
Friday 1 May 2020

Is Christianity either morally or intellectually defensible?

My comments are below:

Islam treats religion and politics as the same.

It makes me laugh when Christians forget that the spread of Christianity came with European empires.

It is not too late for Christians to repent of 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy and forcing their absurd, hypocritical and corrupt religion on others.

Jews should repent of not promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles as they were chosen by God to be light unto nations.

Muslims should repent of not obeying God's command in

The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. Islam already knows this while Christians remain in denial. It was Christians who fought two World Wars against each other and who will probably start WW3.

When was Christianity ever "voluntarist"? Europeans were forcibly converted into Christianity unless they were European monarchs who accepted the corrupt bargain of Christianity.

 If you want to worship the Abrahamic God as a gentile, then the only rational and moral choice is Islam since it does not fall foul of God's prohibition against idolatry.

All political and religious ideologies are moral systems. Moral systems with the most longevity are religions because they promote patriarchal moral values. Patriarchal moral values include marriage and family values ie the prohibition of extramarital sex and slut shaming. Christianity is kaput because it was idolatrous to begin with and is in fact an illegitimate religion based on lies and absurdity. Westerners still haven't come to terms with the fact their ancestors were forcibly converted into Christianity by their European monarchs. I guess it is a bit like telling them that some terrible act of child abuse happened to them as children which they have so far managed to repress. It is time for them to come to acknowledge the reality of this abuse and move on to better things.

Idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God. Jews and Muslims believe that God created the Universe and now exists outside it as pure spirit. It is idolatry to confuse God and His Creation.

Jews and Muslims already believe in God without the hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo of the Trinity.

Your Christian chauvinism has been repeatedly expressed. "I prefer my nonsense to your truth."

Why is it wrong to prefer clear rules to the hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo being promulgated by a corrupt and parasitical priesthood who do not even promote Christian principles?

"We only have finite minds and if God were comprehensible to those finite minds then we can reliably say it is not God we are looking at."
God is easily understood through the wisdom of His laws and the existence of Jews, His Chosen People.

The Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and blasphemy.

War is politics by military means.

The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

The Trinity is ipso facto idolatrous.

An alleged instruction in the Old Testament asking Christians to practise what is regarded by Jews as idolatry and blasphemy should be clear and explicit, should it not?

All the information we have about Christ is mere hearsay. It is undeniable that Christians suffer from having an inferior scripture. It is also true that Christians only ever "won the argument" using state intimidation, violence and murder eg the Crusades, the Inquisition. The modern Post-Christian Westerner is now traumatised by the effects of Liberalism and is bereft of moral guidance while filled with self-loathing and neurosis at the idea that his ancestors were forcibly converted to Christianity. The centuries of antisemitism and Islamophobia he has unconsciously ingested with his Christianity as well as his own racial chauvinism makes him unable to stomach any of the Abrahamic faiths. However, like the victim of child sexual abuse, he feels the need to do in turn victimise others in order to pass on his pain and rage at being so comprehensively deceived by his government for so many centuries. The first opportunity England had to become Muslim was in the time of King John.
Sir, Graham Stewart’s historical might-have-been, “The King who wanted Sharia England” (Feb 16), has in fact been in the public domain ever since the publication of my book The Tartar Khan’s Englishman.After 9/11 the American National Review quoted my book, commenting: “If King John had succeeded, the Pilgrim Fathers would have sailed for America with the Koran, and there would now be a United States of Islam. This would have prevented 9/11.”
Gabriel Ronay
London N6

Have you heard of Michael Servetus?

Chesterton was Catholic and Catholics are infamous for their hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo.

Why is it a "mistake" to call out the hypocrisy, idolatry, blasphemy, corruption and the failure of Christianity?

Don't you think it is more prideful to deliberately prefer Christian nonsense when you are outnumbered by the other two Abrahamic faiths who are only following the laws of the Abrahamic God who specifically and explicitly forbade idolatry and blasphemy?

Jews believing themselves to be God's Chosen People and know that their Torah is the first edition of the Abrahamic faiths would feel a certain pride in their ethnic identity. Muslims would believe that their Koran is the final edition of revealed scripture. Christianity is therefore just a rough draft or a practical joke played on humanity by God. contains the response to my comments.

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