
Friday, 28 August 2020

Who is an antisemite and what is antisemitism?

2:00  Trump/Biden debate
Trump challenges Biden to drug test before debate
5:00  Church of Entropy
Jen's God is impersonal.
6:00  Jay ignorance of the difference between valid and sound arguments
7:00  The burden of proof
8:00 is not scripture.
11:00  Church of Entropy's position on the Three Gorges Dam
15:00  Idolaters

16:00  JAY joins to discuss wearing masks.
30:00  Bossy women
32:00  Virgin Active - fun, innovative, free
34:00  Reverse psychology
36:00  Alexander McQueen
Jimmy Somerville
Robin Williams
Kenneth Williams
Tony Hancock
Robert De Niro

42:00  Valid and sound arguments

46:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
49:00  Antisemitic and Islamophobic
50:00  God's Chosen People
51:00  Luana

53:00  Opinion and fact
54:00  Judge not, let ye be judged.
1:01:00  The neighbour with a bigger better greenhouse
1:04:00  What triggered Jay about what Luana said
1:05:00  Let people think they are better than you.
1:06:00  Cults are lower status than mainstream religion.
1:07:00  The New Testament
1:09:00  Antisemite
1:13:00  Islamophobic
1:15:00  Christians saying only Christians would get to heaven would provoke hatred.
1:17:00  Jay has no Jewish friends.
1:18:00  Having sex with a Muslim woman does not mean you are not an Islamophobe.
1:20:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:21:00  Luke Ford
1:22:00  Men cannot say no to no-strings sex.
1:25:00  My gender and racial identity
1:28:00  Conops, OV and Jay
1:31:00  Jon Vance and Mr Benn
1:35:00  Unpopular opinions  CONOPS joins
1:38:00  Mexicans
1:41:00  Americans having an identity crisis
1:43:00  North Dakota
1:45:00  Bachelors who live in mum's basement
1:46:00  Black woman in New York complaining about illegal immigrants.
1:49:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:50:00  Difficult but not impossible
1:51:00  Even the children of married middle class children who went to good schools know that their parents had it better
1:52:00  Vocational training
1:53:00  How to become an air stewardess
1:54:00  God's Chosen People
1:57:00  Islamophobe
1:58:00  Defences to being antisemitic or Islamophobic
2:03:00  Lockdown with Luana Down Under
2:05:00  Rabbis ranking the gentile religions according to their Noahide observance
2:07:00  Why I like and respect Luana
2:10:00  Register of Jews

2:13:00  Birds of a feather flock together.
2:15:00  Spinoza
2:16:00  God's Chosen People
2:17:00  Jews are envied by Christians and Muslims for their higher status.
2:18:00  Wilhelm Marr
2:19:00  Antisemitism takes two forms: ideological and racial.
2:22:00  Self-hating Jew
2:23:00  The Chinese are considered the Jews of Asia
2:24:00  Minorities
2:25:00  Hutus and Tutsis
2:27:00  Rabbis not ranking gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
2:28:00  Globohomo
2:29:00  Confusing Jews with Liberalism

2:30:00  Marriage and family values
2:33:00  The Koran is Zionist.
2:34:00  Jews enjoy a cultural and genetic superiority.
2:35:00  Assimilated Jews are Liberal Jews.
2:36:00  Christianity is kaput.
2:37:00  Western nations should have a moral system more in harmony with the Noahide laws.
2:40:00  Pontius Pilate

2:41:00  MICHAEL McCARTHY joins.

UCD professor asked to resign from EU committee over Covid-19 claims

2:51:00  JAY rejoins.
2:52:00  Religion, patriarchy and Muslim undergraduates who support globohomo
2:54:00  The success of your religion depends on how many of its rules are legally enforceable.
2:55:00  How many Christians does Jay know?
2:57:00  The teachings of Jesus
2:58:00  A private and public purpose to religion
3:00:00  Sermon on the Mount has no legally enforceable principles.
3:01:00  The punishment must fit the crime to deter.
3:02:00  "Spiritual laws"
3:04:00  Christian Science
3:05:00  Who has the right to identify as Christian?
3:07:00  Luke Ford conversion to Orthodox Judaism
3:11:00  Turning the other cheek

3:15:00  The Koran and CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
3:18:00  The benefits of theocracy for atheists
3:19:00  The Islamic Revolution of Islam
3:20:00  To defy America and its allies is a sign of status.
3:22:00  Longevity of existence is the measure of civilisations
3:24:00  "Only civil wars are permissible."
3:28:00  Crazy people
3:29:00  Speakers' Corner
3:30:00  Valid and sound arguments
3:31:00  Jay talks about golf when he is asked to demonstrate his understanding of the difference between valid and sound arguments.
3:33:00  Even Old Testament prophets are not morally perfect.
3:34:00  Just as Christ is said to have died for our sins, I offered to suffer corporal punishment in Indonesia on behalf of the British.
3:35:00  The environment
3:38:00  Even an 11 year old child would be able to reason that to have the next generation brought up by two married parents living together in a loving relationship would be better than being brought up in single parent households.
3:41:00  Boris's bastards
3:43:00  Leadership skills
3:45:00  Leading by example and by being thought leader
3:46:00  Gandalf
3:50:00  Status
3:51:00  Wisdom
3:54:00  Praise for people

3:57:00  Truth
3:59:00  Narcissism
4:02:00  Being primitive
4:06:00  Feminine privilege and female validation
4:07:00  Turning the other cheek and martyrdom
4:08:00  My care and concern and love and affection for Western Man and Western Woman despite their character defects and mental health issues
4:09:00  Untidiness
4:10:00  Genius
4:11:00  The first thing we do in the morning
4:12:00  I don't plan that much before streaming.
4:13:00  Inventory
4:15:00  Character assessment
4:32:00  The role of Jews
4:33:00  The Noahide laws, Islam and Christianity
4:34:00  Luke Ford on the Noahide laws
4:36:00  Reform and Orthodox Jews
4:37:00  Rabbis would be the most high status Jews.
4:38:00  I want rabbis have to rank Islam as the most Noahide gentile religion and Christianity the least Noahide.
4:39:00  Jews should never have said that Christianity is OK for Christians.
4:40:00  Jews forbidden to enter churches.

Sound and valid arguments

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...