
Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Toxic Masculinity v Toxic Femininity

If toxic masculinity" is undesirable behaviour, there must also be undesirable female behaviour, and therefore "toxic femininity" must also exist.

We know that both men and women can commit murder, theft, sexual immorality, animal cruelty but it seems men commit more crimes than women on the whole.

But what is a crime? Many things considered crimes are now legal, and many things that used to be legal are now illegal.

What we do know is that men and women behave better in a patriarchy which is a society that prioritises the preferences of married parents, while matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

Patriarchies are advanced civilisations.

Matriarchies are primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies.

Patriarchies are protected by religions that respect the institutions of marriage and family, matriarchies are societies that stray away from the gold standard of marriage.

Having destroyed the patriarchy, the matriarchy is a danger to itself. Patriarchies encourage men and women to be the best they can be, matriarchies allow male and female behaviour to become "toxic" through condoning extramarital sex.

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