
Sunday, 21 June 2020

A psychological analysis of antisemites, Islamophobes and racists and what should be done about them

Most people will be hard to change on matters of religion and politics because they are such habits of thought. But there can be bad habits of thoughts that are nothing to do with the facts or arguments but about which group we want to be identified with and why. Because Jay is fundamentally an atheist though he pretends to be Christian, he will think only in terms of his immediate lifetime and himself. Nothing in his personal philosophy tells him he has any duty to tell the truth or exercise logic. If he had principles, he would be consistent. Since he doesn't, he can only say what he feels at the time about a certain thing and his moods change from day to day and even hour to hour.

The whole point about religion is that it is a group moral system which can only be said to exist if it is followed by a group you are part of. If there are no others around who share your religion, you have to say what your principles are. I would say my rules are contained in the Koran. Jay would say his rules are contained in Emmet Fox's Sermon on the Mount which was written for alcoholics.


It is breathtaking that he is saying that Emmet Fox is better than the Koran.

This is what I infer him to be saying: he is saying to the world that his shit of ignorance is better than the fine dining of a world religion.

If Jay really thinks he worships an all-powerful deity and isn't just lying that he does to impress us, you can be sure that this deity he imagines he worships shares his views on everything. This means Jay worships himself and this means he is therefore suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

The pain those who suffer from NPD is that of Cognitive Dissonance. If they are indeed the wonderful people they think they are worshipping a deity who shares their views in every regard, why do they suffer the emotional distress of having people say that they are neither clever nor funny but  instead uneducated, exasperating, self-contradictory, unprincipled, cowardly and contemptible? 

He has admitted that he has never read the Koran he bought and threw away. Why did he buy it? Why did he throw it away? If he never bought it, why did he lie about buying it? If he never threw it away, why lie about that? If he bought it intending to read it, what changed his mind? The Islamophobia that overcame him? Very little Jay does makes any sense until you see him as someone who reacts to things emotionally rather than analytically without even the self awareness to acknowledge this.


Jay has already said he would like to ban male circumcision. This is ipso facto antisemitism since the desire to do this is to show hatred and disgust for this practice and make things uncomfortable for Jews in the hope they will get the hint and go live somewhere else.

Antisemitic hypocrites will pretend to care about the foreskins of Jewish boys and are stupid enough to actually think they will be believed when they lie that they are not antisemites.

In previous conversations with me, he has said how much pity he has felt for the Jews he has observed on Stamford Hill who look so miserable to him. To pity someone is to claim a superior status, of course.

He claims he tried to engage them in conversation by saying hello to them, but why would you stop and talk to a plebeian gentile saying hello to you anyway if you are Jewish? Because they refused to return his greeting suspecting mockery or some malign purpose, Jay now hates them and feels contempt for them.

Because he is jealous of Luana, he hates her. If I like her because she is Jewish, then he hates her for being Jewish. If I like her for being all the things he is not, then he will hate her for those things rather than cultivate in himself the qualities I find admirable in people who have the confidence and knowledge to discuss their religion. I take Luana seriously as a person because her religion gives her the ability to speak consistently and with knowledge about Judaism and her dealings with gentiles as a social worker, so he hates her for these things.

Are the comments of Jay evidence of antisemitism and racism?

I have already told him how I hate the way he keeps contradicting himself but it is really a mental health issue that he cannot correct without therapy. If someone told me I had an irrational fear or hatred of something I would have to investigate if I really do have a phobia. If you believed in the Abrahamic God, you would wonder why God sent Muslims to punish you ... for what?

But Jay does not believe in the Abrahamic God that he is always claiming he has a constant connection with.

If Jews and Muslims are always the people you are complaining about, then you must have a hatred and fear of them.

If you are accused of Judeophobia and Islamophobia, then you should ask yourself whether your hatred and fear of them is in fact rational.

If Jews and Muslims are powerful minorities in your country whom your government prefers to you as a gentile non-Muslim, you must ask yourself why they are preferred to you and why they do better than you.

If you don't care about the arguments and never make up your mind about anything giving dishonest, inconsistent and unintelligible reasons, then it will be supposed that your reasons are indeed irrational or simply based on the Deadly Sin of Envy.

If your religion is already kaput, then your politicians and institutions would be corrupt and unresponsive to your needs. If Jay dares not say what he really thinks about immigration and statues to the people he knows in real life, then he it can be concluded that he is surrounded by women and leftists. It is a measure of his cowardice that he dares not verbally defend statuary and a measure of my consistency that anyone who knows me in real life would not be surprised at the views I express.

When he loses the argument, he will hint that he or others could always be helping me towards the nearest port of exit. What he and others hate about my methods of argumentation is the fact that they know, deep down that they do hate and fear Jews, Muslims and other races who compete against them.

They could do without the competition and will not be comforted by the fact that Jews, Muslims and non-whites are in fact better more useful people as far as their government is concerned because they bring attitudes, skills and capital to this country that successive governments have neglected to cultivate domestically in a failing education system that they refuse to address for fear of alienating the unions and voters.

I bear him no animosity, of course. Most of the people I associate with are constantly wrestling with their emotions of hatred and fear that their government will not protect them from those whom they believe only abuse, exploit and invade them.

My position has always been that their questions must be answered substantively.


However often and simply I explain that his people cannot organise to promote their own interests because Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia, he will reject what I say. This is because he is dimly aware that the moment he admits that the religion and political system of his country has failed, I will be commending a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. Brutus the Eternal Anglo and his associates of plebeians have the same view of me. They already know they have lost the argument, but still occasionally hope I can sugarcoat the pill of Secular Koranism. In other words, they want me to lie to them. But I refuse.

Jay also knows that when he says "No, thanks" to Secular Koranism, I will ask "What better ideas have you got?" to which he has no answer, other than to say he does not think my idea will ever be adopted, everyone hates it and unlike me, he knows his place and does not propose solutions that will never be adopted.

When it is pointed out that he is an uneducated man careless with words and facts who confuses what is unpopular with what is unworkable, he will block me for an interval and then get in touch again when he thinks I have forgotten that he is really sick child who refuses to take his medicine thinking that he can really do without the cure. 


If they insist on expressing their hatred and claim that their hatred is based on sound reasons, their hatred and fear should be addressed, of course. Over the years, I have consistently supported free speech the repeal of the Equality Act 2010.

To forbid antisemites, Islamophobes and racists from expressing their hate and fear only cements in their minds that they have suffered loss of status and other associated ills because of Jews, Muslims and non-whites in their countries. I propose that honest, honourable and articulate representatives of the groups they hate should be invited to defend themselves to clear up any misunderstanding, or failing that, allow me to assume this role. 

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