
Thursday 3 September 2020

50 Questions to ask the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and any Trinitarian Christian leader

Anglican priest:

These diatribes have lost much of their sting. The Tractarians lived in an age when religion was important to people's lives or even in the public sphere. Today England is post-God. Hence only a few aficionados care for them. And the Church of England is in free fall. Of course, as an Anglican priest I still believe that the doctrines and theology enshrined in the Book of Common Prayer are an elegant and sensible expression of mainline English Christianity. God willing, we can fight back from there!

Claire Khaw:

  1. Do even ordained priests believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?
  2. Isn't worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrhaamic God in fact idolatry?
  3. Wasn't Christ convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin for claiming that his papa was the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?
  4. Didn't the Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and blasphemy?
  5. Haven't Christians confirmed Christ's blasphemy by worshipping him and his mother as an idol for 2000 years?
  6. If God has taken the trouble to forbid idolatry and blasphemy, should Christians expect to be punished after 2000 years of it?
  7. After the collapse of three global Christian empires, it would be the easiest thing for Islam to move into the moral vacuum that is Christianity, wouldn't you agree?
  8. As an Anglican priest, would you happen to know the number of confirmed Christians in Britain?
  9. Would you say that only people who have been confirmed have the right to call themselves Christian because Christianity requires the bizarre and absurd belief that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?
  10. Would you say that Tractarianism was the inevitable response to the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813?
  11. Would you say that a Christian in the 21st century is a liberal who expects to go to heaven?
  12. Do you think liberals should expect to go to heaven?
  13. Why do you think the Church of England is in free fall?
  14. If the Church is in free fall, when did this fall begin?
  15. Would you say that Christianity is kaput?
  16. If you deny that Christianity is kaput, what evidence have you that it is not?
  17. Would it be true to say that Britain is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human?
  18. Where do you think you can "fight back" from?
  19. What would you say is the purpose of religion?
  20. What would you say is the least your religion should be doing for your society to be said to be in operation?
  21. Is the very least your religion should be doing maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?
  22. Does maintaining minimum standards of morality mean ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents?
  23. Are most parents in your society married parents?
  24. Isn't the Archbishop of Canterbury himself a bastard?
  25. What would you say are Christians principles?
  26. Is the only distinctly Christian principle the requirement to believe as a Christian that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe, which is regarded by Jews and Muslims to be idolatry and blasphemy?
  27. Do you have a view on the execution of William Tyndale?
  28. Do you have a view on the execution of Michael Servetus?
  29. Do you have view on the execution of Thomas Aikenhead?
  30. Do you have a view on the execution of Alan Wightman?
  31. Why do you think the Americans quarantined the church from their state?
  32. How likely is the West to have a Christian revival in our lifetimes, even we were all born yesterday?
  33. Are you aware that Christianity suffers from inferior scripture considering God is believed to have revealed the Torah for Jews first and finally the Koran for gentiles?
  34. How would an Anglican priest define idolatry?
  35. Are you aware that most of the American founding fathers were in fact proto-Muslim?
  36. What is your view of the Socinian controversy?
  37. What is your view of Unitarianism?
  38. Do you think Unitarianism flourished in the New World because Unitarian Christians no longer feared state persecution for their beliefs?
  39. Are you aware that the First Amendment was based on
  40. If the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, should Christians fear God after 2000 years of Christian idolatry and blasphemy?
  41. If those claiming to be Christian do not fear God's after 2000 years of Christian idolatry and blasphemy, could it be because they are really atheists?
  42. Are confirmed Christians too credulous for believing that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God or do they only pretend to believe this absurdity because they seek their income and status from the Church?
  43. Could it be said priests are fattened maggots feeding off the corpse of Christ whose beliefs are now indistinguishable from liberalism?
  44. Have Westerners been traumatised by their knowledge that their ancestors have been forcibly converted into Christianity and tricked into worshipping a Jew on a stick as well as his mother for 2000 years?
  45. Is the reason why most Westerners think religion is stupid because they think Christianity is stupid?
  46. If Christianity is indeed kaput, should it be replaced?
  47. If Christianity must be replaced, what should replace it?
  48. If you are choosing a new religion for your society because your old one is broken, what criteria should you consider to help you choose wisely?
  49.  Would you agree that the Eastern religions ie Hinduism and Buddhism are not worth considering at all because they did not produce great empires and do not come with the rule of law?
  50. If you want to worship the most powerful God conceivable as a gentile without being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy, what is the moral and rational choice?


Anglican Priest said...


Claire Khaw said...

Yes, it is boring to be unable to answer even as an Anglican priest any of the questions I have asked.

Anglican Priest said...

Claire, see your GP!

Claire Khaw said...

What about? Would he be able to answer the questions you are unable to answer as an Anglican priest in a telephone consultation?

Anglican Priest said...

Claire, you are a suitable case for treatment!

Claire Khaw said...

Treatment for what though? Is there a treatment for not being able to get answers to questions from Anglican priests incapable of explaining their nonsense?

Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

Bananas and coconuts, how much do you care about white people? Do you care enough about them to support Claire Khaw’s proposal to the repeal...