
Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference

2:00  Bishop Williamson, Nationalist Hub, Jared Taylor
3:00  My theological interest
4:00  Operating systems support software. Religion supports politics.
5:00  Separation of church and state
6:00  Sweeping dust under the carpet and sour grapes
7:00  Empire is the objective measure of human achievement.
8:00  Ancient land empires acquired the hard way
9:00  Greenland, Iceland and Viking imperialism
10:00  Transportation of the English working classes to Australia
11:00  Empires of war and lies
12:00  The Pyrrhic victory of the British over Germany in WW1 and WW2
13:00  Is antisemitism a genetic inheritance of Christians?
14:00  Crisis caused by lost wars
15:00  Submitting to correction
16:00  Arbitration and the Supreme Arbitrator
17:00  Christians are more invested in their long-established blasphemy and idolatry than in the correct worship of the Abrahamic God that forbade blasphemy and idolatry in His Ten Commandments.
18:00  The correction of centuries of error and idolatry
19:00  Jews and gentiles blundering blindly towards the edge of the cliff
20:00  Historical perspective
22:00  The Crusades
23:00  No separation of church and mosque
27:00  Why atheists are not as rational as some like to think
29:00  God has not broken any of His own rules.

30:00  Religion is for the purpose of creating great empires that are great civilisations. If great civilisations all rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy, there is a moral to be extracted from the sanctity of marriage that the world religions protect and which secular political ideologies undermine. 

Perhaps the purpose of Jews is to make gentiles wonder at them and the purpose for which God chose them. Islam neatly resolves the question through its bargain with Jews to accept Islam for the sake of acquiring Greater Israel peacefully.

31:00  The Liberal Gentile is responsible for the Liberal Jew.

32:00  The sacred cow of Liberalism that needs to be slain and then replaced by Secular Koranism.

33:00  Tom Holland conflates Christianity with Liberalism.

35:00  2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy

36:00  UnIslamic warfare

37:00  Successful imperial wars after which jizya or a conversion can be exacted.

38:00  The antisemitism of the New Testament

39:00  Arabs are also a Semitic people.

40:00  Christianity is the odd one out.

41:00  State intimidation and the British constitution

42:00  Short term expediency

45:00  First, choose your lifestyle choice based on the kind of sex you prefer to have and whether you want legitimate offspring, then choose your political ideology to support your lifestyle choice.  

47:00  Matriarchal indoctrination starts at primary school at the age 5.

48:00  Matriarchal collusion to facilitate extramarital sex and gender dysphoria and by extension mental illness. Extramarital sex is now the opium of the people.

49:00  Wasting time

50:00  Atheists are generally nihilists who are also sexually liberated hedonists indifferent to posterity, the long term national interest and the deteriorating quality of the national gene pool.

51:00  Low birth rate = uncontrolled immigration

52:00  Dysgenic policies

53:00  The objective first needs to be defined before we can decide whether the course being pursued is rational or moral.

56:00  The purpose of morality

57:00  Our religion states our principles.

58:00  The modus operandi of men in a matriarchy

59:00  Deductive reasoning

1:00:00  Theocracy

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