
Thursday, 18 June 2020

It is rational and logical to submit to The Inevitable

From 1:22

Islam means logos if logos means the peace you get from submitting to the inevitable ie Truth, Logic and Morality. You can ignore truth until it becomes unignorable. You can refuse to use logic until you fall into error and disaster. You can refuse to follow your moral principles until your body politic is lying on the ground decapitated by the Elephant in the Room: Feminism.

You can only comfort yourselves by pretending that you never cared about the statues anyway and hope your shops are not looted if you kneel to the God of Anti-racism, since the government will no longer uphold the law or protect your rights even if you are Big Business. How can the headless corpse of democracy and Christianity protect anything?

Perhaps the Jews will save us since they are the people who are supposed to martyr themselves if they are forced to kneel before idols, and idolatry is worshiping anything that isn't the Abrahamic God.

The Abrahamic God never forbade slavery in either the Torah or the Koran. It is enough that He forbade usury which leads to irresponsible borrowing and lending by individuals and governments. It is indebtedness that leads us into behaviour such as gambling and reckless imperial wars which ultimately leads to our own enslavement when we lose at gambling and at war.

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