
Monday, 10 August 2020

.Church of Entropy is horrid to me but I discover that the West is suffering from acedia

1:00  Jen has no sense of fair play.
2:00  My theocracy would be better than her theocracy because I believe in the rules fair play.
4:00  Atheist complaint about Jewish philosophy being conflated with Jewish theology. But Jewish wisdom originates from Judaism!

8:00  Empires fall when they ignore God's laws eg the British fought unIslamic wars in WW1 and WW2 thereby destroying themselves. Christian America will also destroy itself by flouting the principles of the Koran. 

9:00  Natural Law v Positive Law
Redefining the terms of the Natural Law v Legal Positivism debate
What the debate between Natural Law v Legal Positivism should really be about - Theocracy v Secularism
Should law conform to morality and if so what kind of morality should it conform to and why?

17:00  Liberalism
18:00  Atheists who want legitimate offspring and to properly parent them would want to restore the patriarchy.
19:00  Unmarried parents in the position of national leaders
20:00  Acedia
21:00  Capricious traffic wardens
23:00  My takeaway points


28:00  Is Abdassamad Clarke an antisemite?

31:00  Muslim inability to engage with me because their male Muslim pride cannot take losing the argument to me a non-Muslim female

32:00  Kashif Shahzada
34:00  The utility of the narrative of the Abrahamic faiths and their rules

35:00  Aesop's Fable of The Tortoise and the Hare
Judaism is the starting gun, Christianity the Hare and Islam the Tortoise.

36:00  Which religion would you choose if you wanted your tribe, nation and civilisation to endure? 

37:00  Church of Entropy's comment in the chat
40:00  Natural law is logos.

48:00  Christianity is the most disadvantaged of all the Abrahamic faiths. 

50:00  A Christian revival is less likely than an Islamic Revolution.
51:00  A broken clock is correct twice a day.
52:00  Idolatry leads to self-worship and self-destructive narcissism.
53:00  Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity have defective scripture.
54:00  The five fundamental relationships of Confucianism
55:00  Egalitarianism is a product of the errant ideas of the French Revolution.

57:00  Women just have to remember not to be sluts. Anything more complicated than this and they will get confused, hurt and angry and want to censor you for hurting their feelings or challenging their views.  

1:00:00  Rabbis
1:02:00  Peter Hitchens, Charles Moore and Nick Griffin
1:04:00  Church of Entropy
1:07:00  My problem is also the political problems of the West.
1:08:00  "Claire is solipsistic because [fill in the blank]."

1:17:00  While Jews set the minimum moral standards for gentiles with their Noahide laws, I set the minimum moral standards of atheists of Truth, Logic and Morality.  

1:18:00  Not too late for Jen to repent

1:20:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
1:23:00  Jews support patriarchy because they support marriage and family values.

1:24:00  Jen is wrong to insist that because Jews are matrilineal they must be a matriarchy. 

To be matrilineal is to trace your membership of your tribe through your mother, to be a matriarchy is to be a society that prioritises the preferences of the unmarried mother over those of the married father. This is certainly not the position of observant Jews. As for what liberal Jews think, their views do not matter because any Jew who allows liberalism to trump Judaism is not authentically Jewish.  

1:25:00  Luke Ford converted to Orthodox Judaism to raise his status.

1:26:00  Why do people accuse Jen of being a Jewess?

1:27:00  A middle class college-educated Jewess validating Secular Koranism would make more of a splash than a plebeian male like Jay supporting Secular Koranism. 

1:28:00  My message is directed to the political establishment and I have no intention of pandering to plebs who are antisemitic, Islamophobic and racist.

1:30:00  Class and virtue signalling

1:31:00  I dare to speak truth to power on behalf of Western men who are now too frightened to acknowledge what has happened to them or who cannot understand my repeated and clear explanation of what has happened to them. It is possible that most of them are pretending not to understand what I am saying so they can avoid having to say and do what I prescribe.   

1:32:00  Dharma

1:33:00  Jen agrees with me that Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia.

1:34:00  Koran is clearer and shorter.

1:35:00  The "current paradigm" according to Jen is a "Judeo-masonic construct".

1:36:00  Koran cannot work without sharia.

1:37:00  Jizya is a conditional tribute.

1:39:00  Gandalf

1:40:00  Sin and sickness

Jen's nonsense begins from 2:09:00

1:41:00  Jen says she is a monotheist while denying the existence of the Abrahamic God. Since the responsiveness of God to our prayers and His knowledge of our hearts and minds cannot be proven conclusively, we are left to decide on the utility of believing in the Abrahamic God and whether to obey His laws. If we want to obey His laws, then it would be helpful to believe that He exists. If we wish to disobey them, we would deny His existence. Only those who see the utility in keeping their nation in existence and the necessity of marriage and good parenting would want to obey these laws. Jen sees patriarchy as "shitting out infinity kids". Because she does not see herself as a married mother, she would rather larp her life away than support restoring the patriarchy. 

1:43:00  Jen's family

1:44:00  Christianity

1:45:00  The power of one

1:46:00  Sin and God

1:47:00  Impossible to deny 

1:48:00  Jen denies the Big Bang Theory

1:51:00  Red shift

1:52:00  God is all the things we desire that we are not eg immortal, fallible, omnipotent, omniscient etc. Even if God were a creation of Man, Man crated God in order to do the things he knew - being mortal, fallible and vulnerable - he cannot do.  

1:53:00  A Noahide theocracy would be fair enough, wouldn't it?

1:54:00  "A gang of thieves"

1:55:00  All religions are about war and revolution. Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest and patriarchal moral values. 

1:56:00  Antisemitism: Liberalism is a problem for gentiles; all the more would Jews espousing liberalism be a problem for gentiles.  

1:57:0  Most Jews are liberal Jews. The purpose of categorising people according to certain criteria

1:59:00  We want to be proud of our group identity.

2:00:00  Usury

2:01:00  Muslim money changers

2:02:00  Currency exchange is usury, according to Jen. 

2:08:00  Hypocrites

2:09:00  Rules are more likely to be followed if they are legally enforceable. Laws are more likely to be obeyed if they are perceived to be fair enough. Laws are more likely to be obeyed for longer by more people if there is a general belief in God.  

2:10:00  Israelites must have broken their own rules.  

2:12:00  The universal minimum moral standard of the Noahide laws

2:13:00  The majority of Jews are liberal.

2:14:00  What is kosher is halal, but what is halal is not kosher.  

2:15:00  Supra Librix

2:16:00  Curt Doolittle

2:17:00  Buying and selling devotion

2:18:00  Has Jen invested in me?

2:19:00  The strongest argument against mine

2:21:00  Jen cannot prove that her theocracy is better than my theocracy.

2:22:00  A civilisation in denial of Truth, Logic and Morality would of course reject Truth, Logic and Morality!  

2:23:00  Jen says her position that Christianity and Islam are "Jewish" religions created by Jews to corner the market in usury is her strongest point.  

2:24:00  Jen is wilfully blind. 

2:25:00  Jen refuses to read any scripture.

2:29:00  Jen's Hinduism

2:30:00  I refuse to pander to the plebs.

2:31:00  Shortening the period of chaos and the moral imperative of choosing the best religion available for our society

2:32:00  Why Jen is the highest status person in my circle, which I know is not saying much.

2:33:00  A hypothetical authority

2:34:00  An omnipotent, omniscient and perfectly moral God who knows our hearts and minds

2:35:00  Our degenerate matriarchy

2:36:00  Inability to organise a piss-up in a brewery

2:37:00  Israeli society and politics

2:38:00  Theocracy

2:39:00  Iran

2:41:00  Reza Pahlavi

2:43:00  Saudi Arabia

2:44:00  The House of Saud

2:45:00  Tomi Lahren

2:49:00  Marx

2:50:00  Religions last longer than secular political ideologies.

2:51:00  A theoretical supreme authority

2:52:00  The idolatrous and blasphemous doctrine of the Trinity

2:54:00  The utility of religion

2:55:00  There is an exception to every rule. 

2:56:00  The N J Dawood Penguin translation

2:58:00  Who is a Jew?

3:05:00  Jen's rejectionism of Truth, Logic and Morality

3:07:00  Seven Deadly Sins

3:16:00  Secular Koranism is a starter theocracy.

3:17:00  The utility of sharia for the Iranians is that it allows Iran to defy America which under the Shah it could not do as a Western puppet.

3:18:00  Liberal secular Jews are the free-riders of Judaism.

3:20:00  Iran can hold up its head for not being another US vassal state.

3:21:00  Doooovid is the "rabbi" of the alt-right

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...