
Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Why does Rod Dreher think going to a different church on Sunday will help Americans fight Intersectional Feminism?


How can you take seriously anyone with hair like that?

Anyone who thinks he can engage in political activism by going to a different church on Sunday should think again.

51:00  Suffering

53:00  We better have some values worth passing on.

Dreher really should be challenged on why he thinks going to a different church on Sunday is going to change anything. It is really time Jews and Muslims cared enough about the Post-Christian Westerner to jointly tell him that Christianity is kaput. The priesthood is but fattened maggots who have fed off the corpse of the church for centuries. To not tell him so as repeatedly and loudly until the penny finally drops is a dereliction of tikkun olam on the part of Jews and of the duty to fight oppression on the part of Muslims.  If you saw someone about to consume something toxic and noxious, do you not have a duty to warn him? When he consumes it because you did not tell him so, you will only be blamed by his mourners later for not caring enough to warn him.  If you are afraid he will be angry with you for telling him that his idolatrous and blasphemous religion is kaput,  his anger must nevertheless be borne because there is no alternative.

1:04:00  Michel Houellebecq has already submitted to Islam in his book Submission. He already knows that all the Abrahamic faiths worship the same Abrahamic God, but Christianity is the odd one out because the Doctrine of the Trinity is ipso facto idolatry and blasphemy. If Dreher believes in God, he would have the sense to fear God's punishment of the idolatry and blasphemy He has taken the trouble to specifically and explicitly forbid in His Ten Commandments. The trouble with Christianity is that its tenets are clearly absurd and cooked-up. It only worked for as long as the state could summon up the will the intimidate dissenters with state violence such as the Inquisition and the burning of heretics at the stake. Once it loses the will to do so, Christianity will collapse like a house of cards. It is too bad that so many Christians are so woefully uninformed of the burned and bloody history of Christianity. It is also a shame that Jews cannot bring themselves to point out to Christians that they are guilty of blasphemy and idolatry every time they say "Jesus loves you."  Presumably God if He exists will think of a suitable punishment for both.

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