
Sunday, 21 June 2020

On being accused of being an American imperialist when I am not even American

Some idiot liberal accused me of being so stupid that I would have been in favour of the Vietnam War had I been old enough to form an opinion as a White American Imperialist.

While I am happy to admit that I am not against the idea of imperialism per se because it cannot be denied that great civilisations are always great empires, I bridled at the presumption of the unthinking jingoism that I was being accused of.

All empires decline through breaking the rules they followed that made them great eg the Republican virtue of early Republican Rome. All civilisations rise in patriarchy - when only married sex was allowed - and decline in matriarchy - when all varieties of extramarital sex become part of the culture.

Empires are morally instructive to humanity. Troy fell because of its female trouble caused by the fornication of Paris and the adultery of Helen. King Priam and Queen Hecuba disobeyed the signs which told them to get rid of Paris as a baby because he was born under an unlucky star but subsequently accepted him when it appeared that he had grown into a fine young man.

His judgement is known to be unwise when he chose to award the Golden Apple to Aphrodite when asked to choose a winner out of Hera the Goddess of Empire, Athena the Goddess of Wisdom and Aphrodite the Goddess of Love who promised him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.

If he had not stolen the wife of another man, Troy would not have fallen. If King Priam had disowned Paris for his sexual immorality and returned both Helen and Paris for punishment by Menelaus her husband, there would not have been a Trojan War and Troy would not have fallen as a result of its sexual immorality.

Apart from being good at picking your fights carefully enough to win the overwhelming majority of them, what else must you do as a successful imperialist?

The British cultivated their imperial propaganda about the aristocratic virtue of their leaders eg an innate sense of fair play, of a free nation of independent thinkers, of virtuous and chaste women as well as the stiff upper lip of restraining behaviour and speech that should not be displayed "in front of the servants" who were often their subject peoples.

If you want to be a successful imperial nation, you would have to cultivate a culture of aristocratic virtue amongst your populace. Indeed, the psychological weapon you would wield most often is that you are so obviously superior that potential subject nations would secretly long to be ravished by you.

The Americans are about to discover how washing one's dirty laundry in public and cursing each other like fishwives will now have devastating consequences on their status and reputation. Jews being the aristocracy of humanity would know all about the devastating consequences of Lashon Hara - the sin of evil speech that is said to have caused their 2000 year exile from Israel.

Since most Americans are both ignorant and indifferent to American foreign policy and are reluctant to assume the White Man's Burden, the model of American imperialism propagated by a perception of American virtue is in fact unsustainable. If there are non-Americans who long to be American, it is only because they aspire to a level of consumption that is American as well as a degenerate lifestyle of sex and drugs and rock and roll under the globohomo imperium that is turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah and doubtless provoking the same punishment.

Since US policy makers worship their Idol of Democracy, they feel they have to lie to their people while rigging the rules to see that US foreign policy always stays the same whoever is elected President.

Because democracy has now failed the Americans and the West, liberal democracy will not be around for much longer, since a one party state modelled on China's  would logically and necessarily be seen as the way forward for any nation that wants its government to govern in the national interest. Once it is generally accepted that democracy is dementia, feminism, no fault divorce, gay marriage, the civil partnership, transgenderism, equal pay, maternity leave, affirmative action, anti-discrimination legislation will also fall like dominoes.

Not long now before Secular Koranism will be more widely discussed as the antithesis of the matriarchal disorder that now pervades the West through which good moral order will finally be restored. 

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