
Thursday 3 September 2020

Is God Necessary for Morality?

All religions contain morality and morality is system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others. Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe and Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. Christianity is the odd one out because both Judaism and Islam agree that Christianity is idolatrous and blasphemous. The Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and blasphemy and so do the Noahide laws. The writing is on the wall for Christianity, which is now kaput, neatly explaining the decline of the West. If the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, Christians should now fear God after 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy. The reason why Christians are so indifferent to the charge of idolatry and blasphemy is because they are really atheists more invested in their idolatry than the correct worship of the Abrahamic God .

Even atheists need a hypothetical supreme being to in theory settle their disputes.

What is the difference between Western morality and Eastern morality?

Metaphysics is the analysis of the meaning of words.

Laws cannot be enforced without government and government is about the rule of law. We simply choose the rule of law that is most enduring and we already know that natural law is more enduring than positive law. Natural law also means divine law and divine law can be found in scripture. Since there are only two revealed scripture from the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who divided humanity into Jews and gentiles - the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles - which divine book of rules we ought to follow as gentiles should now be clear enough if we use our powers of deduction.

Human rights was always a liberal project. But human rights are only legal rights and legal rights can be created and destroyed overnight.

8:00  Equality just means equality before divine law, no more, no less.

Egalitarianism is a product of the French Revolution.

The Enlightenment was a reaction against the mindset that started the Wars of the Reformation.

The technological success of the West was a consequence of the wars Christians would wage against one another. Each war after all represents a technological advancement.

God is necessary for divine law because divine law is more likely to be obeyed from generation to generation. If we want to enforce certain universal and eternal laws to avoid having to relearn the painful lessons of history again and again as well as to save our descendants from the trauma and trouble of so doing, it would be better to adhere to divine law rather than trust our politicians to make them for us.

The infamous atheist and libertarian Stefan Molyneux also sees the point of theocracy at

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