
Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Luke Ford LIVE on Western Civilization's low self-esteem (5-18-20)

3:00  Sexual liberation leads ineluctably to dysgenics. The best birth control is to say that only marriage couples married to each other can have legitimate children with each other. Everyone else becomes a sex offender.

4:00  The operation of democracy in an environment of indiscriminate universal education leads to dysgenics. The solution is to have a one party state to restore the patriarchy ie the practice of marriage and family values.

5:00  If all a multi-party system does is create an underclass as voter fodder for the Democrats, then it is time to become a one party state, isn't it?

5:30  The West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human. Christianity is kaput. It was always an illegitimate religion going against the Ten Commandments which forbade idolatry and blasphemy. The Doctrine of the Trinity is idolatry and blasphemy to Jews and Muslims.

7:00  There is no rule of law you can base your theocracy on in the New Testament. Jews and Muslims believe their scripture came from God, but not even Christians claim Christ wrote the New Testament, let alone God Himself. Christians with their illegitimate religion have always suffered from having a clearly inferior scripture.

7:25  To be "infinitely flexible" is to be completely unprincipled. The whole point of having a religion is to be able to claim that you have moral principles derived from your religion. Only a sociopath would regard having an unprincipled religion as a benefit and only someone who has totally misunderstood the nature of a religion would regard having an unprincipled religion as a good in itself.

8:00  What's so amazing about Christianity is how God if He exists has allowed the blasphemy and idolatry of Christianity for 2000 years. It may be an ostentatious display of His reputed patience and forbearance.

Cotto: "Christianity is essentially an empty vessel because it contradicts itself tremendously." The Pauline letters and Hebrews 8:4  contradict each other as to whether Christ even existed and the dates don't add up. "It is a mish-mash up Judaism, paganism and Buddhism."

12:00  Christianity and Democracy are defective ideologies more interested in obtaining large numbers of stupid people than in creating quality outcomes. Being an illegitimate and inferior religion, it is not surprising that any society claiming to be Christian is now failing and faltering. The Post-Christian non-Muslim gentile of the West is always complaining about Jews and Muslims, apparently unable to put two and two together to make four because he is too wilfully blind to notice that the Jews and Muslims he is always complaining about have a better religion while he stews in his moral sewage of globohomo and fatherless families. In the meantime, the Post-Christian Orthodox Jew boasts about the infinite flexibility of Christianity. It is like boasting that hot air is "infinitely flexible".

38:00  The mark of a loser is to attribute all his misfortunes to the malevolence of others.

41:00  The motivations of people who make and watch mixed race porn

1:04:00  Asian women are more realistic about men and therefore prepared to settle for reliable decent beta males rather than go for bad boys with big dicks who will will fuck their room mate, sister, niece etc.

1:05:00  Respecting the institution of marriage = giving it as a sex toy to LGBTs?

If sex outside marriage and bastardy is normalised, men will think to themselves "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

The bastardy rate for America is now 40%. It is 50% in the US and well over 50% in the UK.

As long ago as 1974, a Jew who was Prime Minister in waiting destroyed his career for criticising the morals of unmarried mothers.

1:07:00  Antifa and the alt-right come from the same class of society.
1:08:00  The Church of Antifa

1:20:00  "Political orientation is genetic" - really?

1:20:00  "Left-wing people are more likely to stay in academia than right-wing people" - This is because academia is now left-wing and feminine creating a hostile environment for social conservatives and men, obviously.

1:22:00  "China is more intelligent about imperialism than the West."

1:25:00  Quality Chinese exports: Huawei. For some reason the Chinese were asked to build the UK's HS2 too.

The Chinese do get three years of free secondary education.  Whatever they get is better than the shit they get in Western state education, it would appear.

Education in China is primarily managed by the state-run public education system, which falls under the command of the Ministry of Education. All citizens must attend school for a minimum of nine years, known as nine-year compulsory education, which is funded by the government. Compulsory education includes six years of primary education, typically starting at the age of six or seven, followed by three years of junior secondary education (junior middle school). Some provinces may have five years of primary schooling but four years for junior middle school.

Luke will never visit China and will repeating anti-Chinese views to pander to his audience who will always assume that their white skin makes them effortlessly superior to any non-white by reason of race alone. 

1:33:00  Matt Forney is "great"?

1:37:00  Feminism causes deteriorating gender relations but it is now a sacred cow in the West.

1:38:00  The people having traditional families will be the Muslims you hate and fear because they still want legitimate offspring.

1:40:00  Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. The best way to improve the quality of the national gene pool is to implement Secular Koranism by making the law punishing unmarried parents as sex offenders at 100 lashes per bastard. Contraception should be withheld from everyone except married couples deemed by the government to have completed their families. Licensed prostitutes in legal brothels will also have access to contraception.

2:00:00  The crisis of self-confidence in its economic, moral and political systems will be an opportunity for the West to adopt Secular Koranism to correct its errors.

2:01:00  Douglas Murray is gay.

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