
Thursday, 7 May 2020

Church of Entropy confused thoughts on morality

It starts with an enormous word salad.

3:00  Jen says the Big Bang didn't happen provoking giggles in JF.

22:00  Red-shifting

40:00  JF calls Jen "insane".

4:00  No visuals, Church of Entropy admitted that she found it hard to explain.
6:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis

9:00  Big Bang

30:00  You are a nihilist if you are atheist.

31:00  Love of sin is the reason for atheism.

33:00  JF is known for the Deadly Sin of Lust.

38:00  Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.

39:00  The atheist prefers to enjoy sexual liberation than to follow His laws.

40:00  Roosh V on Cotto-Gottfried

41:00  Marriage is supported by all the world religions. We know Christianity is kaput because the West no longer supports marriage, which is eugenic and instead condones bastardy, which is dysgenic. That is the reason why Westerners and Western government are getting stupider, more corrupt and angry and looking to blame everyone else but themselves eg Jews, Muslims, non-whites, women and now the Chinese for the failure of their religion and political system which is apparently so wonderful until all those Jews came along and subverted their wonderful religion that they cannot now bring themselves to believe because the absurdity of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God actually makes them angry and ill.

43:00  Chastity comes from religion.

44:00  Yep, Jen really does yearn to believe in the Abrahamic God but her Deadly Sin of Pride causes the antisemitism and Islamophobia that prevents her from asking her father if he has any Jewish heritage or reading the Koran to honestly and rationally challenge Secular Koranism, if that is what she wishes to do. Jen's circular logic

45:00  Torah or Freud. A coherent belief system

48:00  Christianity and Islam were attempts by gentiles to compete with or "attach themselves to Jews"

50:00  Christianity rejected for feminism.

55:00  Doooovid says Jen is misusing words again.

56:00  Chastity cannot be derived from atheism and nihilism.

57:00  Jen: "Morality is something to do with consciousness."

58:00  Jen: "We don't agree on axioms." We cannot even agree on the definition of the word we are arguing about. We cannot even agree to on what we are arguing about.

59:00  The definition and purpose of morality

1:02:00  Why call out to Jesus Christ when you are an atheist?

1:03:00  Hypocrisy the tribute vice pays to virtue.

1:04:00  Morality is a preference, according to JF. But we know he talks shit, because he is a nihilist and has admitted to being one. Jen's incoherent ideas on morality. 

1:05:00 The Jesus Christ principle - martyrdom

1:06:00  Civilisation

1:07:00  Being proto-Noahide,  nonsense about consciousness and quantum mind

1:10:00  Jen says the Noahide laws are wrong and then admits she doesn't know what they are.

1:12:00  Doooovid: "Morality contradicts science."

1:13:00  Ahimsa has no power without a spiritual dimension.

1:14:00  How can suffering be objectively measured? I have the answer.

1:17:00  "I don't want to die" is nothing to do with science.

1:19:00  Consciousness

1:20:00  It is perfectly natural to want to murder, gratify ourselves sexually, take what we want etc. Religion is about establishing the rules for living.

1:23:00  The rule of law not mentioned.

1:24:00  Abel and Cain

1:25:00  Hierarchy

1:27:00  Good parenting

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