
Friday, 12 June 2020

My contributions and comments to White Nationalism

Claire Khaw
​Shall I friendzone you, Daniel?

Claire Khaw
​What if the woman wants sex and you don't? Or can you not imagine not ever accepting an offer of sex?

Claire Khaw
​If you said no, would she ever be able to forgive you?

Claire Khaw
​False rape accusations tend to follow when a man says no to a woman. I know two men who told me that happened to them.

Claire Khaw
​Right-wing = socially conservative. Left-wing = sexually liberated from the rules of marriage and good parenting

Claire Khaw
​Socially conservative = forbidding of extramarital sex and of the view that only a man and a woman not within the forbidden degrees of consanguinity can marry each other

Donald Robertson
​DNA nations is a good idea for many but the time is not yet right for it.

Claire Khaw
​Is there any BLM in Poland?

Claire Khaw
​Jews manage not to assimilate in gentile nations because of their RELIGION, Daniel!

Claire Khaw
​I had a girlfriend who would divide her Smarties and eat them separately in an apartheid kind of way ....

Claire Khaw
​No religion, no group identity. No religion, no parental authority.

Claire Khaw
​She said the red Smarties tasted different to the others.

Claire Khaw
​Shared values is the only thing matters for social cohesion and group solidarity.

Claire Khaw
​There were some police washing the feet of black people in North Carolina at the weekend.

Claire Khaw
​I feel as concerned for white people the way I feel concerned about Jen.

Claire Khaw
​Jen has blocked me in the chat to hurt my feelings.

Claire Khaw
​Jen is always trying to hurt my feelings, but I forgive her.

Claire Khaw
​My love for white people is represented by my love for Jen. Because I love white people, they should adopt Secular Koranism.

Claire Khaw
​@Daniel Sienkiewicz What is your position on a one party state?

Claire Khaw
​I have to suck up to lots of people to push Secular Koranism through!

Claire Khaw
​Gender relations is important to any group if they want to produce the next generation in a non-degenerate way.

Claire Khaw
​You are all oysters and I have an oyster knife.

Claire Khaw
​@Daniel Sienkiewicz If Jen is coming on, I'll join you.

Claire Khaw
​Jen's avatar looks really blue.

Claire Khaw
​Daniel should just start a blog.

Claire Khaw
​Jen is now pretending to represent Indians.

Claire Khaw
​It seems there is some kind of pusback today. Fox News, Trump talking to black leaders and Kevin McCarthy were impressive.

Claire Khaw
​The left are invariably feminist.

Claire Khaw
​@Stephen JJames What did Farage say?

Stephen JJames
​Farage said BLM were a radical Marxist organisation

Claire Khaw
​I wouldn't mind taking Farage's spot.

Claire Khaw
​@Stephen JJames I didn't say that in my advice to black people stream.

Claire Khaw
​Oh dear. Jen and Dan sperging their word salads.

Stephen JJames
​Well done for having the courage to tell our new Black overlords anything, @Claire Khaw

Claire Khaw
​@Stephen JJames Secular Koranism is for black people too! As well as Jews.

Claire Khaw
​@Stephen JJames Thank you. xx

Claire Khaw
​I wonder how many lifetimes Jen and I have known each other.


​lol @Claire Khaw

Claire Khaw
​I have never met a German I didn't like, and I quite like Jen despite her terrible behaviour towards me.

Claire Khaw
​Christianity is illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd.

Claire Khaw
​So nice to be next to Jen!

Stephen JJames
​@Claire Khaw if only you could kick Daniel

Claire Khaw
​I see that Gandalf is about to join. I have muted myself. I find it so much quicker to make my points in chat.

Claire Khaw
​Christianity is now indistinguishable from Liberalism.

Stephen JJames
​@Claire Khaw It would be best if you triggered Daniel before he talks himself to sleep

Claire Khaw
​@Stephen JJames I am myself so tired I am thinking of dropping out soon.

Donald Robertson
​I doubt Christianity was devised as a Jewish plot to take over the Greco/Roman world of the 1st centuriy

Stephen JJames
​oof, now Jen is on top of Claire

Claire Khaw
​@Stephen JJames Mmmmm .... I am enjoying the experience.

Claire Khaw
​Western Woman will give away all the shit of Western Man to their enemies.

Claire Khaw
​Once Trump gets the troops back from Germany, the shit will be kicked out of the subversives.

Claire Khaw
​Lash unmarried parents100 lashes per bastard.

​@Claire Khaw only 100?

Claire Khaw
​Abolish no fault divorce.

​add a zero

Claire Khaw
​How would you like to punish unmarried parents?

​1000 lashes with an electrical cord

Claire Khaw
​How would you like to punish unmarried parents?

Claire Khaw
​Is Jen talking about herself?

Claire Khaw
​A public caning will do nicely. Aceh Province do it properly.

​@Claire Khaw dont be soft, 1000 lashes, no less

Claire Khaw
​Daniel was being so protective of Jen when I was there earlier. Threatened to throw me out if I hurt her feelings.

Donald Robertson
​@Claire Khaw I’m not opposed to public caining

Donald Robertson
​I am going to make an empire out of single mothers

Claire Khaw
​Good to know you are not afraid to do what is necessary.

Professional Sweater
​You mean you propose public caining Donald???

Claire Khaw
​You won't be able to organise any resistance in a matriarchy.

Matt Young
​Spergowic is simping for Jen? weak

Claire Khaw
​The Koran would shame unmarried parents and thereby restore the patrarichy. Matriarchy is built on bastardy.

Stephen JJames
​Doctors used to fap women off in the surgery to calm them down. They even complained in the medical journals that they were overworked from having to perform so many vaginal massages

Professional Sweater
​Says Claire's Simp

Claire Khaw
​Boy is Daniel simping for Jen.

Claire Khaw
​Secular Koranism nationalism

Stephen JJames
​Claire just cooomed

Matt Young
​they're now both orbiting Jen? lol

Matt Young
​has Gandalf had a sperg yet?

​not yet

Professional Sweater
​Yes he has, you missed it

Claire Khaw
​No, Matt, but we have had many bowls of word salad from Jen.

Claire Khaw
​No rules, no logic.

Matt Young
​being too logical certainly is Gandalf's weakness lol

Spiritual Mamzer
​Gandalf isn’t a European

Spiritual Mamzer
​I disavow Gandalf as a European

Matt Young
​she treats him like she were his mother

Spiritual Mamzer
​Hitler is the father Ov never had. Church of Entropy is the mother Gandalf never had.

Donald Robertson
​How so?

Matt Young
​agreed @Spiritual Mamzer

Claire Khaw
​How is Curt's reasoning illogical?

Professional Sweater
​Curt Cobain???

Claire Khaw
​Curt Doolittle

Matt Young
​I think Gandalf is an ex-convert from Doolittleism that's why he's so butthurt about him

​force is the universal language ;D

Claire Khaw
​So true what you said about OV, Gandalf and Jen.

Matt Young
​he left the Doolittle cult to join the CoE cult

Claire Khaw
​Gandalf and Jen are partners in irrationality.


Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

How was I protective of her, Claire? You're a fundamentally dishonest person. Remember your Noachide law; thou shalt not bear false witness.

Claire Khaw said...

0:22, 0:52, 1:35

There is no Noahide law forbidding the bearing of false witness. You are confusing them with the Ten Commandments.

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

It's ok to bear false witness according to Secular Koranism then. lol

Claire Khaw said...

Perjury will still be a crime.

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

I established the rule for my sake as well as hers. You are obnoxious with your impervious and dishonest ad hominum attacks, Claire.

Claire Khaw said...

Such as?

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

Claire, why do you encourage the Hitler worshippers/redemptionists? Don't you care how dangerous that is to inter-European accord?
I suppose not.

Wouldn't you be more happy in China?

Claire Khaw said...

How have I encouraged "Hitler worshippers/redemptionists"?? Stop threatening to pogrom me, Daniel!

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

I'm not threatening your, dear. You have continually encouraged Hitler redemptionists with your punctuation of World War II as a matter of "Hitler's back yard and place in the sun", rather than a war that HE should not have started (if you want to exercise 20/20 hindsight).

I did not create your sympathy for holocaust deniers; and I do not recommend your becoming a victim like Alison Chabloz, who was misled by the dishonesty of (the debunked) Faurisson.

You are the one who posed with Irving, with a gun and photos of Hitler, with swastikas, saying that this represented "nationalism"

Claire Khaw said...

If the British are allowed to acquire empire, why not the Germans? The Germans were not the only people who have conducted a pogrom on the Jews. You have heard of the Edict of Expulsion of 1290.
I am saying there should be no Holocaust Denial laws. You do agree with me on this, don't you? I really don't see what is so shocking about saying that Alison Chabloz should not have been convicted via the the backdoor of Holocaust Denial when there are no Holocaust Denial laws in the UK.

As for nationalism, you already know that I say Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism. This makes Islam divine civic nationalism.

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

"As for nationalism, you already know that I say Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism. This makes Islam divine civic nationalism.

LOL. Bullshit.

Claire Khaw said...

You need to contradict me using arguments, not just abuse. I thought you were an educated man. Are you even a graduate?

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

You asked (and erased), why shouldn't Hitler be able to have an empire, just as the British did?

Because the Germans were attacking sovereign nations - declared war on 13 to be exact (furthermore, the nations that they attacked between Germany and Russia were theoretically aligned, i.e., against the Soviets and in anti-Semitism (willing to effect Zionism).

In addition, the common complaint that Hitler just wanted to take back land taken from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles and Saint Germain is inaccurate by itself and in Hitler's imperialist aim.

First, the land taken back for Poland by the Treaty of Versailles had been stolen by Hitler's gay idol, Frederick The "Great" ..and of that stolen land, Versailles only granted to Poland that which they needed for access to the sea. While Poznan was the Poles ancient capital and Gdansk was made neutral (it had been neutral in history, it had been Polish in its hey day, and it had been German(ic) at other times),

Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler by betraying Czech interests and giving Hitler the Sudetenland (which Germany took from Czech in the brutal 30 years war), but Hitler would not be appeased. And yet the Hitler heads want people to believe that Hitler's word was good.

Next, I am not defending the British empire, I am an ethnonationalist. Though it is also true that they could have kept the empire if Hitler hadn't defied the British article of faith to maintain a balance of powers on the continent (while they didn't know they would lose their empire for that policy).

As far as the holocaust and pogroms go, there is no reason for a rigorously honest ethnonationalist to deny the facts. "Holocaustianity" is another matter, when Jewish lives are held above other lives in a quasi religious manner. That is fair game and more reasonable to challenge.

But Alison Chabloz is a victim of Faurrison's dishonesty.

How much of a penalty should be established for denial or shoddy revisionism I am not sure, but I can understand the concern to inhibit circulation of big lies - they can be dangerous.

And should Dennis Wise be able to circulate the big lie that Poles killed 58,000 German civilians and that that instigated WWII?

The Goebbels Report apparently think so. They had been titled the "White Right Hub" until I complained about their heading Dennis Wise' lying propaganda, then removed the link to MR (apparently not willing to allow for the truth about this lie, that literally came from Goebbels at Hitler's request).

Daniel Sienkiewicz said...

I was asked on another thread how it is that Nazism came to be associated with WN.

It is relevant enough to include here:

For a few large reasons, I suppose, but none of them good:

Firstly, people come to see that the interests of a certain group conflict in important ways with the interests of European peoples, whether in Europe or in diaspora, and they are not thorough enough in their research of the history and the various nations to understand that Nazism was not the only 'solution" (if any).

The next big problem:

The White American demographic is more Germanic (by far) than any other Group; beleaguered into reaction by PC, some of them will be prone psychologically to fire straight back, to throw off the guilt trips, wanting to believe that Hitler must have been perfectly justified.

The next largest White demographic in America is Irish. They have a similar vulnerability for their historical conflict with the English and their lack of vested interest in the nations that Hitler attacked. There again, beleaguered by PC, they'd be prone to simplistic stories that "the Nazis were right."

I suppose Italians and other White American demographics would be thus prone to some extent as well, but American Whites are so predominantly German and Irish that they create a large "currency market" so to speak, for Nazi redemptionism. And that market is pandered to by some writers and exponents (some true believers some disingenuous) who feed them partial truths and non truths.

It is also promoted by the enemies of European interests, since its association is disastrous for inter European relations/coordination and destructive for coordination with non Europeans as well.

- disastrous for non European relations in a significant way, because some might even be prone to side with the Nazis, primarily because they don't really care that it was mostly Europeans that were getting slaughtered by the millions.

The terrible association of Nazism and WN has much to do with the White demographic of America, mostly German, Irish and lets add the next biggest group, The English, because their ancestral land lost its Empire; so they'd have reason to go with the starting point with which this currency begins its lament: "Churchill and Roosevelt should have stayed out of WWII."

They are exercising 20/20 hindsight. Even if people don't see the moral reason to oppose Hitler, then they should recognize the British historical strategy to maintain the balance of power on the continent. And that they did not know going into the war that it would cost them the empire.

All this 20/20 hindsight glosses over the key fact that if you want to use 20/20 hindsight, you should be saying that Hitler should not have attacked other European countries.

1) There is no way that The US and Britain would allow the Soviet Union to take over Germany and Western Europe.

2) Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech, Hungary, Romania, etc were all anti Soviet and all of a mindset that would have facilitated Zionism for the kosher folk.

Thus, Hitler's war was unnecessary indeed; it was not really defensive, but an overcompensating reaction, combined with imperialist objectives.

Claire Khaw said...

I have deleted nothing.

What do you think Hitler would say was his greatest mistake if he could be resurrected to answer the question?

Is Trump Good?