
Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Time for Trump to be photographed outside a mosque holding the Koran instead?

Is Trump holding the wrong book and standing outside the wrong building?

Should Trump be standing outside this building and holding up the Koran instead?

Is Christianity kaput? I think it would make much more sense if Trump had held up the Koran and talked about how Americans are going to wake up under a Secular Koranist America after martial law. Black political activists such as Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X saw Islam as a solution to their racial discrimination. White Americans who want to restore the patriarchy should see Secular Koranism as a solution to theirs. After all, the kneeling nonsense of American policemen and National Guardsmen is a consequence of living in a matriarchy.

Traitorous clergywomen of the Episcopalian Church who make no secret of their hatred of the American President have spoken at If this is not conclusive evidence that Christianity is well and truly kaput, I just don't know what is.

Church of Entropy, a woman known for being dominant over the thirsty men who submit to her has confessed to "the bliss of religious submission". I mention her in particular because she is a figure in the alt-right who claims to be an incarnation of a Hindu sage and proposes establishing a caste system claiming that White Americans are really descended from Indians who moved to Europe and then turned white. She also wants Britain to pay reparations to India for having colonised them.

Church of Entropy talking about kneeling before rioters and looters:

"I don't know exactly how to describe it. The closest I could think of it is like the bliss of religious submission."

Hear her talk about "the bliss of religious submission" on her own stream at

In a matriarchy, men instinctively know to think like women so they can compete with each other to anticipate and satisfy feminine preferences in order to gain sexual access or social advancement.

What I have described is the nature and consequence of feminised men: kneeling policemen, kneeling National Guardsmen, cucking Californians who will kneel in no time to rioters and looters when asked to do so.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status to the unmarried mother and this includes POTUS. Until Trump is brave enough to hold a Koran in front of a mosque and propose that the Koran guide the American constitution and by extension its government, Americans will get no peace in their declining and degenerate matriarchy of feminised men, kneeling policemen and kneeling National Guardsmen.
Does doing yoga make you a Hindu?

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