
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

A dog that represents whiteness

This is a Japanese breed of dog, but I feel it represents whiteness. I want to show my care and concern for white people having their history and traditions, heritage and statues being torn down. White people are not all bad, you know. Will I be condemned by the anti-racists just for saying white people are not all bad, just as they were condemned for saying "It's OK to be white"?

Why won't white people point out that black people have not been the only people enslaved? It was a convention of war for victors to take slaves of the countries they have defeated. This was how Ancient Greece and Rome operated. Indeed, black people often enslaved each other. The other thing to remember is that neither the Bible nor the Koran command the abolition of slavery. Indeed, the Koran says we should not allow what God has forbidden nor forbid what God has allowed. God if He exists has not forbidden slavery.

Perhaps it should be acknowledged that the British only wanted to abolish the slave trade after it acquired control of the seas and secured the transport of peoples hither and thither. It was the Spanish whose empire was first said to be "the empire on which the sun never sets". el imperio donde nunca se pone el sol

The Napoleonic invasion of the Iberian peninsula precipitated the Spanish American wars of independence (1808–1826), resulting in the loss of its most valuable colonies. The Americans would not have won these wars if it had not been for the War of American Unification the Americans choose to call their American Civil War. That was the beginning of WASP supremacy.

I am saddened that we are no longer allowed to see Gone With The Wind, whatever our race.

What has happened to white people has shown how dangerous it is to have no principles and to have unprincipled politicians steering the ship of state who, being unprincipled, will not defend any principle. I really think Secular Koranism would be the new legal system capable of ensuring social and gender justice, and I will defend any principle contained within it. Because Secular Koranism follows the Koran - and the Koran does not forbid slavery though it forbids usury - I will be defending everything in the Koran that I find morally and intellectually defensible in the hope of showing the way forward to a New Settlement for the West, for all its citizens of whatever race or religion. 

Black activists like Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali saw that Christianity made unquestioning slaves of us all. Some nationalists I know have converted to Islam in the hope of escaping from the degeneracy of globohomo. It is my belief and hope that Secular Koranism will be the Goldilocks political ideology that men and women, rich and poor, young and old, Jew and gentile as well as black and non-black, whether or not you believe in God can all support to give Western nations the stability they need to emerge from the economic and social damage they have been inflicting on themselves.

Survey on Secular Koranism

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