
Sunday, 28 June 2020

If God created evil, did He also create antisemitism and if so, why?

1:00  Why God would create evil
2:00  Being omnipotent God would create logical rather than an illogical universe because it is harder to be logical than to be illogical.
3:00 Concepts are coins with two sides. God guides us with His principles so that we do what is necessary and avoid the unnecessary. What can be necessary to life becomes dangerous to life if taken in excess.
5:00  Tisha B'av
8:00  What Jews did wrong
9:00  What the Abrahamic God chose Jews to do must have been more than what the Aztec God chose the Aztecs to do
10:00  The Noahide laws
11:00  Jews neglecting their religious obligation to gentiles
12:00  Rebecca Long-Bailey kicked out of the Shadow Cabinet by Keir Starmer for retweeting a story about Jews.
13:00  Free speech
14:00  Marie van der Zyl

18:00  Jews should be very concerned that Marie van der Zyl throwing her weight as a Jewess around at gentiles will only stoke the furnace of antisemitism. If I were a Jewess, I would be very alarmed at the idea of her Chillul Hashem bring misfortune on my kehila kedosha.    

19:00  Antisemitism is linked to how little Jews promote the Noahide laws. Jews saying they are only a hated minority incapable of enforcing laws on antisemitic gentile nations can outsource their religious obligation to Secular Koranism since Judaism already considers Koran-based Islam the most Noahide-observant of all the world religions. Secular Koranism - a New School of Sharia interpreted by an agnostic, ex-feminist and ex-liberal - is of course based on the Koran. 

20:00  Jewish sin is calculated according to the those claiming to be Jews

22:00  There are 36 capital crimes in the Old Testament.

I interpret this to mean that any Jew known to have committed any of these crimes would be struck off the Register of Jews that I propose.

Striking off Jews from the Register of Jews convicted of these capital crimes would stop Jewish behaviour from becoming Chillul Hashem attracting punishment in this world by provoking antisemitism and in the next. 

This idea is similar to selective schools in the UK asking low-performing students to leave so they don't fall in the league tables.

24:00  Atheist Liberal Jews dragging down the average of the tribe

25:00  Pogrom

26:00  Gentiles still listen to Jews, even antisemites. Doooovid, the Aunt Sally Jew.

27:00  Only marginalised Jews will talk to the plebs and peasants of the alt-right. Senior and respectable Jews wouldn't be seen dead talking to plebeian antisemites.

28:00  Jews and Muslims need to warn and advise the degenerate Post-Christian gentile living in their matriarchy before things get much worse.

Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry

29:00  Muslim reluctance to talk to me.

30:00  Muslims still too afraid to offend their host population by pointing out Christianity is kaput.

31:00  New converts to Christianity would only be Muslim migrants and refugees eager to partake of the pozzed shit that is Western "culture" prepared to lie that they believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.

32:00  Jews and Muslims need to bite the bullet of their cowardice sooner rather than later to prevent things from getting worse.

33:00  But if Jews and Muslims are stubborn in their cowardice of making the Post-Christian gentile confront the fact that they are suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system and fail to convey the message that the solution is a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism, it will just end up being worse for them in the long run.

So either way, I win and they lose.

34:00  CONOPS joins.
37:00  Jewish people who became Catholic at
42:00  Super spreader event
44:00  The sin of global empires measured by their Covid-19 deaths?
46:00  Handshake
47:00  "All our friends and all the people we need are kissable and huggable!"
48:00  The curtsy
49:00  Hand kissing
50:00  The Islamic erogenous zones
52:00  Niqab fetish
53:00  Gait as an indication of status
54:00  The Fat Slags
55:00  Cyprus
56:00  Chips with everything
57:00  Megaluf
59:00  Conops claims I hate the West because I propose Secular Koranism.
1:01:00  Robert Edwards, Muslim and nationalist
1:04:00 Monogamy is sexual communism.
1:05:00  Concubines and incels
1:06:00  Elliott Rodger
1:08:00  Muslim Skeptic

1:10:00  Paedophilia
1:11:00  Soph
1:13:00  Western men refusing to even verbally defend their statues
1:14:00  White police officers and community members wash the feet of black faith leaders in North Carolina to 'express humility and love'
1:16:00  Nigel Farage sacked from LBC for criticising Black Lives Matter.

1:18:00  JAY joins.

1:24:00 Because I feel such care and concern and love and affection for white people, I feel duty bound to warn them of imminent disaster if they suffer their matriarchy to continue destroying their civilisation.
1:25:00  My thesis is that the West is no longer Christian. It is as human as a human skeleton used to be human.
1:26:00  Western imperialism, Sykes-Picot Agreement
1:27:00  Iraq is mentioned 22 times
Egypt is mentioned 10 times
1:32:00  Muslim Brotherhood
Jay mentions 1947.
1928  Muslim Brotherhood founded.
1916  Sykes-Picot Agreement made.
1:35:00  Islam is intended to remove amoral tribalism and help nations and empires coalesce under divine civic nationalism.
1:36|:00  Industrialisation meant more cities meaning less tribalism and more empire.
1:37:00  Indonesia
1:38:00  Conops: "Islam has bloody borders." Christianity has three global empires. WW1 and WW2 were started by Christians.
1:40:00  Why are Muslims not happy in the Philippines?
1:42:00  Why are Muslims not happy in Thailand?
1:45:00  Western imperialism in Thailand
1:47:00  All religions are about war, revolution, politics and morality.
1:49:00  Bosnia
1:50:00  Kashmir
1:53:00  Globohomo is Western imperialism.
1:55:00  Islamic principles
1:57:00  The Muslim Brotherhood and child marriage
1:59:00  Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon
2:02:00  The Rohingyas
2:07:00  Spanish and Arabic
2:08:00  Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda
2:10:00  Pan-Arabism

2:11:00  Bristol police taking the knee
2:15:00  Matriarchy
2:17:00  Secular Koranism is different to the Hadithic shit backward countries follow which contradict the Koran.
2:18:00  Conops frets about the Muslim birthrate causing a Muslim takeover of Western nations.
2:19:00  Conops says putting a police cordon to statues would solve the Muslim problem.  
2:21:00  Trump
2:33:00  Jay accuses me of hypocrisy, but anyone who knows me would not really be surprised at my views expressed online.
2:34:00  Expressing our political views at work and socially

2:41:00  Treating non-white criminals better than white criminals will provoke racism against black people.
2:43:00  OV
2:52:00  Evander Hollyfield
2:55:00  Mike Tyson
3:05:00  MMA
3:11:00  An attractive Muslim woman in her 40s
3:16:00  Fighting women as a spectator sport
3:21:00  My policy of being mean to Western men who don't at least verbally defend their statues.
3:22:00  My policy of defending Secular Koranists
3:26:00  Statues
3:37:00  "We don't even want you to assimilate."
3:40:00  Call a friend about your statues, White Man!
3:42:00  Plausible deniability
3:43:00  Unprincipled and spineless politicians who won't defend their statues
3:44:00  White privilege is imperial privilege.
3:45:00  Nick Ferrari asks Afua Hirsch why she stays in the UK if she is always complaining.
3:48:00  OV
3:49:00  Church of Entropy says "asked and answered when you ask her a question that she never answered.
3:50:00  "You can't defeat my position" (especially if you don't even know what it is)!
3:51:00  Deliberately making simple things complex to show how clever she is.
3:52:00  Gandalf
3:55:00  Doooovid
3:57:00  Elliott Blatt and Kyle Rowland about the countryside
3:58:00  Interruptions
4:00:00  Church of Entropy ostentatiously displays irrelevant knowledge about science.
4:01:00  William Tyndale
4:02:00  Priesthoods want a monopoly of knowledge to keep themselves powerful.
4:03:00  Priesthood afraid of being asked what Sermon on the Mount means,
4:04:00  The Twelve Tables of Rome
4:05:00  Mutazilites
4:07:00  YouTube's opaque Community Rules
4:08:00  Ratio decidendi
4:11:00  Baroness Nicholson deprived of her honorary title of Vice President of the Booker Prize because she offended a transgender woman.
4:12:00  Retrospective legislation
4:13:00  Smashing the Overton Window
4:14:00  Only a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy and protect it.

4:15:00  Those who wish to restore the patriarchy need to know that nothing short of a one party theocracy governed by the principles of slut-shaming Secular Koranism would do the job of restoring and protecting the patriarchy so we can enjoy good government in an advanced civilisation that we can hand down to our descendants in a good enough state that will not make them feel hatred, ridicule and contempt for us because we did nothing to steer the ship of state away from the rocks of matriarchy. 

4:17:00  Dictatorship v Plebiscite?
4:18:00  Government of National Unity, Ghana, Zimbabwe, China
4:19:00  Putin and Xi Jinping are admired by disillusioned Western voters because they at least can be seen to be acting in their own national interest.
4:20:00  The West is like China before their civil war.
4:21:00  The one party state would make life easier for politicians and allow the governed to feel well governed if their government governed in the national interest.
4:22:00  How China tried a little bit of capitalism at first

4:31:00  Feminists and blacks
4:32:00  Madonna
4:40:00  "Christianity is a stupid religion."
4:46:00  Conops to Daniel: "Don't get so angry."

5:13:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
5:15:00  Being Cartesian
5:24:00  Church of Entropy being particularly foul-mouthed.
5:35:00  Graduated cum laude
5:36:00  Eccentric or cranky?
5:52:00  Patrick Bateman
5:54:00  Gandalf
5:55:00  Rosetta stone
5:57:00  Eugenics
6:10:00  Church of Entropy has never been in India.
6:20:00  Majority Rights is anti-Christian.
6:24:00  Claire Khaw Thought
6:25:00  Register of Jews
6:29:00  Why I was expelled from the BNP
My alleged attitude towards the British elite
6:30:00  Church of Entropy talks about my "pure animal lust".
6:32:00  Conops says Church of Entropy is "not objectively physically attractive". Jen claims she has had at least ten female admirers.
6:38:00  Church of Entropy says she has such "magnetism" that girls come up to her at parties and put their arms round her. Mmmmm ....
6:40:00  Polish women and the beauty drain of Poland
6:43:00  Oriental women
6:52:00  Conops: "I almost never do my hair!"
6:58:00  OV
7:12:00  Jewish voting patterns
7:23:00  FBI and Patrick Bateman

7:25:00  NORVIN joins.
7:29:00  Gentiles have no autonomy.
7:36:00  Einstein and General Relativity
7:50:00  Christianity
8:00:00  Culture, genetics and American power
8:03:00  IQ, Egyptians, Coptics
8:07:00  Holocaust Denial
8:14:00  University
8:15:00  Logic and libel
8:17:00  I have never threatened to sue Conops.
8:18:00  Nukes aren't real.
8:19:00  Conops is "Claire-tier".
8:22:00  My Jewish-friendly platform

8:46:00  ELLIOTT joins.
8:48:00  GILBERT joins
8:49:00  Buddhism
8:50:00  Chanting
8:51:00  Tina Turner, Herbie Hancock
8:52:00  Soka Gakkai
8:54:00  Moonies
8:55:00  Jewrassic Liars
8:57:00  Statues
8:59:00  Resentment
9:04:00  Homelessness spreading. Can be solved by reintroducing slavery?
9:06:00  Gilbert finds Trump more terrifying than Biden.
9:07:00  Nationalism and Protectionism
9:08:00  Climate change
9:09:00  1930s hottest decade in the US
9:10:00  Ice expands in one place and contracts in another.
9:12:00  NASA

9:13:00  JUDAS joins.

9:15:00  Aaron Amihud
9:16:00  Canterbury Tales and Calvin Hobbes
9:17:00  OV
9:19:00  Gay gyms
9:20:00  Three California Jews
9:21:00  Secular Koranism, Koraniyule and Hanukkah Fest
9:22:00  Relative Jewishness
9:25:00  LA and the solitary lives of its denizens

9:28:00  I rejoin.
9:29:00  GILBERT rejoins and gives his summary of the proceedings. 
9:34:00  Liberal streams

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