
Friday, 12 June 2020

Interfaith dialogue to save Western civilisation


Interfaith dialogue: Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus selling their religion to atheist China in a "beauty parade".  

Jews would rank the four world religions according to the Noahide laws and declare Islam the most Noahide-observant and Christianity the least because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous

Buddhism, because it is atheist,  should be regarded as neutral, but Hinduism which is undeniably idolatrous should be regarded as idolatrous.

That is all the interfaith dialogue the world needs.

Secular Koranism is suitable for all, even those who are atheists but who want social stability in their society. Secular Koranism, being based on the Koran as Islam is, should be regarded as more Noahide-observant than Christianity which should be regarded as the double abomination of idolatry and blasphemy. It is of course the religion of the corrupt and degenerate American Empire that is now spreading globohomo - a satanic lifestlyle that is rebellion against God's laws because it sanctifies the abomination of sodomy and calls it gay marriage.

19:00  It would help if you could find Muslims prepared to discuss Secular Koranism with me as the way forward for the West. Plenty of people disagree with and dislike Secular Koranism and would like to have it challenged by Islamic scholars. I would also like Muslims to donate large cash prizes for my proposed rabbi-only essay writing competition saying why they think Jews were chosen by God to promote the Noahide laws and this they should do by declaring Islam the most Noahide-observant religion for gentiles and Christianity the least Noahide-observant on the ground that is idolatrous, blasphemous, illegitimate and absurd because the Doctrine of the Trinity requires Christians to pray to an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of Allah.

Indeed, commands Muslims to admonish Christians for their idolatry and blasphemy.

Muslims have a duty to enjoin good and forbid evil. What could be more evil than a religion that is so hypocritical it condemns the idolatry of others but itself practises supreme idolatry amounting to blasphemy while spreading the abomination of globohomo in the global American Empire?

If it is the case that God created laws for Jews and gentiles, then it can be supposed that He intends to punish us for breaking His laws. There are now many Muslims living as minorities in the Sodoms and Gomorrahs of the West.

Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn idolatrous and blaspheming Christians and Post-Christians of the West who are now far astray. Lot himself barely escaped with his life - but not his wife who disobeyed him! - when God finally lost patience and zapped Sodom and Gomorrah.

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