
Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The nature of mental illness

1:00  The willfully blind
4:00  The definition of mental illness: a persistent inability to use Truth, Logic and Morality to solve and avoid problems
5:00  Discussing the nature and purpose morality and moral principles
6:00  Ignoring Truth, Logic and Morality leads to self-deception
7:00  Denying the obvious
8:00  Bad parenting leading to infantilised adults denying the obvious.
9:00  Ignoring Truth, Logic and Morality while indulging in the 7 Deadly Sins of Pride, Anger, Lust, Sloth, Greed, Envy and Gluttony.

10:00  The absurdity of Christian Doctrine has led to the rejection of all the Abrahamic faiths because the Post-Christian non-Muslim gentile Westerner is suffering the category mistake of thinking that all the Abrahamic faiths are stupid because Christianity is stupid while believing that Jews are cunning because of their race and religion and Muslims are stronger and scarier than Buddhists and Hindus because of their religion.

11:00  Christianity is by definition idolatrous and blasphemous which means Christians have been in a state of sin for 2000 years. It is evidence of God's patience and forbearance that He has not destroyed the West, yet. 

12:00  The Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible. 

13:00  Mike Buchanan, Church of Entropy

14:00  Lack of a parental religion psychologically damages offspring

15:00  Psychologically damaged children of irreligious parents feel hatred, ridicule for their parents, ancestors, race and civilisation.

16:00  No religion, no group solidarity, no identity. 

17:00  The bad parenting of those who wish to tear down the status of the men who built America.

18:00  Low-level thinking of US foreign policy

19:00  The inability to come to terms with their own history and learn from their mistakes

20:00  The inchoate unexpressed unease of Western Man concerning the rise and fall of his empire has not as yet been properly analysed and accepted. This causes neurosis, denial and the desire to blame others as a way of preventing further loss of status. But the very act of blaming others betrays immaturity causing further loss of status. 

21:00  Is Christianity kaput and democracy dementia? Yeah but no but yeah but no ... 

22:00  The Western way of life, the Western culture and the hatching of Jewish conspiracy theories each more all-encompassing and absurd than the previous one in a competition to show hatred for Jews while simultaneously denying their antisemitism aided and abetted by marginalised Jews who are also suffering a crisis of identity

23:00  "the wild intelligence" of Church of Entropy who has created the Jen God which she claims is superior to the Abrahamic God

24:00  The incoherence and inconsistency of Church of Entropy

25:00  Norvin, blinding the betas with science, choosing exclusively from weak-minded sub-betas so unprincipled and simple-minded they would submit to her in order to interact with a white middle class college-educated woman prepared to give them the attention they so desperately crave

26:00  The Archetype of Western Woman and Man

27:00  The alt-right practise wish list politics while I practise road map politics.

28:00  Pogrom

29:00  The alt-right is so demoralised they don't even want the inconvenience of following a leader to avoid the disappointment of being subsequently betrayed by his incompetence and corruption.

30:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder

31:00  Is Christianity is kaput?

32:00  Who is Christian? 

33:00  Who is a Jew?

34:00  Who is Muslim?

35:00  The Church of England was created in order to be a Creature of the State. 

36:00  Everything happens for a reason. 

37:00  Why God create humanity

38:00  The moral reasons of history


40:00  What is worse than being a slave? 
41:00  Jews cursed by God for disobedience to His laws.
42:00  Judaism is so restrictive that you would expect Jews to assimilate sooner rather than later, but they did not become extinct in a few centuries in the same way the Normans did.
43:00  But for Judaism, Jews would not exist.

44:00  Because Christians over-persecuted Jews they were made to feel guilty enough by their persecution to give them Israel. But all Western powers did was rob Peter to pay Paul creating more problems for future generations.

46:00  The theocracy offered by Church of Entropy is clearly inferior to Secular Koranism because it does not come with a Book of Rules, unlike Koran-based Secular Koranism. She relies on a mysterious oral tradition that she is supposed to receive from some Indian whose identity she will not disclose whose content will not be revealed to us from which she will derive divine authority. This sort of charlatanism might work on illiterate people not yet civilised. She appears not to have accepted that those living in a time of universal literacy will not be submitting themselves to this nonsense any time soon. 

47:00  The rule of law and the YouTube community rules

48:00  The meaning of words

49:00  Jay and Stephen James

50:00  Atheists and nihilists like Church of Entropy

55:00  Marriage is for legitimate children. Marriage is eugenic and bastardy dysgenic.

56:00  Bad boys and crazy ladies and the bad parenting that they inflict on their illegitimate offspring linked to uncontrolled immigration

57:00  Refugees and illegal immigrants are willing workers. 

58:00  Christopher Cantwell

59:00  Nationalist and Nationalism

1:00:00  Religion is for the purpose of binding a group to keep it together and apart from others.

1:01:00  Marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. 

1:02:00  People who worship the most powerful God conceivable against people who worship sex offenders

1:03:00  Muhammad

1:04:00  A more organised group

1:05:00  Religion and national identity

1:06:00  The Torah and the Koran

1:07:00  All religions are patriarchal political ideologies.

1:08:00  The sanctity of marriage

1:09:00  The Mandate of Heaven

1:10:00  Making a promise implies acknowledgement of the existence of a higher authority.

1:11:00  No law without government.

1:12:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

1:13:00  The crisis of masculinity is contemptible. 

1:14:00  Truth, Logic and Morality that Mark Collett and Millennial Woes deny.

1:15:00  Unmarriageable men

1:16:00  I am not a populist.

1:17:00  Making an idol of our emotions and moods.

1:18:00  Why does Jay larp as a Christian?

1:19:00  Church of Entropy's inferior theocracy

1:20:00  What is Western culture?

1:21:00  Western institutions and modern art

1:22:00  72 Virgins

1:23:00  The Islamic Heaven

1:24:00  The New Testament

1:25:00  God send Muslims to punish Jews and Christians for their sins. 

1:27:00  The Ten Commandments forbids idolatry and blasphemy and by extension the Trinity.

1:31:00  Twitter

1:32:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity, Michael Servetus and John Calvin

1:33:00  Usury

1:34:00  Hitler is the Man-God of Antisemitism.

1:35:00  Are Jews are eternally indestructible?

1:36:00  The global British and American Empire

1:37:00  The corrupt alt-right reject risk and sacrifice as a way of solving their problems preferring to to blame Jews and Muslims.

1:39:00  A Christian nihilist is someone who only pretends to be Christian while breaking what He knows are God's laws hoping that confessing his sins on his death bed and continuing to lie that he believes in the Trinity will get him into heaven.

1:40:00  White people are too cool for rules while the Jews and Muslims they are always complaining about follow theirs enough to give themselves a religious identity allowing them to claim a legally protected characteristic.

1:42:00  Beta males

1:45:00  The command structure of a patriarchy

1:50:00  The definition of insanity

1:51:00  Road map politics, not wish list politics

1:52:00  Secular Koranism will be fair enough to enough people.

1:53:00  Married fathers

1:54:00  The abolition of no fault divorce

1:55:00  Extramarital sex

1:59:00  3 - 2 = 1

2:01:00  What's wrong with the alt-right?

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

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