
Monday, 8 June 2020

Luke Ford and Doooovid call me delusional for proposing to restore the patriarchy with Secular Koranism

1:23:00  I am accused of self-delusion. Of course I am aware that Secular Koranism alienates Islamophobes of the alt-right. Those who dismiss me, don't take me seriously and block me are of course Post-Christian atheists of the alt-right who keep losing all the arguments to me. I am also aware that winning arguments against people alienates them. I do indeed complain about people who block me and won't have me on their show and their reasons for so doing: cowardice and fear of alienating their subscribers. Of course it has occurred to me that people who reject Truth, Logic and Morality would flee from the Truth, Logic and Morality of  Secular Koranism. 

1:24:00  I am regarded as "unhinged and completely detached from reality", apparently, but what have I ever said that is untrue, illogical or immoral? Doooovid says he is my "great defender".

1:25:00  Doooovid says my Messiah Complex is shared by Warski, Luke, JF, Gandalf, Church of Entropy including Doooovid himself. 

1:26:00  Nobody wants to embrace Secular Koranism because they are crippled by their Deadly Sin of Pride and other sins that prevent them from accepting its correction graciously and with gratitude. Infantilised men even expect me to sweeten the pill to such an extent that they would actually desire it. I am but a doctor saying to a patient whose leg has turned black that amputation is the only way to save his life. No one can be expected to desire or welcome such an invasive medical procedure even if it is to save a life. However, it is still possible to submit to it reluctantly if one wants to live and cares to be remembered by posterity as being sane and rational, rather than nihilistic, demented and self-destructive. 

Our duty as rational and moral human beings is to do the right thing to shorten the period of chaos as much as possible, not distract ourselves with our emotional distress. It is time to bite the bullet and cut the crap. 

1:26:00  Luke suggests I give Secular Koranism a different title, presumably to hide the fact that it is based on the Koran and the dreaded religion of Islam. But the cat is already out of the bag about that. In any case, what would be the point of plagiarising the Koran? I would be found out in the end. And even if I independently arrived at the solutions offered in the Koran. I would still lack moral authority. The most efficient way therefore is to assume the following:

a)  Minimum standards of universal morality ie the Noahide laws must be enforced by righteous gentile nations.

b) Laws are more likely to be accepted if they are perceived to be fair enough. It would  be fair enough to most people not crippled by antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism that the law in our society should forbid murder, theft, sexual immorality and unnecessary cruelty to animals. It is also logical and necessary to have such laws enforced by a court and legal system. 

c) The laws most likely to be enforced and obeyed by as many people for as long as possible would be laws believed to come from the Abrahamic God. Therefore it would make sense to forbid idolatry and blasphemy. The seven laws I have listed separately above constitute the Noahide laws. 

The most Noahide observant religion is Islam as states. Christianity must be kaput or we would not be seeing distressing scenes of White Men who should be charge of public order kneeling before rioters and looters in submission and allowing statues to be torn down by a baying mob 

Luke is saying because I have not had support of my ideas, I "have developed contempt for other people". 

I know the reason why white whingeing men dare not support my ideas: fear. They know that my ideas cannot be argued against, but they fear to support it because they are Islamophobes and their associates also Islamophobes, antisemites and racists. The reluctance of Jews to discuss the Noahide laws is entirely attributed to fear of provoking the wrath of the antisemitic gentile whose land they have resided in for centuries.

1:28:00  Doooovid mocks Gandalf for always talking about what he wants not having the self-awareness to know that nobody cares what he thinks. 

1:29:00  Doooovid thinks I am delusional for thinking my e-personality is enough to get Secular Koranism accepted. But I am not just relying on the force of my personality, am I? I invite people to find a better legal system than Secular Koranism, and so far no one even has a plan other than that of submitting to the status quo and dreaming of pogrom. Since I rely on Truth, Logic and Morality to get my ideas accepted and no one I know is capable of operating on these principles, I should expect Secular Koranism to be rejected until it is generally accepted that There Is No Alternative. It seems Doooovid and Luke expect me tell lies and rely on irrational arguments in an immoral way to be successful. This I refuse to do because I pride myself in having principles and sticking to them.

I have won all the arguments while being keenly aware morally vacuous degenerates are not moved by mere arguments, however sound.

These people are presumably the ones who say to Luke "Don't bring Claire on the show" eg Halsey, and the blancmange-like Joseph Cotto who is in charge of the tech side of Cotto-Gottfried.

1:30:00  Doooovid says Gandalf is deluded for thinking people care what he thinks. I, however, only keep asking what I have said that is untrue, illogical or untrue, but I never get an answer. Only a sullen and cowed silence from men who have disengaged.

1:32:00  While it would be gratifying indeed for me to have Secular Koranism adopted, I do not imagine for a moment that most Westerners are capable of being persuaded by Truth, Logic and Morality. Most of them are cattle feeding on their appetites and indulging in their Deadly Sins thinking it is still an option to defy Truth, Logic and Morality if there are no immediate consequences. Gandalf has no ideas, but I have one big powerful and supreme idea that most people - even if they are hopelessly degenerate - immediately understand, because it is such a radical and revolutionary idea. Nothing could be more the antithesis of the status quo than Secular Koranism, created with the intention of restoring the patriarchy and protecting it for as long as people follow its rules. Now, it only remains for me to convince Western Man that he lives in a matriarchy. The spectacle of kneeling policemen will be very helpful indeed.

All advanced societies are patriarchies, and all primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. A matriarchy is therefore a danger to itself because it will not have the will to protect itself with its feminised and infantilised men. Once the men have become women, who will protect the women?       

1:34:00  Gandalf: "I am a huge temperamental guy." Does he really think he is going to sell us his alleged leadership skills in this way? 

1:35:00  Gandalf talks nonsense about his German-Irish black blood. 
Claire Khaw
​Would you people find yourself being run by China more reassuring on the question of restoring public order? Just asking. 
Claire Khaw
​I don't think you will find Chinese policemen and the People's Liberation Army taking the knee for rioters and looters. 
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley Have you been made to take the knee yet? 
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley Have you consulted your rabbi on whether taking the knee is the equivalent of bowing before an idol?
Claire Khaw
​@doooovid Have you been made to take the knee yet and would doing so be considered bowing before an idol attracting the penalty of death for Jews? 
Claire Khaw
​Shouldn't us fascists stand up and be counted? 
Claire Khaw
​Would you guys like to sponsor me to take a stand on your behalves? I do have a Patreon account and will stand up for Jews and gentiles who refuse to kneel before looters and rioters. 
​Claire Khaw is Mark Collet still married to that giraffe neck woman with the tattoos? tattoos are a terrible thing. 
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley Can you tell your people I will say what is necessary to protect them from the sin of bowing before the idol of antiracism which is more severe on you guys than us? 
Claire Khaw
​@Motodomokun I am afraid Mark Collett is not a married father. 
Claire Khaw
​My Patreon account is at in case any Jews and gentiles want to sponsor me for standing up for your right not to kneel before the idol of antiracism.
Claire Khaw if you want me to restore the patriarchy and end the madness of the matriarchy. 
Claire Khaw
​@Driss Doudouh I can say needs to be said so you guys can do what needs to be done. 
Claire Khaw
​@Driss Doudouh What are you doing to restore the patriarchy? 
Claire Khaw
​Are you men prepared to support Secular Koranism now, Jews and gentiles?  
Claire Khaw
​Does Gandalf actually have a plan and does he want to restore the patriarchy? 
Claire Khaw
​My phased plan for restoring the patriarchy will save Western Man from being hanged from lamp posts by rioters and looters. 
Claire Khaw
​Covid at 3, kneeling white policemen and National Guard at 9.5. 
Claire Khaw
​Secular Koranism is the only way to NUKE the stinking matriarchy. 
Claire Khaw
​Trump is in denial. His news conference about jobs on Friday was crazy. 
Claire Khaw
​Does @Gandalf White 2 support restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism  
Gandalf White 2
​No, @Claire Khaw 
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley Doooovid will be cloaking everything he says with extreme ambiguity. 
Claire Khaw
​@Gandalf White 2 If not Secular Koranism, what better ideas have you got? 
Claire Khaw
​So sad to see feminised men waiting like a distressed damsel for their knight in shining armour. 
Claire Khaw
​If there is white privilege, is there Jewish privilege? 
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley I will speak on the behalves of frightened men in the West, Jew and gentile. 
Claire Khaw
​I am all you have now, O frightened and feminised Men of the West, whose knees are trembling on the brink of taking a knee to looters and rioters. 
Claire Khaw
​O leaderless frightened feminised Men of the West, only in Secular Koranism will you find salvation. 
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw LOL
         Ultra Testosterone
​Secular Koranism is a weirdo conncept 
Ultra Testosterone
​that is true 
Ultra Testosterone
​White men let white women get out of control 
half- galician
​'Society needs Claire Khaw.' 
Claire Khaw
​Luke seems to be saying "Every man for himself." I am proposing that male solidarity leads to the male co-operation necessary to deal with your internal and external enemies. 
Claire Khaw
​@half- galician Thank you very much. Would you consider becoming a Secular Koranist anonymously? 
Claire Khaw
​Gandalf is not exhibiting signs of leadership, but I am. 
half- galician
​@Claire Khaw I'm more a fan of Claire Khaw than SK. 
Glib Medley
​No social capital anymore, whites are too atomised 
Claire Khaw
​A man should not shrink from making difficult/unpopular decisions. I am the mind of a man happily inhabiting the body of a woman. Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend the patriarchy. 
Claire Khaw
​I am the sanest person you could be privileged to meet. 
Claire Khaw
​You should have a sharia legal system because the fact that Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia has got you all thinking about kneeling before the idol of BLM. 
Claire Khaw
​Too bad not one of you is prepared to take the bull by the horns. You are too afraid to even support me who is offering to do it for you. 1:21:52
Claire Khaw
​Which system would frightened men choose if they had to? a) kneel before rioters and looters b) submit to Secular Koranism 
Ultra Testosterone
​Secular Koranism is a strange concept 
James Moore
​​Secular Koranism is a contradiction 
Claire Khaw
​I refuse to lie about the radical and revolutionary implications of my solution. 
​@Claire Khaw Does it require me to get circumcised? 
Claire Khaw
​@Arthur Secular Koranism guarantees your freedom of belief with 
John Berkshire Respector
​Secular Koranism is too tolerant 
Claire Khaw
​Unlike me, Gandalf does not have a road map to power. 
half- galician
​@Claire Khaw Does your roadmap stop at Marks and Spencer? 
Claire Khaw
​I trust that when Jews get frightened enough, a few rabbis will get in touch with me to plan its adoption in Israel and the West. 
Gandalf White 2
​If @Claire Khaw had a road map to power, maybe she'd be worried about neighbors and sheriff departments and the concerns of ordinary people for physical and economic security 
Luke Ford Livestreams
​2 = Claire is not living in reality 
Ultra Testosterone
​but Whites dont stand their ground or anything 
Ultra Testosterone
​Whites run away 
Gandalf White 2
Claire Khaw
​@half- galician It will always stop at Marks & Spencer. 
Ultra Testosterone
​Whites wont stand ground 
Ultra Testosterone
​they get beaten up in these riots 
Gandalf White 2
​White people don't need to "fight"---white people need to care for themselves and one another..THAT is the answer 
Ultra Testosterone
​@Gandalf White 2 they dont do that either

Luke and people who desperately seek status - Luke has been desperate enough to seek status in the alt-right through converting to Orthodox Judaism -  would shun Islam because they hate immigration and Muslims in particular. Because they look down on Muslims as brown immigrants from third world countries, they would regard Islam as low status immigrant culture and look to Jews instead for social advancement and approval. Luke clearly thought that identifying as a convert to Orthodox Judaism would give him greater status than being merely yet another marginalised man of the alt-right complaining about immigration. The sincerity of his conversion is in doubt since he often refers to his formerly gentile life of being a director of porn movies and talks about the 12 steps more than he talks about the Noahide laws.   

His decision not to discuss the Noahide laws is explained at

This is really conclusive evidence that he converted to Judaism for status reasons rather than through any desire to do the right thing. 

The most important thing to note is that Luke advised that everyone keep quiet to keep safe.

The most important thing to note about Judaism is that it requires martyrdom. 

When Jews get frightened enough by the rioting and looting in the Western world, some of them might just urge their rabbis to get in touch with Rabbi Sacks who is always in and out of Downing Street and the White House to consider discussing the role of Jews in promoting them.

If Jews don't want to do the job, that would be fine, since they can always outsource the job to Muslims who would be more than happy to sort this mess out using Secular Koranism - a New School of Sharia for the West. 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #10 Healthcare under Secular Koranism