
Saturday 11 July 2020

Travelling Home by Abdal Hakim Murad: British Muslims and the rhetoric of indigenisation

2:00  Indigenisation
3:00  Mosques must appoint British-born imams with good English, report concludes
4:00  Alan Bennett
6:00  These days, even gay identity is fluid.
7:00  The now trembling lower lip of the British
8:00  "the diversity of a godless Britain"
10:00  Mrs Miniver
11:00  Marginalised Christianity
14:00  Life of Brian
16:00  Anglicanism is the official religion of Britain, but the British are no longer themselves. What have they become and what is to become of them?
17:00  No religion, no national identity.
18:00  The First Amendment is based on
22:00  The government can't make up its mind on how the British are to think of themselves.

23:00  Are the principles of BLM a theocracy? It would only make sense to judge the past through the morals of the present if the laws of the past are exactly the same as the laws of the present. The whole idea of a theocracy is that its laws would be eternal and obeyed from generation to generation. 

25:00  The generation gap, the antisemitism and Islamophobia of the Catholic Church, Chesterton and Belloc as Catholic writers

26:00  The boundaries of Greater Israel have been defined by the Torah.

27:00  Christian missionaries and European monarchs

28:00  Christianity would challenge the status of Jews as God's Chosen People and see Islam as a threat.

29:00  William Tyndale burned at the stake for daring to translate the Bible into English.

31:00  The Flying Inn by G K Chesterton

34:00  The simplicity and strength of Islam
35:00  Catechism

36:00  We are here because there was a Creation, there was a Creator, and that Creator was God. This statement is unfalsifiable and logical. 

37:00  "We forbid you to read the sales literature of our competition because we are afraid you might get sold on their ideas."  

39:00  Travelling Home is a book for the thinking nationalist who has accepted that Christianity is kaput and must be replaced.   

40:00  Hegel on Islam

41:00  Old Testament stories and characters

44:00  Islam was the first and greater reformation.

45:00  Your legal system should reflect your official moral system, whatever it is. Currently, Western laws are the antithesis of the official religion of the West: Christianity. 

46:00  A flat rate income tax of 20% under Secular Koranism

DistributionAs the Quran mentions, khums should be paid to:
- Allah: the share of Allah is devoted to the Prophet but some Sunni scholars believe that it should be devoted to the Prophet's relatives or Muslims in general- The Messenger of Allah: the Shia considered it should be paid to the prophet's successor, after his death- The near relative of the Messenger who the Shia know as Imam- The orphans- The needy- Stranded travelers,above%20a%20certain%20predefined%20benchmark.

48:00  List of Muslim prayers

49:00  Islam does not require you to suspend disbelief as much as Christianity. One can easily reason that because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator and that Creator was the Abrahamic God who divided humanity between Jews and gentiles and revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Since Christianity has no divine scripture, it can be deduced that it is an illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous religion whose idolatry and blasphemy offends God and has been offending Him for 2000 years. There are now alarming signs that His patience may be rapidly coming to an end.  

50:00  La Rochefoucauld

52:00  Socinian controversy

This controversy was part of a larger debate after the Act of Toleration 1689, which excluded anti-trinitarian beliefs. By the end of the 1690s it had become clear that, for the time being, religious tolerance would not be extended. Formally, the Blasphemy Act 1697, directed against Unitarians, with religious disabilities against non-trinitarian believers, continued in law and settled the matter until the early nineteenth century.

The Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It amended the Blasphemy Act 1697 in respect of its Trinitarian provisions. The Blasphemy Act applied only to those educated in or having made profession of the Christian religion.

The Act, passed July 21, was also variously known as the 'Unitarian Relief Act (Trinity Act)', 'The Unitarian Toleration Bill', and 'Mr William Smith's Bill' (after Whig politician William Smith).

57:00   A bad day for the Orthodox Church

58:00  The benefits of a theocracy for atheists and agnostics

1:00:00  Neo-liberalism = open borders and globohomo
Neconservatism = Western imperialism

1:01:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles, but the New Testament is for the birds.  

1:02:00  It is the duty of the government to shorten the period of chaos between the transition from matriarch to patriarchy.

Seldon can, however, predict what actions can be done to nudge history, eventually, in a more favorable direction, and it is for this reason that he established the Foundation: to shorten the Dark Age, and its associated human suffering, from 30,000 years to a mere 1,000 years. After this 1,000 years, a new galactic Empire will be founded, one that is more stable and more just than the one that preceded it.

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Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

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