
Thursday, 7 May 2020

The alt-right are victims of generations of bad parenting

2:00  Church of Entropy on JF on whether the Universe was created or uncreated

3:00  If the Universe was uncreated, we have no purpose. If the Universe was created, it was created for a reason by a Creator who is the Abrahamic God: supreme, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient and perfectly moral who knows our hearts and minds and occasionally answers prayers after making laws for Jews and gentiles to follow. 

5:00  Jainism

6:00  Should we follow the people we admire and envy? Are the people we admire enviable? Are people we envy admirable? If we hate the people we envy, then we would find it harder to follow their rules. 

7:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

9:00  Sacred cows that are profane

10:00  A failed religion

11:00  The morality and sanity of Westerners

12:00  Nihilists and political vandals

14:00  The definition of morality

15:00  I have been on Stefan Molyneux twice.

16:00  The nihilism of JF and Jen

JF's Nihilism v Stefan Molyneux's Moral Absolutism

17:00  Noahide laws v Universally Preferable Behaviour

19:00  Blasphemy and idolatry

20:00  The meaning of "proto"

21:00  Who would you choose as leader? a) JF  b) Stefan Molyneux

22:00  The most moral being of all

23:00  Christianity and Islam represents attempts by gentiles to adapt Judaism for themselves.

24:00  Forced conversion of Europeans to Christian by their monarchs

27:00  The Reformation

28:00  The First Amendment

29:00  Libertarianism

30:00  Neanderthal Man v Homo Sapiens

31:00  "Shitting out infinity kids" 

32:00  People of your own race kick you out eg Vikings, Highland Clearances

33:00  The infantile feminine view of the world

34:00  Bad parenting

36:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the consequence of bad parenting.

37:00  Why JF invited Jen

38:00  White middle class college-educated woman to fill airtime on JF and give him status

39:00  The atheist contempt for chastity

40:00  The sexually sated man is politically inert. 

41:00  Short-term thinking

42:00  Truth, Logic and Morality

43:00  Helpful advice

44:00  Rigging the debate

45:00  Personal or impersonal god?

46:00  Grandstanding attention-seeking narcissist

47:00  Atheism/nihilism/impersonal god

48:00  Who would you choose as leader?
a) Someone with principles 
b) Someone who says he has no principles

49:00  "Our way of life", "Western culture" and "Western civilisation"

50:00  Politicians won't be risking the wrath of their degenerate electorate by telling them a few home truths. 

51:00  Measuring mental health

52:00  The Deadly Sin of Pride

53:00  Jen as a regular guest on JF

54:00  Trust and confidence and worshipping moods and emotions

55:00  For some, their delusions may be preferable to Truth, Logic and Morality.

56:00  Feminine privilege

59:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God

1:00:00  Posterity

1:01:00  You cannot derive and ought from an is. 

1:03:00  A passably attractive white middle class college-educated woman to come on to his shitshow would be a sign of status for JF

1:05:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia is the main motivation for the alt-right wanting to ban male circumcision

1:07:00  The breakdown of the moral and political system makes it impossible to organise any moral or political challenge to the status quo that is the degenerate matriarchy.

1:08:00  Parents who have abdicated on their parental responsibility and pretend to be the false friend of their children for an easier life instead of warning and advising them.

1:09:0  The purpose of morality

1:11:00  What is religion for? The alt-right are too afraid to have this discussion.  

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