
Sunday, 7 June 2020

J. Taylor on the road 'Paved With Good Intentions' ... and where this leads - first streamed on 4 June 2020

I am now hidden from Cotto-Gottfried.  

1:05 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:05 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Bill Kristol is farther left than Lyndon Johnson

Wojak Woes

Ask Jared Taylor to debate Tariq Nasheed again.😂

1:06 AM
Ultra Testosterone

1:07 AM
White Southern God

1:07 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Jared Taylor vs Rugged Man

1:07 AM
Halsey News Network
​I stream almost every night on my channel except fridays and Saturday’s. I delete the streams right after and upload them to my bitchute channel the next day

1:07 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​that was best

1:07 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Jared Taylor vs Rugged man

Top Tier Scholarship

Who was lower IQ, Rugged Man or Tariq Nasheed?

1:07 AM
William Kane
​Jared Taylor full of shit again

1:08 AM
Cognitive Dissonant
​America and most of the West is now under the theocratic control of sanctimonious doublethink. Beautiful lies and wishful thinking rules. The ugly truth is effectively illegal.

1:08 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Top Tier it's tough to beat Tariq😂

1:08 AM
​It's a civilizational madness

1:08 AM
White Southern God
​I'm from Alabama, but currently out here in southern California, in Orange County. It's sickening to see the self-hatred of so many White Californians, calling counter-protesters "KKK" members. Sad.

1:09 AM
William Kane
​Imagine thinking IQ is real, relevant or matters 😂

1:09 AM
Halsey News Network
​Southern white god I went to college in Alabama

1:09 AM
White Southern God
​@Halsey News Network I am from Opelika

1:09 AM
White Southern God
​and graduated Auburn University

1:09 AM
Lee Grant
​Taylor vs. Nasheed was a classic.

1:09 AM
Halsey News Network
​I went to UA in tuscaloosa

1:09 AM
White Southern God

1:09 AM
Wojak Woes
​@William Kane it's not the end all be all but it matters.

1:10 AM
White Southern God
​@Halsey News Network my Dad graduated law school from U of A.

1:10 AM
Halsey News Network
​Taylor vs Nashid was the funniest debate I have ever seen

1:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Rugged man was pretty bad

1:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​I think Rugged man might be lower

1:10 AM
Cognitive Dissonant
​just saw a protestor wielding a sign saying White silence = Black Death. lol

1:10 AM
White Southern God
​Sadly, my pops is still a 'liberal' of sorts. Is voting for Biden and thinks that the demonstrations are organic. Gets onto me about having a Confederate flag in my pad.

1:10 AM
William Kane
​Jared Taylor has no answers it's his very line of thinking which is why America is burning.

1:11 AM
Halsey News Network
​My fathers family fought with the confederacy.

1:11 AM
Halsey News Network
​My father thinks I am too leftist lol

1:11 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Ultra Testosterone Rugged Man overall was probably worse than Tariq, but the Asians as reserve white ppl ni**a joke comment and Jared's reaction was hilarious.

1:11 AM
William Kane
​Plenty of stupid people with low IQ that owns the world. No offense but literally everyone on Trump's staff is smarter than him but he owns them.

Mark Erjavec

J Derbyshire wrote "we are doomed".. Should we just give up on western9 civilization and the white race? Pass on the civilization torch to the Chines

1:12 AM
William Kane
​Lmao China is also doomed.

1:12 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Jeff Sessions

1:12 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Lou Barletta

1:12 AM
William Kane
​Hong Kong riots will spread.

1:12 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:12 AM
White Southern God
​@Halsey News Network I'm wondering if I need to relocate to Alabama, the South. I'm considering it. I was in Los Angeles and am now in OC. I feel like I'm in a foreign country.

1:12 AM
Wojak Woes
​@William Kane you sound like a pathetic leftist who doesn't have an argument. Go away or bring forth something of value to contribute to the convo.

1:12 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Wojak Woes LMAO

1:13 AM
High Reclusiarch Grimaldus
​Is that really you Halsey?

1:13 AM
Halsey News Network
​White southern god. The mid west is a better bet.

1:13 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Steve King was maybe highest you could get

1:13 AM
Halsey News Network
​Grimaldus how the hell are ya Muh Jogga?

1:13 AM
William Kane
​I'm not a leftist wojak you sound like a clown who can't handle any criticism. Jared Taylor is irrelevant

1:13 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@William Kane you seemed triggered bro

1:14 AM
Halsey News Network

1:14 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@William Kane must be a supporter of joggers

1:14 AM
White Southern God
​I got red-pilled back in 2015 and have been pretty depressed, ever since. There is a large Alt Right contingency out here, but they are living-out 2017 memes and are largely a source of negativity.

1:14 AM
White Southern God
​I basically stopped hanging with them.

kmacks McDonald

Jared what is your view of Michelle Malkin?

1:14 AM
High Reclusiarch Grimaldus
​Hey Halsey, good to see you. I saw you do a couple of interviews with these guys but, you can never be too sure. I’m as good as can be considering.

1:14 AM
Halsey News Network
​The alt right are basically feds and grifters. There is a new confederacy out there and we are growing

1:15 AM
William Kane
​Ultra Testosterone = no testosterone. Imagine supporting Jared Taylor after red pill. lmao

1:15 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@William Kane who do you support then my beta male friend?

1:15 AM
Wojak Woes
​@William James I can handle criticism fine. However we don't throw pearls to swine. Prove your worth with good valuable rebuttals or arguments aside from ad hominems. Otherwise, go to the Young Turks.

1:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@William Kane I know you were whining about Trump too

1:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@William Kane you supporting Biden?

1:16 AM
The uggster
​@Cotto-Gottfried What do you three think about Trumps church photo??

1:17 AM
William Kane
​You can always expect a hit dog to holler. lol. Fuck no I'm not supporting Biden's senile ass. 😂 Trump needs to let his cabinet run the show.

1:17 AM
Halsey News Network
​I should run, pretend to be a reformed jew who loves the left and go full Pinochet when I get elected

1:18 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Halsey 🤣🤣🤣👍

1:18 AM
White Southern God
​@William Kane Jared is a gentleman and has done wonders for White Americans. Don't let the autism take you down dark roads of purity spiraling. Expand your life, don't contract it.

1:18 AM
Halsey News Network
​Halsey 2024, free helicopter rides for all!

1:18 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@William Kane who should run it?

1:19 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Jared Taylor is how everyone in the dissident right should act

1:20 AM
White Southern God
​William Johnson of the American Freedom Party in southern California is great. Mormon guy.

1:20 AM
Ahmad David Rifkin
​too many white antifa tells you that Whites r a hopeless case

1:20 AM
Wojak Woes
​President: Halsey, Vice President: Brian, Treasury Secretary: TFM

1:21 AM
Oscar Hunter
​white race mixers are a lot

1:21 AM
Claire Khaw
​No religion, no identity, no dignity, particularly if you are known for men who submit to living in a matriarchy.

1:21 AM
Wojak Woes
​The Mormons are cool but a bit spooky. They remind me of the Scientologists in how they recruit and retain ppl.
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our Community Guidelines.

1:21 AM
Halsey News Network
​The first bill I introduce would be a repeal of the 19th amendment

1:21 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Ultra Testosterone yes Taylor is a number 1

1:22 AM
Halsey News Network
​Speaking of feds here is Claire

1:22 AM
R. Andrew K. Reed
​Montgomery County MD, LIB-TARD CENTRAL.

1:22 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Ahmad David Rifkin Whites will remain hopeless unless and until they restore the patriarchy.

1:22 AM
Wojak Woes
​That's why you're MY PRESIDENT, Halsey!

1:22 AM
Oscar Hunter
​many whites are now worshipping black felons like Floyd

1:22 AM
Wojak Woes
​Women virtue-signal the country to shit whenever they're in charge.

1:22 AM
​Montgomery County MD is full of rich, leftwing fruitloops

1:22 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Ultra Testosterone Jared Taylor comes from a class that dissociates itself from marginalised white men.

1:23 AM
Claire Khaw
​I did meet Jared Taylor in London some years ago.

1:24 AM
Halsey News Network
​My kids school calls me all the time complaining about some outlandish shit my kids say in school

1:24 AM
White Southern God
​@Halsey News Network have you converted to Secular Koranism?

1:24 AM
White Southern God
​Welcome, Claire

1:24 AM
Oscar Hunter
​Claire Khaw what is your race

1:25 AM
Claire Khaw
​@White Southern God Hello.

1:25 AM
Halsey News Network
​My 6 year old daughter told a school assembly on stranger danger that if there was a stranger I her house her daddy would “shoot him in the face and feed him to the dogs”

1:25 AM
The uggster
​@Cotto-Gottfried What do you three think about Trumps church photo??

1:25 AM
Halsey News Network
​Claire’s race is bat soup eating sand jogger

1:25 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Oscar Hunter IC5 according to UK police race codes. I actually prefer this classification.

1:25 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Claire Khaw are you into race mixing? I want a muslim wife.

1:26 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Wojak Woes Muslim is not a race and I ain't Muslim.

1:26 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Claire Khaw oh that's right.

1:26 AM
kmacks McDonald
​almost 80 watching now

1:26 AM
Billy Jean
​I have 30 kids with 40 women

1:26 AM
kmacks McDonald
​because they were anti communist

1:27 AM
White Southern God
​I met Claire in Talladega, Alabama. She challenged me to a game of billiards. We drank PBR's. Have been tight, ever since.

1:27 AM
Claire Khaw
​The hostility of Halsey is entirely due to his inability to formulate arguments against Secular Koranism except that of gibbering hatred and inarticulate rage.

1:27 AM
Oscar Hunter

1:27 AM
​Forgot your question, UT, but will address it next. Apologies!

1:27 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​thanks bro

1:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​@White Southern God I long for another visit but cannot remember what PBRs are. Too much to drink perhaps.

1:28 AM
White Southern God

1:28 AM
White Southern God
​Pabst Blue Ribbon

1:28 AM
White Southern God
​is a cheap beer

1:28 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:28 AM
kmacks McDonald
​defeating communism was a bad thing

1:28 AM
kmacks McDonald
​should have left it

1:28 AM
kmacks McDonald
​let it be

1:28 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Claire Khaw you still down for race mixing. I'm a white guy and I'd like some submissive desert woman vag.

1:28 AM
kmacks McDonald
​soviet union stay communist

1:28 AM
Ahmad David Rifkin
​hey there

1:28 AM
​Jared Taylor's a SNAKE, rather then discussing the real issue ( which Paul brought earlier, white on white hate) he's going in circles

1:29 AM
Billy Jean
​@kmacks McDonald shut your mouth!

1:29 AM
The uggster
​^hello dumb dumb department

1:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​@M S I tried to interest Jared in the idea of feminism being responsible for Western degeneracy, but he was impervious. I have just emailed AmRen to ask invite him on my channel.

1:30 AM
The Z Blog
​What a nice surprise. Have any of you read Ryszard Legutko?

1:30 AM
Wojak Woes
​@M S it's an issue for sure.

1:31 AM
​The Z Man is here!

1:31 AM
Claire Khaw
​@White Southern God I am intrigued by the cursed highway of Talladega.

1:32 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Cotto-Gottfried Have you guys discussed feminism with Jared yet? I missed the beginning of the show.

1:32 AM
Wojak Woes
​@Claire Khaw I just went to your channel, blah I withdraw the offer. No r as ce mixing for you.

1:32 AM
Wojak Woes

1:32 AM
​Oh fuckin GOSSIPS

1:33 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Yikes we dont want that

1:33 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:33 AM
kmacks McDonald
​we love French

1:33 AM
The uggster
​@Cotto-Gottfried What do you three think about Trumps church photo??

1:34 AM
kmacks McDonald
​restaurant in Alexandria

1:34 AM
Great Lakes Nationalist
​multilingual showboating Oh la la Monsieur G!

1:34 AM
The Z Blog
​My God. How are we losing when we have a near monopoly on the intellectual capital of the Occident?

1:34 AM
Claire Khaw
​Ho hum. Is that Gottfried saying to Jared "Come up and see me sometime"?"

1:35 AM
Rocco TA
​T- Anglo wewuzer J taylor.

1:35 AM
​ZMAN! Loved your post on "President Larp" the other day, perhaps the most brilliant summation of Trump I'd ever read.

1:35 AM
Great Lakes Nationalist
​The Z Blog arriveth! Much Respect. Graced by his presence.

1:35 AM
The Z Blog
​Thank you

1:36 AM
White Southern God
​@Cotto-Gottfried if possible, please ask Mr. Taylor my SuperChat. Curious about his take on the different former European ethnic groups in the US aligning and uniting via a "White American Identity"

1:36 AM
White Southern God
​Many thanks

1:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​Has feminism been discussed yet? Or defenestrating the matriarchy and restoring the patriarchy with slut-shaming Secular Koranism?

1:36 AM
The uggster
​spot on

1:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​Has Jared discussed religion and the fact that Christianity is kaput?

1:36 AM
Great Lakes Nationalist
​It feels like we're in the early stages of a Franken-revolution. CultMarx + CronyCap

1:37 AM
​Hey z man you should do a stream just as a test run. Please?

1:37 AM
​By the way I didn’t agree with your post today at all!

1:37 AM
Claire Khaw
​Judaism is divine civic nationalism, therefore Islam is divine civic nationalism. Christianity is kaput and this must be acknowledged before Western Man moves on to Secular Koranism.

1:38 AM
White Southern God
​Great question and answer. I'd like to ask Dr. Gottfried and Cotto (and Halsey) more about the "JQ" as they see it, given the history of liberal Jewish folks leading many revolutions.

1:38 AM
Claire Khaw
​Why not treat unmarried parents as sex offenders by lashing them 100 times per bastard as prescribed by 24:2 of the Koran?

1:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​@White Southern God Are you aware of my proposal to put Jews on a Register?

1:39 AM
The Z Blog
​I'll stream one day. Have to finish the book first.

1:40 AM
Christiaan Tomatenpuree
​Damn, I'm late to the party, but great guest Joseph!

1:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​Gottfried looked great when he was wearing a shirt with a collar the last time I saw him.

1:41 AM
Claire Khaw
​The proportion of Liberal Jews to Observant Jews is probably about the same as Liberal Gentiles to Conservative Gentiles.

1:42 AM
Great Lakes Nationalist
​Did anybody in the chat think the Fringey Coalition would get this violent this quickly? This seems 5 years ahead of schedule

1:42 AM
Claire Khaw
​Hey, what about my questions?

1:42 AM
​Covid lockdown has to have contributed to this riots

Christiaan Tomatenpuree
Pear character doing a shaka sign with his hand saying 'Cool'

1:42 AM
The uggster
​Iranians and Iraqis are hardly part of the intersectionality left

Blog of The W3st

When is PG’s book out?

1:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Steve Cabin fever turbo-charges a sense of self-righteous outdoor communing.

1:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​Sensible Jews and gentiles get attacked. It is time for Western Man to take control. He needs to say what needs to be said in order to do what needs to be done.

1:44 AM
Sporties McNodrip
​Tariq was meme kino

1:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​There is no need to hand anything over to the Chinese as long as you restore the patriarchy and govern your nation as a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

1:45 AM
Don DonDon
​cotto needs to drop the superchats when an interesting guest or gottfried is on. Way less interestinn\g

1:46 AM
Don DonDon
​(Superchats are way less interesting)

1:46 AM
​The Z MAN in on more group streams in the future would be A DREAM!... Love & Respect to THE Z!

1:46 AM
The uggster
​Then ask better ones

1:46 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Don DonDon I am so glad I don't have superchats. YouTube preventing me from reaching 1K subscribers is a blessing in disguise.

1:47 AM
White Southern God
​Thanks, @Cotto-Gottfried ur awesome.

1:48 AM
The uggster
​Would love to see Mr Taylor and Mr Dutton have a debate

1:48 AM
Blog of The W3st

1:48 AM
The uggster
​*Edward Dutton

1:48 AM
​They will come with black hoodies and balaclavas

1:48 AM
Claire Khaw
​@The uggster Dutton is too scared to debate me.

1:49 AM
kmacks McDonald
​remember to like and subscribe

1:49 AM
kmacks McDonald
​sadly this gets taken down for awhile

1:49 AM
kmacks McDonald
​before being posted back up again

1:49 AM
Claire Khaw
​I wonder why my questions are being ignored. Any ideas, people?

1:49 AM
The uggster
​Why would that be @Claire Khaw

1:49 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Claire Khaw has to be superchat

1:49 AM
kmacks McDonald
​too late now

1:49 AM
​Invigorating disscussion.

1:50 AM

1:50 AM
​Thank You Gentlemen!

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