the truth every here and there

9:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​Which is more likely to determine behaviour? a) Race b) Religion

9:30 AM

9:30 AM
Perennial Koenig

9:31 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Can you cite evidence or examples to support your position?

9:31 AM
​yes , this current conversation

9:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia Anyone who will discuss for hours, days, weeks, months and years Indo-European history as if it had any relevance to our political problems is a charlatan, low IQ and has time to waste.

9:34 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Would you agree that religion is important to national identity?

9:35 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia You are just here to amuse yourself the way people used to visit asylums and watch the insane for entertainment.

9:38 AM
Claire Khaw
​Who are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe? The religion of the most powerful empires in the world are derived from Judaism.

9:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​Norvin is motivated by hatred if he cannot acknowledge that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.

9:39 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​Indians colonized rugged europeans LOL what's the chance of that happening !

9:43 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​Claire is motivated by her lust for European man !

9:43 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​It's ok, you can admit it !

9:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Monotheism is clearly a more advanced idea than polytheism. Why can't people see that?

9:43 AM
Spiritual Mamzer
​Claire is motivated by her lust of western ...... woman

9:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​All women are hypergamous. Why would I be interested in degenerates other than a desire to regenerate them?

9:44 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​LOL !

9:45 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​She would dominate ur frail frame !

9:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Spiritual Mamzer I naturally go for the highest status person, being female and hypergamous. Church of Entropy is indeed the highest status person here.

9:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia Mmmmmmmm!

9:46 AM
​Claire is motivated by skinny woman with HUUUUGE BUSHES like cushions

9:46 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​I like hypergamous women, cuz im high status !

9:50 AM
Claire Khaw
​Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. The best way of protecting Jews and gentiles is to put Jews on a Register to protect them and gentiles from each other

9:52 AM
Claire Khaw
​Antisemitism is directly linked to how little Jews promote the Noahide laws. The quickest and most effective way of Jews promoting the Noahide laws would be for Israel to adopt Secular Koranism.

10:01 AM
Claire Khaw
​The common ground between Church of Entropy and Norvin is that they reject all the Abrahamic faiths. The former rejects the Abrahamic faiths as a monotheist and Norvin rejects them as a polytheist.

10:05 AM
Claire Khaw
​Is the Entropism of Church of Entropy more powerful than Norvin's polytheism? Church of Entropy is more high status, so she wins on that basis alone. She also has the services of the loyal Gandalf.

10:07 AM
Claire Khaw
​Your rejection of the most obvious solution of your problem - the failure of Christianity and the adoption of Secular Koranism - is based on hatred and fear rather than reason.

@Mr. Dalmatia Church of Entropy sees white people as the means to the end of her own self-glorification. I am here to protect white people from having too much of their time wasted by her nonsense.

10:11 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
Agreed claire, u genuinely care about white ppl. Jenny uses the situation to promote her personal image !

10:11 AM
Claire Khaw
​As we can see, Church of Entropy and Gandalf prop up each other. They are both North American middle class college-educated deniers of the Abrahamic God and it makes sense on that level.

10:17 AM
Claire Khaw
​The thing to note is that one-stop shopping is a more advanced idea than just shopping in different shops. Monotheism is therefore a more advanced idea than polytheism.

10:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​You are not going to get your cult religion accepted unless you are high status or capable of convincing people you are divine. Church of Entropy claims she is the incarnation of as Hindu sage.

10:21 AM
Claire Khaw
​Church of Entropy constant harping on about physics from her degree in physics gives the impression of greater knowledge compared to the low status Norvin who practices polytheism.

10:23 AM
Claire Khaw
​Because most men would still want to have sex with Church of Entropy than Norvin who is also higher status than him and better educated, Jen will always win this "debate".

10:25 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Norvin Hobbs Neither you nor Church of Entropy can win a debate against me, but I am telling you why you will always lose to Jen: because they would rather have sex with her than you.

10:29 AM
Claire Khaw
​I lose the "debate" to @Jay Walker because he is an Islamophobe who doesn't care about the arguments. Such people will outnumber those who accept the truth, logic and morality of Secular Koranism

10:35 AM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic I have to stay in the West to promote Secular Koranism where it is most needed.

10:38 AM
Claire Khaw
​Jay Walker refuses to 2 and 2 together to make 4 because of his Islamophobia. There is no other solution other than Secular Koranism, but Jay will then say he is not interested in solutions.

10:38 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​i would love to see Claire give Jenny 100 lashes !

10:38 AM
​i would love to see Jen sucking on Claires foot bound toes

10:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE Jews are part of the solution and the problem in the same way that gentiles are also part of the problem and the solution.

10:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia Church of Entropy is not an unmarried parent, is she? My proposed tariff for punishment is 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.

10:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​Are we agreed that all advanced civilisations are patriarchies and that all primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies and that the West is a matriarchy?

10:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents.

10:50 AM
Claire Khaw
​@It's okay to be a self hating jew I am happy to admit that I have got my ideas from a variety of sources. The important thing is not their originality but whether they make sense.

10:52 AM
Claire Khaw
​@It's okay to be a self hating jew Gandalf is eternally child-like and therefore not credible.

10:54 AM
Claire Khaw
​The apparently eternal worship of Hitler by antisemites is simply to worship the man-god that most powerfully and recently represents antisemitism.

10:56 AM
Claire Khaw
​There is absolutely no attempt to analyse problems and consider the most appropriate solution. The deliberate policy of offending Jews and saying rude words comes from despair and hopelessness.

10:58 AM
Claire Khaw
​My analysis of the arguments and agenda of the various personalities promoting their own ideologies as well as their alliances, rivalries and positions is second to none.

11:02 AM
Claire Khaw
​Gandalf has no self-awareness of his position and status. No one would buy any religion or political ideology from someone like him - a bachelor with no prospect of finding a marriageable woman.

11:04 AM
Claire Khaw
​The fact that Gandalf cleaves to Church of Entropy so much is because she gives him the white middle class college-educated female validation that he craves so much as a white male graduate.

11:05 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​Claire, great assessment of their relationship ! Gandalf's a simp !

11:06 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia Gandalf is just one of the many larpers here. I am really the only genuine political activist here who has a solution that is being actively promoted.

11:07 AM
A Rational Lunatic
​You're certainly not a Laper, Claire, at least in your own mind.

11:08 AM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic Church of Entropy is cruel, capricious and treacherous, but I have sworn to give her my unconditional love because I have to reach out to the Archetype of Western Woman.

11:09 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia Sadly, Church of Entropy is stuck in arrested adolescence. Those who never become parents have a higher probability of suffering from arrested adolescence.

11:11 AM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic I am grateful to you for acknowledging my identity as a political activist and not confusing me with the larpers.

11:13 AM
Mr. Dalmatia
​You dont have to look at anyone to know its a scam. 80% of those dying are over 60 and have diabetes !

11:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​China is so obviously not interested in territorial expansion.

11:30 AM
A Rational Lunatic
​Israel is interested in close relations with China, since they know the US is going down.

11:32 AM
Claire Khaw
​The Chinese will buy things cheap in the fire sales of the West. Western nations might be begging the Chinese to help them run their governments with Chinese ideas eg Social Credit.

11:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic I agree with your assessment. It is really annoying having to deal with people who don't know their own mind from one moment to the next who still insist on giving you bad advice.

11:38 AM
Claire Khaw
​The Chinese are a nation of parents with only children. The Chinese government is not interested in subjecting its citizens to the loss of their only children.

11:41 AM
Claire Khaw
​The strategy of Church of Entropy: to corral the low status low IQ men to intimidate with violence the high IQ high status men because only low status low IQ men would be fooled and motivated by her charlatanry.

11:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​The men Church of Entropy sucks up to are degenerates like Luke Ford, JF, Halsey, Christopher Cantwell whose degeneracy she thinks makes them easy for her to control.

11:45 AM
​Gandalf never had it too lose it

11:46 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE That is one of your wisest comments.

11:46 AM
Claire Khaw
​Church of Entropy is so fun KNEEEEEEE! That's why I love her, I suppose, though I know she would eviscerate me at the first opportunity.

11:49 AM
​@Church of Entropy we really do love you, we just want too make you better

11:49 AM
A Rational Lunatic
​Claire is asking you to unban her on your channel. And she wants you to invite her on something called WiR. She ends the message with darling. @Church of Entropy

11:50 AM
Church of Entropy
​ya .... thats not going to happen @A Rational Lunatic

11:50 AM
A Rational Lunatic
​That's a no, Claire.

11:50 AM
Church of Entropy
​she was told not to @ me in chats during her stalk-a-thon and she was warned twice and then i blocked her

11:50 AM
Church of Entropy
​i do not allow accounts i have blocked to comment in my stream chat

11:50 AM
​@Church of Entropy what about me sweetheart

11:51 AM
Church of Entropy
​if claire is displeased with how things have gone for her re: me, she might want to blame herself

11:53 AM
Claire Khaw
​I love that the snorty-sigh of @Volksgemeinschaft

11:55 AM
Claire Khaw
​I am so magnanimous and generous that I allow Church of Entropy to post on my live chat and appear on my streams. She, however, is frightened of my truth.

11:59 AM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic Gandalf likes to larp as "the father" of his "people" when in fact no rational man would dream of following him.

12:01 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE Church of Entropy and Gandalf have vowed to always stay together on streams for mutual support.

12:02 PM
​@Claire Khaw lol Gandolf is such a limp wristed mincing little poodle

12:14 PM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic Larpers are more interested in larping than developing their ideas or the narrative. That is why I have not been able to change people's minds.

12:16 PM
Mr. Dalmatia
​Claire's sultry voice is irresistable !

12:19 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Mr. Dalmatia You are very kind.

12:19 PM
Mr. Dalmatia
​And handsome, Claire !

12:19 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​You're flirting, Calaire?

12:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic Do you want me to flirt with you too?

12:20 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​You too? Who are you flirting with on the side?

12:20 PM
Mr. Dalmatia
​I wont allow tha !

12:20 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​Mr. Dalmatia is jelous.

12:21 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft I am afraid I am too busy flirting in the chat to come on. You can best entertain your listeners by asking @Church of Entropy why she won the personal/impersonal god debate.

Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?

Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?

12:21 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​She is a flirter this one.

12:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​My energies are focused on persuading @Church of Entropy to become the first female Secular Koranist.

12:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic I am just seething at how much time and energy @Church of Entropy attracts because she is a passably attractive female graduate capable of distracting you from the task at hand.

12:42 PM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic Not really, for I have sworn to give @Church of Entropy my unconditional love to get the essential female validation I need for Secular Koranism.

12:42 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​So you are a lesbian?

12:42 PM
Mr. Dalmatia
​The fact that Jenny is a female (we think) and seeking leadership, speaks volumes !

12:42 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​No wonder then.

12:43 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​Claire loves the CoE.

12:44 PM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic I probably won't be able to say no if @Church of Entropy made a move on me, to be honest. But I know she is more likely to want to kill me than seduce me.

12:44 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​Is that permitted in the Quran?

12:44 PM
Church of Entropy
​<happy i blocked claire

12:44 PM
Mr. Dalmatia
​The lunatic is on the grass !

12:44 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​You should read this, Jen, it's gold.

12:44 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​But maybe you've heard it before.

12:45 PM
Claire Khaw
​@A Rational Lunatic Lewd acts between women can only be a crime if witnessed by four witnesses. I am not an exhibitionist.

12:45 PM
A Rational Lunatic
​Four witnesses, let's get it on!

12:53 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Don't let Jen waste your time with Entropism. Support Secular Koranism now!

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