
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy is the Doctrine of A Woman's Prerogative to Change Her Mind

4:00  Joke about white privilege
5:00  Twitter
6:00  The Koran on the death penalty
7:00  Proportionality and the rules of natural justice
8:00  The caste system is a method of divide and rule.
9:00  The rule of law
10:00  YouTube Community Rules
11:00  The Koran is universal, the Torah is particular to a tribe.

12:00  The sex who enjoys "the bliss of religious submission"

In a patriarchy, there are men and the weaker sex.
In a matriarchy, there are women and the even weaker. sex.

13:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
14:00  The hierarchy of patriarchy
15:00  Because neither liberals nor the alt-right can win the argument against the power and glory of Secular Koranism, they flee from me and fear to engage.
17:00  An invasion or a mutually beneficial change of administration?
18:00  Badly-parented young people not yet aware of the power and glory of Secular Koranism
19:00  The Koran refers to the Torah. The Koran conforms to the Noahide laws in the Talmud.
20:00  Religion
21:00  Morality
22:00  Which of the Abrahamic faiths is the odd one out?
23:00  Christianity is illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd.
24:00  It is idolatry to worship an executed revolutionary.
25:00  Thomas Jefferson
26:00  US Supreme court frieze with Muhammad and other lawmakers

27:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary 'Supremacy is the Doctrine of A Woman's Prerogative to Change Her Mind. Why follow the emotions, inclinations and moods of a capricious and flighty woman when you can follow the rule of law contained in the Koran believed to be the laws of the most powerful being conceivable?

28:00  Principled constitutional government
29:00  That coward Cotto
30:00  Luke Ford
31:00  Following one's principles
32:00  Secular Koranism
33:00  Christianity is the least Noahide of the world's religions being idolatrous and blasphemous.
34:00  White privilege
35:00  Death penalty
36:00  Jews should at least follow the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws by adopting Secular Koranism.
37:00  Western nations all suffer from the same problem.
38:00  I am only a minor prophetess.
39:00  The revolution devours its children.
41:00  Mandate of Heaven
42:00  God acknowledges tribes and nations.
43:00  The Mandate of Allah
46:00  A seriously unprincipled woman

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and @RealVinBruno #4.3 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 6, 2025 [Re...