
Thursday, 11 June 2020

Advice to white people including Jews afraid of being asked to kneel

6:00  Church of Entropy has never won an argument against me and it is a measure of her mental illness or sin that she is unable to concede this.
8:00  Nobody cares what Church of Entropy says, but then nobody cares about the arguments.
9:00  The utility of Luke Ford
10:00  Islamophobes would be expected to reject Secular Koranism.
11:00  Antisemites blame Jews for the failure of their political system and religion.
12:00  What is religion for?
13:00  Church of Entropy doesn't care about Western Man.
15:00  All empires are run on a margin.
16:00  The failure of social democracy
17:00  Church of Entropy will deny Truth, Logic and Morality until she hits a brick wall.

18:00  6 questions Church of Entropy cannot answer

i) Why is your definition of morality better than mine?

ii) If the existence of God cannot be proven, why is your deity that is indifferent to us better than the Abrahamic God who knows our hearts and minds and occasionally answers prayers who is also omnipotent and perfectly moral?

iii) Why is Entropoism better than Secular Koranism when it does not come with a book of rules?

iv) Why do you think Westerners would agree to your caste system and submit to your priesthood recruited from the dregs of masculinity?

v) Why do you think Westerners want to think of themselves as Indians who moved to Europe and turned white?

vi) Why do you think you are going to make yourself popular with white men by saying you want Britain to pay reparations to India?

20:00  Stefan Molyneux giving advice to white people on Cotto-Gottfried
22:00  Luke Ford and Aaron Amihud  Black Lives Matter  & Palestinian Lives Matter
23:00  CGTN
25:00  Luana
27:00  OV
28:00  Living and dying as a larping Nazi
30:00  All prophets are successful revolutionaries. Not all revolutionaries are successful.
31:00  People who reject Truth, Logic and Morality would reject Secular Koranism.
33:00  Church of Entropy represents Western Woman.
37:00  No one is in charge.
38:00  The brain has fallen out of Western civilisation.
40:00  Churchill was a drunk, depressive and a warmonger.
41:00  The silence of Trump
42:00  Hitler should have converted the Germans to Islam while he was dictator.
43:00  Britain declared war on Germany in WW1 and WW2.
46:00  Between Pogrom and the status quo there is only Secular Koranism.
47:00  No beta male will accept the authority of another.
48:00  Clueless cucks in denial that democracy is dementia and Christianity is kaput.
49:00  Aaron Amihud's health.
50:00  No religion, no Western civilisation.
51:00  Churchill was a warmonger who lost the British their empire.
58:00  Mind control is the main purpose of religion.
59:00  Hitler used race as way to motivate the Germans to fight his imperial wars.
1:00:00  The British lost their empire themselves.
1:01:00  The Koran only allows defensive wars.
1:02:00  Only successful imperial wars are allowed by the Koran.
1:03:00  Ignore the Koran and take the consequences.
1:11:00  OV and Citizen Reporter 3 talking about me. She only has 150 subscribers.
1:14:00  Liberal Jews who control the media
1:16:00  The Western religion of coolness

1:17:00  What white people should when asked to kneel by the mob
1:19:00   Penitence


"The patriarchy does not need to be restored." Agree/Disagree
"We don't live in a matriarchy." Agree/Disagree
"It doesn't matter if we live in a matriarchy." Agree/Disagree

​a) We don't live in a matriarchy.
​b ) It is OK to live in a matriarchy.
​c) We don't need a new religion effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality.
​d) Minimum standards of sexual morality: most parents in our society being married parents

1:22:00  Church of Entropy can be cured.
1:23:00  Secular Koranism is for all races as well as Muslims and non-Muslims.

1:24:00  The sacred cow of Western Man is now the unmarried mother and it is heresy to propose shaming her.  

1:25:00  Truth, Logic and Morality are the essential tools of thinking.  

1:28:00  Free therapy

1:30:00  OV and Citizen Reporter talking about me

1:31:00  Church of Entropy and me are a winning combination.

1:46:00  What to do when asked to take the knee by rioters and looters

1:48:00  Even OV has stopped thinking that Jews control everything.

1:49:00  Frightened Jews

1:50:00  Israel is an American Protectorate.

151:00  The late assassinated Rabbi Kahane and the CIA

1:52:00  Key politicians

1:53:00  Rabbi Sacks

2:10:00  Imran Hosein
2:11:00  I am a giant amongst pygmies.
2:18:00  Loneliness and Faith (Beha’alotecha 5780)
2:20:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis

The rallying cry ‘Black Lives Matter’ should be understood as more than a powerful slogan. It is a call for rehumanisation in a world that seems in danger of forsaking its humanity.

While the shocking and tragic murder of George Floyd and the resulting protests across the world are currently making the headlines, the racism and dehumanisation that they have exposed is not new. We cannot stand idly by as it takes hold of our societies. However, it is also not enough for us to simply join in with a superficial chorus of disapproval. Real change calls upon us to find the courage to challenge racism wherever we come across it: on social media, in the streets, in our communities and in our hearts.

The world remains in the grip of the most devastating global pandemic in memory, a tragedy which should have placed all of humankind on the same side as we face a common foe. Now more than ever, we must recognise that we are all part of one global family within which all people are created in the image of God, whoever they might be.

Jewish tradition teaches that one who saves a life has saved an entire world and one who destroys a life has destroyed an entire world. Such is the value we must place on each and every human life. That ‘Black Lives Matter’ needs affirming at all is utterly shameful. There is no doubt that this is an essential wake up call for each and every one of us.

2:24:00  Militarisation of the police according to E Michael Jones

2:27:00  Criminality and bastardy

2:31:00  Register of Jews
2:42:00  Everything happens for a reason.
2:43:00  Theodicy
2:45:00  Sins of the fathers
2:47:00  Christianity is kaput.
2:48:00  Patriarchy/Europeans> Matriarchy/Native American
2:49:00  Darwinian struggle of moral systems ie Christianity and Islam
2:52:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims suffer because they are punished for breaking their own rules.
2:54:00  The attributes of the Abrahamic God
2:55:00  Measure for measure
2:56:00  Jews are punished by God for how little they promote the Noahide laws He chose them to do.
2:57:00  You are not Christian if you have not been confirmed.
2:59:00  Muslims
3:00:00  Secular Koranism
3:01:00  The cure for the double whammy of a failed religion and political system is Secular Koranism,
3:02:00  Rabbi Sacks
3:05:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

3:09:00  Aquinas was a hired hack. (I said St Augustine but I meant Aquinas.)
3:11:00  Christians who cling to their Christianity will ignore me until they decide to go through their 5 stages of grief.
3:14:00  Those who reject Truth, Logic and Morality
3:15:00  God punishes those who break His laws. 

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

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