
Sunday, 7 June 2020

2:31:00 - 3:31:00 OV and Conops refuse to answer my question: what is religion for?

MESSAGE TO YOUTUBE CENSORS after being told by James Neal I have been reported in the following terms:

James Neal commented: "Reported. I just can't tolerate racial slurs."

James Neal replied: "Theocrats living on pension is the new black"

James Neal has a troll account that has no content.

His malice is evident from his comments in the chat from 6:20:00.

The purpose of my streams are intended to be educational. None of my content promotes hatred against protected groups, abuses vulnerable individuals or engages in cyberbullying. Indeed, it is James Neal who has no content to report that is indulging in the cyberbullying of marginalised and vulnerable frightened white men who need a safe space to discuss their issues and express their emotions on matters frightening, troubling and confusing for them. From the comments James Neal posts, it sounds like he is himself a part of this group of vulnerable men who thinks it is the right thing to maliciously report my channel for saying things he dislikes.

My purpose in engaging with people with views I do not agree who do not have the discipline to refrain from using racial slurs or who regard their position as so hopeless that they think the only form of political activism left to them is the use racial slurs and abuse against groups and individuals they dislike is to highlight their immaturity, helplessness, stupidity and self-harm eg vandalising their own living space and amenities.

12:00  My First Future Perfect Interview with Luana
15:00  Jay should already know that Jews are God's Chosen People.
18:00  White people live in a matriarchy.
19:00  Imperial privilege
20:00  White privilege
21:00  Imperial and white privilege does not trickle down to the proles and welfare claimants.
22:00  A perception that the government does not care for its own citizens.
25:00  Libertarians
26:00  Fewer laws and lower taxes
27:00  Not having or following principles
28:00  Liberalism is whatever a party leader says it is because it has no official handbook.
29:00  The rules
30:00  Mono-racial societies have tensions too.
31:00  Class tensions and civil wars
32:00  2000 years ago
34:00  Philadelphia
35:00  Aristotle on multi-ethnic societies
37:00  The caste system is an example of divide and rule.
38:00  All empires are logically and necessarily multicultural.
39:00  Extramarital sex is the opium of Western Man.
40:00  Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, Islam is divine civic nationalism.
41:00  God has divided humanity into Jew and gentile.

43:00  Poles v Jews
45:00  Religion
46:00  Marriage, family values, and good parenting
47:00  Truth is what we need to survive.
48:00  The Church is a Creature of the Liberal State.
49:00  Hungary and Poland are the most robust against immigration.
50:00  The Catholic Church lost the wars of the Reformation.
51:00  The nature and purpose of religion
54:00  A corrupt oligarchy and political cartel
56:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
57:00  OV returns after dropping out.
59:00  Ron Paul
1:05:00  OV's sister
1:10:00  Jay
1:11:00  God's Chosen People
1:13:00  Thomas Jefferson read the Koran to negotiate with Barbary pirates.
1:14:00  What God chose Jews to do for Him
1:15:00  Noahide laws
1:16:00  Reform Judaism
1:17:00  Jews can Noahidise the world by promoting Secular Koranism.
1:18:00  613 Commandments and 7 Noahide laws
1:19:00  5 world religions
1:20:00  The 3 Abrahamic faiths
1:22:00  Christianity
1:24:00  Sexual morality
1:25:00  Corporal punishment for extramarital sex in Aceh Province in Indonesia.

1:30:00  Donald Trump orders 9,500 US troops to leave Germany
1:32:00  Making America Great Again = American isolationism
1:34:00  The end of the Special Relationship
1:36:00  Julian Assange
1:40:00  Matriarchy
1:43:00  Christian knowledge of the Noahide laws
1:46:00  Canard
1:47:00  Morality and who has the right to discuss it
1:48:00  CONOPS joins.
1:50:00  Properly administered corporal punishment in Aceh
1:52:00  Adultery is still a criminal offence in some American states.
1:55:00  Jefferson Bible and Khavian Koranism
1:57:00  Black Lives Matter in the Netherlands
1:59:00  No sex with members of different households in the UK
2:00:00  Sweden
2:01:00  Superspreader event
2:03:00  Social distancing
2:04:00  Elderly victims of Covid-19
2:26:00  Henry II threatened to convert to Islam
2:31:00  All mistakes in government policy can be traced to not following Koranic principles.
2:34:00  The rule of law is necessary to any advanced society.
2:35:00  Rioting is evidence of the rule of law breaking down.
2:36:00  Trump not appearing to take the riots seriously and hardly mentioning them at all in his press conference.
2:37:00  "Taking the knee"
2:38:00  The National Guard taking the knee
2:40:00  Politics is the art of the possible.
2:42:00  The Russian Revolution
2:44:00  Liberal effeminate men who cannot make difficult decisions for fear of unpopularity do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation.
2:47:00  It started in America.
2:48:00  The British lower classes just want to be American.
2:49:00  OV asks me why I don't go back to Vietnam.
2:50:00  I ask OV why he keeps pretending not to get what I am saying.
2:51:00  White flight
2:52:00  Conops the social democrat asks me why I don't go to the Middle East.
2:53:00  I point out that OV the larping Nazi is always complaining about Jews and Conops the Islamophobe is always complaining Muslims.
2:54:00  Conops the atheist seems to be suggesting  that the looters and rioters are more likely to be Christian and Muslim.
2:57:00  Conops again suggests that Christians and Muslims are responsible for more crime than atheists.
2:59:00  OV and Conops both avoid answering my question: what is religion for?
3:00:00  Conops asserts that black people tend to be more religious than white people.
3:03:00  Conops again makes the point that many Muslim men are in prison in Europe but this is perfectly consistent with Muslims having more children and therefore having a lower average age. Young single men of every race, nation and religion are more likely to go to prison than married/older men.
3:04:00  Islam would only work with sharia.
3:0500  The only people who can call themselves Christian are people who have been confirmed.
3:06:00  OV denies he is atheist.
3:07:00  OV finally says he doesn't think Christianity is kaput.

3:08:00  Conops tries to avoid answering the question on whether Christianity is kaput by pointing to Yemen as a sign of the failure of Islam while not mentioning the Sykes-Picot Agreement which was two European imperial powers leaving behind poison pills everywhere in the Middle East.

The area of Arab independence was defined to be "bounded on the North by Mersina and Adana up to 37 degrees of latitude, on which degree fall Birijik, Urfa, Mardin, Midiat, Jerizat (Ibn ʿUma), Amadia, up to the border of Persia; on the east by the borders of Persia up to the Gulf of Basra; on the South by the Indian Ocean, with the exception of the position of Aden to remain as it is; on the west by the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea up to Mersina", with the exception of "portions of Syria" lying to the west of "the districts of Damascus, Homs, Hama and Aleppo".

Mark Sykes was dispatched on instructions of the War Office at the beginning of June to discuss the Committee's findings with the British authorities in the Near and Middle East and at the same time to study the situation on the spot. He went to Athens, Gallipoli, Sofia, Cairo, Aden, Cairo a second time and then to India coming back to Basra in September and a third time to Cairo in November (where he was apprised of the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence) before returning home on 8 December and finally delivering his report to the War Committee on 16 December.


3:12:00  Neocon wars
3:13:00  The end of the Ottoman Empire
3:16:00  All empires fail when they break their own rules.
3:17:00  Erdogan using Islam to promote the national interest of Turkey
3:19:00  The last Caliphate
3:21:00  T E Lawrence

3:28:00  Luana and I met on Twitter.
3:36:00  Breakdown of law and order in the US.
3:37:00  My comment in the chat that was deleted by YouTube.

My plan is basically telling Jews that they can outsource the job of Noahidising the world by encouraging gentiles to adopt Secular Koranism and this they can do by Israel adopting it first. 
3:41:00  OV says I am "the ultimate Nazi troll".

Claire Khaw
​The Register of Jews is to protect Jews and gentiles from each other.

Claire Khaw
​I do ask rabbis to answer my question: which of the world religions is the most Noahide-observant? It is Islam of course while Christianity is bottom of the heap.

3:44:00  The benefits of Jews adopting Secular Koranism are that it would help Jews be better Jews and help them perform their religious obligations to the gentile better.

3:45:00  Because as Torah theocracy would be too harsh for Jews, I have created Secular Koranism for them.

3:46:00  Secular Koranism ignores the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran.

3:47:00  Jews would be guaranteed freedom of belief with and so would everyone else because that is the verse on which the First Amendment is based.

3:48:00  OV's visit to an orthodox synagogue.

3:50:00  Jews do not want provoke antisemitism by telling gentiles what to do.

3:51:00  Jews will be keeping their own records of who is a Jew anyway.

3:55:00  OV doubts the Holocaust.

3:58:00  Registries

4:00:00  Only observant Jews get to be on the Register.

4:02:00  Unmarried parents will be treated as sex offenders.

4:03:00  No retrospective legislation or ex post facto law

4:04:00  Slavery will be an alternative form of welfare.

4:05:00  Complaints about my avatar

4:07:00  The benefits of a Register of Jews for Jews

4:09:00  Noam Chomsky

4:10:00  Anti-Zionist Jews

4:13:00  Barbara Lerner Spectre

4:15:00  Aaron Amihud and Halsey English

4:16:00  Non-observant Jew who start Pornhub and support gay marriage would be struck off the Register of Jews. Any Jew deemed to have committed any of the 36 capital crimes listed in the Tanakh would be struck off the Register of Jews.,described%20in%20the%20Old%20Testament.

4:17:00  Jewish festivals I like the sound of.

4:21:00  The number of Jews in Amsterdam

4:22:00  Functionalism and Intentionalism

4:42:00  David Irving and the Goebbels diaries
4:51:00  Masturbating over the Holocaust repeatedly and wondering why no one takes them seriously.
4:58:00  OV accuses me of being "a secret Jew". 
4:59:00  OV accuses me of not "being interested in truth". 
5:01:00  THOMAS WHITE joins.
5:03:00  Holocaust denial laws are thoughtcrime laws. 

5:07:00  Dumbshit antisemites who see their political activism only in terms of offending Jews. 
5:08:00  Thomas White on gender relations, marriage and family values. 
5:09:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
5:11:00  "Jews created Hitler."

5:12:00  JAY joins.
5:13:00  Because OV doesn't have a girlfriend, it is the fault of the Jews.  
5:15:00  What alt-right don't like talking about
5:16:00  Why Jay hates Luana
5:19:00  Jay is jealous of the women in my life.  
5:20:00  Religious narratives
5:22:00  Jay denies his antisemitism that was triggered when Luana only said what she thought Judaism was about.  
5:23:00  I admit to making enquiries about converting to Orthodox Judaism in order to better sell Secular Koranism.  
5:24:00  Japanese and Jews
5:25:00  I explain to Jay the reason for my proposed Register of Jews.
5:27:00  The link between antisemitism and Jews neglecting to promote the Noahide laws
5:28:00  Jews are God's Chosen People whether antisemites like it or not.
5:32:00  The Normans have assimilated themselves out of existence. 
5:40:00  The purpose of OV's cackle
5:43:00  Mamzer and Doooovid
5:44:00  Jay is actually telling me that I should hate Luana because he thinks I should hate her. What is that if not a kind superiority complex? 
5:46:00  I have had a few arguments with Doooovid. 
5:47:00  Crazy moods
5:49:00  Jay blames Luana for making him hate her. 
5:51:00  Usury
5:54:00  "spiritual narcissism"  

5:56:00  ALT-RIGHT MIKE joins to talk about the riots.

10:18:00  I monologue.
10:19:00  The problem with Western Man
10:20:00  The most revealing thing about this stream about OV, Conops and Jay

10:22:00  SPACEPAN joins.
10:25:00  The younger generation are not aware of the significance of certain gestures.  
10:30:00  Choosing a leader
10:31:00  Hierarchy
10:32:00  The division of power and the rules of succession and why the army is hierarchical
10:33:00  Contracts, agreements, bargains and promises
10:34:00  Imperial wars
10:35:00  American soldiers voted for Ron Paul.
10:37:00  No benefits of imperialism for the Ordinary Joe. 
10:38:00  Mercenaries
10:39:00  Degenerate Romans declined to join the Roman Army.
10:40:00  Liberal intervention and neoconservatism is a euphemism for American imperialism.
10:41:00  All empires are necessarily and logically multicultural and multiracial.
10:42:00  Taking the King or Queen's shilling and being shanghaied
10:45:00  French Foreign Legion
10:46:00  Stupid socialist policies
10:47:00  Race war and Hillary Clinton
10:48:00  Antifa
10:50:00  Michelle Malkin tells American men to get up off their knees.
10:51:00  Targets for Hongkong protesters
10:54:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins, roboting.
10:58:00  Valid and sound arguments
11:01:00  Spacepan volunteers as moderator Church of Entropy and me.
11:05:00  Debating morality and the relative merits of my and Church of Entropy's theocracy
11:07:00  Entropism has not been tried and tested while there are Muslim countries in the world that have established Islamic States. 

1 comment:

DRO said...

Henry II was a very interesting character, not least because of his wife who seems to have been Arabic speaking. It was he who managed to return order to the country after the chaos of the civil war between Stephen and Matilda by simply lifting a comprehensive and established legal system from Maliki rite Sunni Islam as applied in Sicily and Spain and using it for a system of King's assize courts.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...