
Saturday, 26 December 2020

Why Millennial Woes doesn't like me

3:00  Political views are based on predictions of the future and assessments of the pasts which may not be true, logical or moral. 

5:00  WASP supremacy

7:00  WW1, WW2, Spanish American War

10:00  Millennial Woes is too much of a moral coward to discuss the broken moral system of the West in case it triggers his snowflake supporters who will melt in the winter sun and lose him subscribers.

11:00  Richard Edmonds

13:00  Everything could in theory still be fixed just by submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality.

15:00  Pointing out the obvious

16:00  No nationalist is capable of even discussing what a moral system is, it would appear.  

18:00  Jews and Muslims

Two doctors in HT talking about vaccines while there are no doctors who would dare associate themselves with the atheist low income low status low IQ low education losers with learning disabilities, mental health problems and the character defects of never acknowledging their own mistakes or even knowing their own history.

This of course Millennial Woes dares not discuss because he doesn't want to offend the low IQ etc losers and doesn't want to lose them as subscribers.   

22:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis

23:00  You cannot have a functioning political system if you do not have a functioning moral system, and you will have neither if you do not at least have a religion maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality.  

Low IQ etc losers are not capable of discussing abstract ideas such as morality, the nature and purpose of having a moral and political, system, religion etc because they can only focus on the Jews and Muslims they hate and fear while ignoring the moral imperative to discuss difficult ideas in order to solve problems.  

We must remember it was never the role of low IQ plebs to discuss abstract ideas. Millennial Woes only studied Art History, after all.  

While humans have the ability to practise abstract reasoning, low IQ etc losers are closer to animals who can only bark at blacks, Jews, Muslims etc. Millennial Woes panders to them because he is a materialist who values them as subscribers without necessarily seeing it as his role to solve their problems by submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality.  

I am saying I know what the problem is and have evidence that Millennial Woes knows my solution is and even agrees with it, but he is not enough of a man to discuss it with me or anyone else because he is afraid of losing his low IQ etc subscribers. 

24:00  Liberal democracy failed on 3 November 2020.  

25:00  An absolute monarch of the kind Confucius was advising would govern better if he were a man of good character trying to do his best submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality than a democratic leader elected in a liberal democracy that is already a matriarchy because no one in a matriarchy can be trusted to be fit for the purpose for which they were supposed to have been appointed.  

Millennial Woes is too intellectually dishonest and weak in character to discuss whether his society is a matriarchy and what would be required to restore the patriarchy.

26:00  Why Millennial Woes is behaving like a woman who is only prepared to discuss ideas with people who already agree with him

27:00  In future anything that is in harmony with Truth, Logic and Morality will be censored by the matriarchy.  

28:00  The psychology of Millennial Woes and feminised and infantilised men like him

31:00  Choosing the best moral system to replace the failure that is Christianity

33:00  Another reason why Millennial Woes is a coward and a cuck

35:00  The narrow-minded cliques of nationalism

36:00  Millennial Woes is the High Priest of British Nationalism even if he is neurotic, feminised and infantilised not seeing it as his role as an alt-right YouTuber to discuss the moral imperative of replacing the broken moral system of his land and his people.

37:00  Fatherless cucks deprived of their fathers by their irresponsible and immoral mothers, these poor bastards are too frightened to challenge their unmarried mothers. Being unmarriageable bachelors, they don't want even their immoral and irresponsible mothers to reject them.  

39:00  The difference between Jews and Muslims with the protective wrapper of religion and fatherless atheist antisemites/Islamophobes/racist proles singly parented by their unmarried mothers being warehoused for extinction by their government who have no use for them

40:00  Political pariahs

41:00  E Michael Jones and kaput Catholicism

42:00  All religions promote patriarchal moral values.  

44:00  Rehabilitating nationalism by defining it as government in the national interest to make it respectable and universal

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