
Thursday 3 September 2020

Christianity has feminised Western men so much they are afraid to question lockdown even as it destroys Western civilisation

Lockdown is divided politically between the parastic and the productive, male and female, young and old.

Isn't the West in fact Post-Christian?

Is it actually true that the meek have inherited the earth as you claim? Can the feminazis who now run the matriarchy by any stretch of the imagination be described as "meek"?

Hegel's Trinity is not the Trinity of Christianity, is it?  What are we to make of Hegel's ideas when he did not even correctly recite the Doctrine of the Trinity?

What wisdom can be distilled from the Sermon on the Mount? My belief is that William Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English because the Catholic priesthood feared being asked what on earth it all meant.

If we want to divide Christianity into factions, the most rational thing to do is to divide it between state Christianity - whose leaders express views which are indistinguishable from discredited liberalism - and those who dissent from this eg E Michael Jones, Michael Voris.

5:00  Every human only has four cheeks to be slapped. Why was Christ such a masochist? Isn't masochism a perversion rather than a virtue? Christ had to be meek since he achieved no power and ended up crucified, unlike the Prophet Muhammad whose life was rather more of a success.  It has been suggested that masochism is a feminine trait and also by the Ancient Romans that Christianity was a religion for women and slaves. Women and slaves will only be taken away as booty by men not afraid to slap cheeks and conquer effeminate men unable to organise themselves against their oppressive matriarchy.

The reason why Western women vote for parties whose policy is to bring more foreign men into their countries is because they hate the men of their own race who refuse to marry them and father children with them. They will keep voting for crazier and stupider policies by crazier and stupider parties for as long as Western men refuse to marry Western women or create the social and economic environment under which Western men can safely marry Western women and properly parent their legitimate offspring.  It really is as simple as that.

Neither the right nor the left are in fact Christian. If you don't believe me, ask if these people who call themselves Christian have in fact been confirmed. If they have been confirmed, ask them if they really truly honestly believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe, as the Doctrine of the Trinity requires them to believe to be Christian.  If truth be told, the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human.

8:00  The Black Death raged through Europe in more than one wave. European civilisation did not die out, did it? In fact, Europeans went on to wage a continent-wide European Wars of Religion, the Napoleonic Wars, the European Wars of Unification and last, but not least, WW1 and WW2. Let it not be forgotten that the Black Death did not in any way prevent the Europeans from conquering the New World and waging war with each other there in the American Civil War and the Spanish-American War.  

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