
Wednesday 22 July 2020

The nihilistic life and death of the atheist Roy Den Hollander from 52:00

I have been appearing on other people's streams so I do not just monologue.

Jen and me together again!

From 51:00

6:00  Being unable to accept correction and condemned to labour forever under their foolish misapprehensions

9:00 Oregonite

10:00  Anti-depressants stops people from examining their consciences and lives?

11:00  Prevention is better than cure. 

12:00  The utility of God

13:00  The purpose of prayer

14:00  Cultivating our relationship with God

15:00  Being forced to examine our lives through our relationship with God makes us better people

17:00  Our posthumous reputation is our soul and limited afterlife.

18:00  Napoleon

19:00  The unexamined life is not worth living

20:00  The Noahide laws
21:00  The trade off of Socrates accepting his execution was his posthumous immortality
22:00  Christianity is kaput.
23:00  The Imaginary Friend
26:00  Tutelary
37:00  Theory of Mind
41:00  Tulpa
48:00  Self-reinforcing self talk

52:00  The New Jersey Shooting Suspect Left a Pro-Trump Paper Trail

53:00  No religion, no leader, no solution, only the blaming of minorities while refusing to learn from the mistakes of the past, too intellectually crippled by the Sin of Pride to correct themselves.  

56:00  White men cannot even defend themselves verbally against these outrageous slurs.

59:00  The Koran says don't kill yourselves.

1:02:00  Why Western men find themselves admiring Putin who is obviously governing in the Russian national interest

1:03:00  If Hollander hated America more, he would have voted for Hillary. He saw Trump as the enemy of PC feminism.

1:04:00  Which is more hateful to Americans? 
a) George III  
b) feminists?

1:05:00  Falling Down
1:06:00  The terrorism of Anders Breivik

1:07:00  Running Amok

1:15:00  Beware the fury of the patient man.  
1:19:00  Power corrupts
1:20:00  Jeffrey Epstein

1:22:00  Hollander was a lawyer who took the law into his own hands after he lost confidence in the US legal system.

1:24:00  No moral arguments against a meritocracy

1:26:00  China has a powerful engine pulling their ship of state in the direction of the National Interest while America has a cart being pulled by a Donkey and an Elephant going in different directions. 

1:28:00  Wisdom
1:29:00  Secular Koranism
1:30:00  Amputation may be required but not wanted.
1:31:00  The consequences of lowering standards of sexual morality: Trump's America
1:33:00  The satanic laws of America and its allies
1:34:00  Satan is rebellion from God.
1:35:00  Britain is a society of bastards.
1:36:00  Muhammad was born after Rome fell.
1:37:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:38:00  The Trinity
1:39:00  A national debate
1:40:00  The unprincipled cowardice of atheists and nihilists
1:41:00  Intelligence is not wisdom.
1:42:00  The one party state
1:43:00  But for the Communist Revolution, China would not have a one party state.
1:44:00  Any rational woman who wants to be a mother of legitimate offspring would be hypergamous.
1:46:00  The national interest
1:47:00  British foreign policy has not been the national interest for a long tme.
1:48:00  The least you can do to govern in the national interest is to remain in existence as a nation.
1:49:00  Imperial wars
1:50:00  The psychological advantage of those fighting defensive wars
1:51:00  China
1:52:00  The Mandate of Heaven
1:53:00  Diluting principles
1:54:00  Rewards without responsibilities

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