
Monday 6 July 2020

Liu Xiaoming the Chinese Ambassador to the UK deals with naughty schoolchildren asking silly questions

A magisterial performance by the Liu Xaioming, the Chinese Ambassador to the UK as if he were ticking off under-performing schoolchildren suffering from a range of learning disabilities.

HUAWEI can take it or leave the UK. Huawei can get it done for the UK cheaper and better, but if the British don't want it done by Huawei, it is no skin off our nose and it's your loss.

"So-called superpower"

Why would we want to spy on you anyway?

Why would we want to spy on a basket case country that cannot make its mind about anything and is always looking to either the EU or America for instructions?

The British regard China as a hostile country

The so-called Golden Era was proposed by the British.

Brezhinski: If you make China an enemy, it will become your enemy.


"political manipulation"

Violating the principle of mutual respect will have consequences.

"They have to be careful."

Double standards of the British: are BLM rioters and terrorists?


Don't keep asking your stupid questions: just wait and see what will happen if your attitude towards us does not change.

You have your hate speech laws, why can't we have ours?

The British are still labouring under a colonial mindset and are stuck in the past, suffering from dementia.

It is in the interests of the UK to have a stable Hongkong. The British are totally fucked in the head, or, rather, their government is.

Damage to Britain's image as open for business as a free trade country if Huawei is sent packing.

If you can't make your own foreign policy, you are not Great Britain.

It is the Americans, of course, who are pressuring the British to cancel culture Huawei.

While it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind, should any self-respecting nation behave like a capricious and indecisive woman who changes her mind as often as she changes her clothes?

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