
Saturday 11 July 2020

Travelling Home by Abdal Hakim Murad: Islamophobia and the Bosnian War

2:00  Eastern Europe is a more traditional society.
3:00  The good English of Romanians
4:00  The Orthodox and Catholic Church
5:00  Religion is an ideological weapon of war. Christian totalitarianism and the lack of rules in its scripture makes Christianity a more warlike religion.
6:00  Romanian antisemitism

7:00  Paul made a marketing decision on Christianity when he made gentiles his target customer, knowing that the story of Jesus would be rejected by Jews ideologically opposed to the idea of following the teachings of a Jew convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin because he said his papa was Hashem.

8:00  The penalty for idolatry for Jews is death.

9:00  We should worship the concept of the Abrahamic God - the most powerful idea conceivable by man. 

10:00  Christianity changed the narrative of Jews being God's Chosen People to the Synagogue of Sin.

11:00  The enormity of the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

12:00  Jews and Muslims understandably frightened of telling Christians that their religion is idolatry and blasphemy according to the Ten Commandments, the Noahide laws and the Koran because the last three global empire have been Christian.

13:00  The Orthodox Church and the Ottoman Empire

15:00  Muslims became a substitute for Jews

16:00  The Orthodox Church is scornful of other denominations of Christianity.

18:00  King Lazar

19:00  Ottoman security umbrella

20:00  Violent Islamophobic sentiments

21:00  Nationalism

22:00  Lessons to be learned for Muslims

23:00  Totalitarian Christianity v Islamic freedom of belief

24:00  Christianity is kaput because America is divided.

25:00  Christophobia

26:00  Sarajevo

27:00  Collapsing empires are like collapsing stars.

28:00  Blasphemy Act 1697

29:00  Quakers

30:00  Michael Servetus burned at the stake for denying the Trinity

31:00  Freemasons

32:00  Worshipping the gods of your conquerors

33:00  The military supremacy of the West has softened Christianity

34:00  Barbara Pym

39:00  The Western establishment is at war with itself.
40:00  Labour shortage and the operation democracy
42:00  Not reforming education
43:00  The fundamental problems of democracy
44:00  The corrupt oligarchy
45:00  How China went from Communist to Capitalist
46:00  Chinese ancestor worship
47:00  Civil servants chosen by competitive examination
48:00  The First Amendment is part of the package of Secular Koranism
49:00  No corporate lobby in China
50:00  Confusing symptoms with causes
51:00  Statue-topplers v Statue protectors
52:00  A one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism in a government of national unity
56:00  Christianity can never be secure in itself because it is so absurd, idolatrous and blasphemous.
58:00  A one party state would give politicians better working conditions.

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Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

Bananas and coconuts, how much do you care about white people? Do you care enough about them to support Claire Khaw’s proposal to the repeal...