
Sunday, 17 May 2020

There is no law without government


2:19 AM Claire Khaw​ Jews control gentiles with usury. Secular Koranism would abolish usury. The answer to Western political and economic problems is obvious: SECULAR KORANISM.

2:34 AM Claire Khaw​ God divided humanity into Jew and gentile to make them punish each other for their transgressions against God's laws. Surely this is obvious to the meanest intelligence?

1:00  No law without government.
2:00  Secular State v Theocracy
5:00  Have our channels been suppressed?
8:00  Swiss Man from Spacepan's channel
9:00  When OV won the argument against Spacepan
10:00  "Tired and emotional"
11:00  Lockdown Switzerland declared by the matriarchy of Switzerland.
12:00  Disputes between parties have to be arbitrated or we really would be living with the law of jungle
14:00  Social contract and voluntarism
15:00  The meaning of words are always being misunderstood and used incorrectly.

24:00  CK: Courts need to be run by governments.

28:00  Impermanence implies lack of accountability.
33:00  The matriarchy hates Putin because he is governing in the Russian national interest.
48:00  Xi Jinping
49:00  Chabad
51:00  "Shit out infinity kids" is a constant theme by the childless Church of Entropy
52:00  Swiss Man on demographics

53:00  Gandalf's temporary absence.
57:00  Demographics in Eastern Europe
58:00  Indifference of Western governments to the racial composition of their population
59:00  Russian foreign policy
1:01:00  Globalist New World Order
1:02:00  Frenemies
1:03:00  Western governments don't care about the demographics of NEETs.
1:06:00  Golf club membership once excluded Jews in America.
1:07:00  Churchill and imperialism
1:08:00  Jewish leftists of Russia
1:10:00  DOMINGO joins.  War finance
1:11:00  Swiss Man: "Wars were logical."
1:17:00  Why are civil wars "eugenic" as Church of Entropy claims?
1:26:00  Tacitus
1:27:00  Julian Dynasty
1:30:00  Christianity
1:31:00  Semantic disagreement
1:32:00  Chinese whispers
1:33:00  Christianity is "Jewish".
1:34:00  Pauline Christianity
1:35:00  Paganised Christianity
1:37:00  Church of Entropy says she "absolutely believes in [her impersonal ie not Abrahamic] God".
1:39:00  Kali
1:44:00  River Jordan and River Rubicon
1:46:00  Julius Caesar
1:47:00  JC and JC
1:48:00  "The king of kings"
1:50:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.

1:52:00  Scripture has divine and moral authority.

1:56:00  ELLIOTT joins to talk about catalytic converters being stolen from cars in broad daylight.
1:57:00  Being the Chosen People
1:58:00  Better To Be Atheist Than Christian Rav Asher Meza Vs Dooovid Vs Claire Khaw
2:02:00  Torah
2:03:00  Judaism
2:08:00  Boomer Conservative Christians are Zionist.

2:08:30  DOMINGO asking about my army.
2:10:00  Secular Koranism
2:11:00  Domingo says he will be neutral between Church of Entropy and me.
2:12:00  People confuse what is unpopular with what is not viable.
2:13:00  The morons and vegetables in the chat
2:14:00  Jon Vance and Gilbert Salgado
2:14:30  Antisemites and Islamophobes without religion who cannot see what it is that the Jews and Muslims they are always complaining about have: a protective religion.

2:15:00  I wish to sell Secular Koranism directly to the political establishment of the West, but they only listen to each other and have more or less closed their eyes and ears to Truth, Logic and Morality. 

2:16:00 Gandalf denies that he is an antisemite, but whatever he says, he is fundamentally an Islamophobe because he is rejecting Islam out of hand just because it is not the religion of his ancestors and has said he refuses to read it.

Church of Entroyp denies she is "anti-patriarchy". People will pay lip service to restoring the patriarchy, of course, but refuse to adopt the only thing that would make it a reality: slut-shaming Secular Koranism that would treat unmarried parents with illegitimate offspring as sex offenders. They refuse to support the punishment of 100 lashes for unmarried parents for each illegitimate offspring.

2:17:00  Gandalf's wish list politics of absolute monarchy

2:19:00  Curt Doolittle

2:20:00  Church of Entropy claims to be a social reformer.

2:22:00  Might is right.

2:23:00  "Philo-Entropic"

2:24:00  Honourable and influential people who are also honest and rational would choose Secular Koranism over Entropism.

2:25:00  Brundlefly


2:28:00  Gandalf: " ... stupid shit like the Big Bang ... crazy desert religion ... Holy Grail "

2:30:00  Church of Entropy questioned about her unsympathetic attitude towards Gandalf.

2:32:00  "Bad faith questions"
2:33:00  Gandalf sounded like he was homeless.
2:38:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
2:40:00  Seasonal Affective Disorder
2:42:00  Doooovid
2:47:00  Mein Kampf
2:50:00  Why Spring can be depressing
2:59:00  The city with the lesbian mayor
3:00:00  When Gandalf was red-pilled from being a good liberal
3:05:00  Kade
3:18:00  Spring suicide and post-Valentine Day suicide
3:26:00  Aaron Amihud's theory on Gandalf's disappearance
3:28:00  Gandalf was spooked by Covid-19.
3:31:00  Dictator and introvert
3:32:00  Gandalf's school days
3:38:00  General Patton, reincarnation and Alexander the Great
3:39:00  OV, diplomat and philosopher
3:40:00  Most profound truths are paradoxical.
3:41:00  Church of Entropy talks about war.
3:42:00  Aristotle was Alexander's tutor.

3:44:00  CONOPS joins with his trademark hum.

3:49:00  Church of Entropy links Jews with Alexander the Great. OV points out that she is making a "Claire Khaw Argument". I have no idea what he means.
3:50:00  Church of Entropy says European imperialism was funded by Jews.
3:52:00  According to Church of Entropy, Jews completely controlled Europeans after the Council of Nicaea.
3:53:00  "Strategic funding" of the wars of Europeans by Jews
3:57:00  "Jewish imperialism"
4:00:00  When did European imperialism begin?
4:01:00  Which war of European imperialism did Jews fund? Babylonian exile
4:03:00  Solon
4:04:00  Jews promoted Christianity.


Claire Khaw
​Church of Entropy's standard response to everything: "It's called science, idiot!"

4:20:00  The profile of a shill
4:20:30  A shill and a dupe are different things.
4:26:00  The Portuguese and Spanish Inquisition
4:41:00  Public banking - what does Church of Entropy know about this?
4:42:00  Church of Entropy serves up a word salad.
4:44:00  Church of Entropy monologues.
4:45:00  "The progression of the European empire"
4:46:00  Church of Entropy claims I could not answer the question "Where does money come from?" She never asked me that question.
4:49:00  Hitler
4:53:00  Race-based theosophy
4:57:00  Mel Gibson
5:00:00  Brahmins
5:01:00  "Scientific religion"
5:02:00  Buddhism - apparently, I am a terrible person because of Buddhism.
5:05:00  Ethnicity and heritage
5:06:00  Theocracy and religion
5:14:00  "Convincing the intellectual elite" - that would be philosophers and rabbis.
5:18:00  "Gang up on Jen." Jen is quite a good mimic really.
5:21:00  I am asleep and do not respond to their calls.
5:26:00  Trashy people
5:30:00  Only Conops can make Ov squeal like a school girl. Oo-er!
5:33:00  "Philo-Entropic"

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