
Tuesday 7 July 2020

Unapologising for David Starkey

6:00  My offer to be Gandalf's "rabbi"
7:00  My extraordinary and exceptional qualities
8:00  The problem with Western Man including David Starkey
9:00  "White genocide" and Ann Coulter
10:00  White people don't seem to want to be saved from their own degeneracy.
11:00  Pride is a deadly sin.
12:00  The plight and predicament of Western Man
13:00  The supremacy of Secular Koranism and the denial of Western Man that it is the only rational and moral choice if he wants to shorten the period of chaos between the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy.
14:00  Mortal illness
16:00  The stages of grief - DABDA - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

17:00  China adopted the disastrous ideas of a self-hating Jew who converted to Christianity. Ideas of taking the property of rich people will always be seductive when the government is out of ideas on creating a stable society and a stable economy. But fear not, the Koran has been revealed and Secular Koranism conceived. 

18:00  China-bashing
19:00  Colin Colenso, the Archetype of Western Man
20:00  The Mandate of Heaven

21:00  Secular Koranism allows individuals and nations to keep their identity within the parameters of Koraninc principles.

24:00  The Islamic Revolution of Mecca

27:00  The Abrahamic God is above China and the Chinese.

28:00  Gandalf dares not read the Koran from beginning to end, presumably because he fears being persuaded by its inherent and obvious merits over the non-existent and retrograde so-called oral tradition of Church of Entropy she will always be pretending to be about to receive.

29:00  The sharia of the brown man did not lead to success. They obviously did something wrong or they would not have been colonised by the European Man.

30:00  The patriarchy can only be restored with Secular Koranism. If not, what else?

31:00  Secular Koranism will punish sluts and slut fuckers with

32:00  The corrupt Western media is unfit for the purpose of reporting the news and informing the public.

33:00  Economic and social issues in South Korea

34:00  No atheists in foxholes.

35:00  Globohomogenised in liberal democracies

38:00  Secular Koranism is the middle way between the status quo and pogrom.

39:00  Buddhism
40:00  Why white women hate white men
41:00  David Starkey
47:00  Unapologising for David Starkey
48:00  Being the spokeswoman for Western Man

49:00  The race problem is really a law and order problem. The law and order problem is really a slut problem. The slut problem is really a slut-fucker problem.  

51:00  Unmarried parents should be treated as sex offenders as prescribed by

52:00  Demographics is destiny for the Chinese too.

53:00  Confucianism
55:00  Confucianism and Islam

1:00:00  Unprincipled Western Man
1:01:00  Paypal
1:02:00  Jay won't answer my two questions.

1:03:00  Buddhism is an incomplete answer. 

1:04:00  Gunning for the Trinity is a moral imperative.

1:05:00  Gandalf
1:08:00  Prefrontal cortex
1:09:00  M J Sheppard
1:13:00  Maturation of the Adolescent Brain
1:18:00  Gandalf won't support Secular Koranism - the only logical and moral choice for any society - because he is afraid to alienate his associates.

1:19:00  Jews - who worship the most powerful entity conceivable - are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.  Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. God chose Jews to promote the Noahide laws to the gentile and will punish them if they do not perform this religious obligation. They have more or less told themselves that gentiles should be left to rot in their own degenerate juices. The following exchange is typical of their attitude:

Jew:All the religion's are emptiness and foolishness, Judaism is the one truth

CK:So your view is that everyone but Jews go to hell and their religion is all shit but you don't want them to convert to Judaism either.  

Jew:Non-Jews get reincarnated in their descendants until they get their final rectification. We aren't supposed to save gentiles from hell, get that foolish idea from your mind.

CK:I get it that you don't give a fuck about gentiles.  

Jew:I don't, I have my head on straight. We aren't interested in uplifting them spiritually. We let them do their thing and figure things out on their own.

CK:Yeah, and the best way of managing you lot is through using Secular Koranism. So how are you going to be light unto the nations if you don't give a shit about gentiles and they already know you don't give a shit about them? Why did God choose you?  So you can sneer at them and laugh at the fact they are all going to hell?  When most of you don't even follow your own fucking rules?  

Jew:If you want to do tikkun olam, that is fine, but dont make it a noahide thing, make it about Jewish survival, that is all we want from the gentile, help us survive and we will help the gentile survive. we dont ask for much. just talk about jewish survival, that is all we need Claire Khaw for.

Jews have been telling each other not to talk about the Noahide laws to the gentile because they neither want to offend Christians by calling their religion idolatrous and blasphemous nor do they wish to promote Islam which is the religion most in harmony with the Noahide laws.

1:20:00  Jewish identity
1:21:00  Christianity is about hating Jews. Traumatised ex-Catholics

1:22:00  Catholics of Irish-German extraction is a distinct ethnicity in North America. The Anglos basically regarded them as as second class and refused to marry them so they were left to marry each other. People I know from this group: Church of Entropy, Gandalf, Daniel Sienkiewicz, E Michael Jones

1:25:00  QST < Secular Koranism

1:26:00  Monarchy
1:27:00  Heedless behaviour and denial
1:28:00  The Trinity

1:29:00  The morally and intellectually indefensible Trinity cannot be defended even by the whole of Christendom.

1:31:00  Racial superiority is really military supremacy. God has already given Jews their status as His Chosen People and Jews outlive empires. 

1:32:00  I define White Supremacy in an innocuous way.
1:34:00  Claire Khaw, Government Adviser if only Western media were fit for purpose.
1:35:00  Jews and Muslims are more likely to understand what I am saying.
1:38:00  Pagan shrines and temples

1:39:00  You might as well be an atheist and a nihilist if you "worship" an impersonal god who is indifferent to your existence which is the Jen God.

9:37:00 Conops and Gandalf discuss Spinoza, panetheism and an impersonal god

1:42:00  The Archetype of Western Man and Woman
1:43:00  Who administers reincarnation?
1:48:00  China

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The operation of dialectical materialism is a truism — Robert Cobb (@SgtLeoGLambert) October 6, 2024 10:00  Alfred the Great