
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Riots, looting, pillaging: America's social fabric has been torn apart. Why?

No religion, no social stability. Christianity is kaput and Jews are too scared of antisemites to point out that Christianity is kaput and Secular Koranism is its best available replacement.

5:00  Why doesn't Luke just say "The illegitimate offspring of fatherless homes casually conceived and casually parented by immoral and irresponsible women who are unmarried mothers are the people most likely to loot and riot"? He was himself in care after the death of his mother and his father was not able to exert control over him and in this way failed as a parent. The most fascinating thing about Luke is his father's theological dispute with the Seventh Day Adventists but the matter is so obscure that I have not grasped it myself and I rather doubt that Luke has. Christianity is therefore a failed religion and it is the duty of Jews and Muslims to point this out if they care for the future of the next generation residing in Western lands. Unfortunately, because both Cotto and Luke are cowards and have no investment in the next generation, they will be indifferent to the descendants they will not be having. Gottfried seems too boomer to even read the comments here and in the chat and is showing the distant aloofness of a king who does not care to interact with the peasants he assumes we all are. Bad advisers can cause the destruction of kingdoms and empires.

7:00  People who "discover the alt-right" = people who have found others who share their antisemitic, Islamophobic and racist views who mainly prefer to concentrate on expressing their hatred rather than discussing solutions honestly, rationally and honourably and censor those who have a solution, rather like Cotto

8:00  Dysgenic trends = sexual liberation  = sexual immorality forbidden by the Noahide laws Jews should be promoting to gentiles

Jews have a duty to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles, which they have neglected.

10:00  The angry disappointed man-hating feminist disappointed by men who is now raising her children to be angry at the bad advice she was given by feminism telling her it was OK for her to ride the cock carousel and think she was entitled to a much better man than the one(s) who knocked her up whose bastards she is now raising badly.

12:00  Young people are stupid.

16:00  Young men join antifa to have sex with antifa women.

18:00  Antifa women are more easy to bed than Republican/Conservative women.

33:00  Secular Koranism is very very cool.

37:00  Luke proposes to shun intoxicants which is rather Islamic of him.

38:00  Not long now before Cotto and Luke discuss as a means of shaming unmarried parents!

52:00  Feminism has emasculated Western Man.

53:00  Feminism is so eminently defeatable but cucked Western Man fears even to pick up the weapons of Truth, Logic and Morality even when he has greater physical strength. His shame and cowardice will echo down the generations.

57:00  Sexual liberation and the sexual immorality Jews are religiously obliged to warn the gentile against has destroyed the patriarchy and by extension Western civilisation.  Both shall be accountable to God for their cowardice and intellectual dishonesty. If God does not exist, then future generations would still spit and curse on the memory of such worthless men, who know what they are supposed to do, but refuse to do it and hide the truth because of their own inner demons.

What kind of a kafir are you?

Kufr-at-Takdhib: disbelief in divine truth or the denial of any of the articles of Faith (quran 39:32)

Kufr-al-iba wat-takabbur ma'at-Tasdiq: refusing to submit to God's Commandments after conviction of their truth (quran 2:34)

Kufr-ash-Shakk waz-Zann: doubting or lacking conviction in the six articles of Faith. (quran 18:35–38)

Kufr-al-I'raadh: turning away from the truth knowingly or deviating from the obvious signs which God has revealed. (quran 46:3)

Kufr-an-Nifaaq: hypocritical disbelief (quran 63:2–3)

Minor disbelief or Kufran-Ni'mah indicates "ungratefulness of God's Blessings or Favours".

Kufrul-'Inaad: Disbelief out of stubbornness. This applies to someone who knows the Truth and admits to knowing the Truth, and knowing it with his tongue, but refuses to accept it and refrains from making a declaration. God says: Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever.

Kufrul-Inkaar: Disbelief out of denial. This applies to someone who denies with both heart and tongue. God says: They recognize the favors of God, yet they deny them. Most of them are disbelievers.

Kufrul-Juhood: Disbelief out of rejection. This applies to someone who acknowledges the truth in his heart, but rejects it with his tongue. This type of kufr is applicable to those who call themselves Muslims but who reject any necessary and accepted norms of Islam such as Salaat and Zakat. God says: They denied them (our signs) even though their hearts believed in them, out of spite and arrogance.

Kufrul-Nifaaq: Disbelief out of hypocrisy. This applies to someone who pretends to be a believer but conceals his disbelief. Such a person is called a munafiq or hypocrite. God says: Verily the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of Hell. You will find no one to help them.

Kufrul-Kurh: Disbelief out of detesting any of God's commands. God says: Perdition (destruction) has been consigned to those who disbelieve and He will render their actions void. This is because they are averse to that which God has revealed so He has made their actions fruitless.

Kufrul-Istihzaha: Disbelief due to mockery and derision. God says: Say: Was it at God, His signs and His apostles that you were mocking? Make no excuses. You have disbelieved after you have believed.

Kufrul-I'raadh: Disbelief due to avoidance. This applies to those who turn away and avoid the truth. God says: And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of his Lord's signs but then turns away from them. Then he forgets what he has sent forward (for the Day of Judgement).

Kufrul-Istibdaal: Disbelief because of trying to substitute God's Laws with man-made laws. God says: Or have they partners with God who have instituted for them a religion that God has not allowed.[52] God says: Say not concerning that which your tongues put forth falsely (that) is lawful and this is forbidden so as to invent a lie against God. Verily, those who invent a lie against God will never prosper.

1:02:00  Not having children means that the average age of your nation will rise and the national character will be stuck in the ways of an ageing angry unmarried mother who hates men and badly parents her illegitimate offspring.  Jamaica has an 86% illegitimacy rate.

David Starkey said during the 2011 London riots that the whites have become black.

1:15:00  Social order can only be restored by a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. The Overton Window must therefore be smashed and replaced by the universal and eternal laws contained in the Koran which conforms to the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws Jews are obliged to promote to gentiles. 

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