
Monday, 15 February 2021

MGTOW Global Man's 2 hour video about me, feminism and Secular Koranism

Global Man was responding to my video below.

3:00  I make a point of distancing myself from conspiracy theories because the same point can be made on socio-economic grounds as well as principles of morality.

I hope you already know that I reject representative democracy because I propose a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. Search "Secular Koranism" and "survey" to learn more about it in a ten question survey at

30:00  I don't know why you expect police officers to campaign against the divorce laws. It is not their job.

31:00  The judges only apply and interpret the law and are not responsible for the passing of laws, Parliament is.

33:00  The West is a matriarchy. You need to acknowledge that the West is a matriarchy first, before anyone will bestir themselves to challenge and defeat it. Even then this undertaking is uncertain because most people are atheists and nihilists who don't care.

34:00  What exactly are you accusing me of?

35:00  I am a disappointed that you don't think proposing a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism is quite radical enough for you or my campaign to inform men that they live in a matriarchy. Only when the patient admits he is ill would he seek a cure.

36:00  Did you get in touch with me in and around 2008 and 2013?

38:00  So you are blaming me now for not having an army?

39:00  What actions do you expect from me?

40:00  Political activism is about making proposals and using words and ideas. More direct action would be strikes, sabotage and terrorism, which I reject. I have however proposed an official marriage strike by men.  

41:00  i am saying that my proposal of a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would be the fairest as well as the most practicable and effective at restoring the patriarchy if adopted.

42:00  I have been proposing Secular Koranism since 2009.

59:00  It won't work if beta males speak up if alpha males don't support them. A patriarchy is a society that is led by an alpha male protecting the interests of beta males. The entire West is a matriarchy because Christianity is kaput.

1:13:00  I have been proposing the abolition of no fault divorce for as long as I have bee proposing Secular Koranism ie since the 2000s. .

1:14:00  I won't share links of YouTubers who do not give a good impression of the cause.

1:16:00  I hadn't heard about this woman you are talking about and prefer to concentrate on the social problems caused by feminism ie marital and family breakdown. You cannot expect any court to function effectively in a matriarchy. A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. Also, every unmarried parent or every bastard represents a trinity of sin. This is in fact the reason why democratic politicians refuse to acknowledge that they live in a matriarchy: they do not want to alienate the trinity of illegitimacy that is the unmarried parent or the bastard. In fact, only would discourage unmarried parents now, and this is why I propose a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

1:17:00  People don't like to share links of people who sound crazy and paranoid, bitter and angry with a long story of victimhood.

1:20:00  I wouldn't expect any help from women if I were you. In fact, I advise men not to waste their time asking permission to do anything from women. Unfortunately, because victims of feminism are beta males, and beta males never listen to other beta males, that is your problem. Beta males are in effect leaderless because no male with alpha male qualities would want to risk their status on the behalves of beta males. The moment any male with alpha male qualities decides to challenge feminism, he will be cancelled. There are no alpha males in a matriarchy because an alpha male is a male with leadership qualities chosen by beta males to defend their interests. Female suffrage has in effect cancelled the alpha male leader of beta males because women now get to choose who will be the leader of beta males. That is why beta males are in fact leaderless or only have a male leader that prioritises the preferences of women. Senior men in the Western political establishment would also be under the thumb of their wives under the rules of no fault divorce so there is an incentive for them to stay in denial.

1:22:00  I have proposed the repeal of the Equality Act 2010.

1:24:00  I have no idea why you think Frances Fitzgerald is a criminal and had not even heard of her. I have already proposed the narrowing of the franchise to taxpayers only and the repeal of the Equality Act 2010.

1:25:00  I am known for supporting social conservatism and anti-immigration parties. I don't listen to your videos because I find them dull, repetitive and full of conspiracy theories. I repeatedly invited you to appear on my channel to tell us your tale of woe and victimhood, but you have repeatedly declined.

1:26:00  Women are not interested in the tales of woes of beta male victims whether they live in a matriarchy or patriarchy. Deep down, women are only interested in heroes, not victims. Just as men are not interested in hearing the stories of female rape victims and certainly not marrying them, women are not interested in hearing the tales of woe of male victims of feminism. What do you expect them to do anyway? The most practical thing you can do is organise with other men to defeat the matriarchy. Unfortunately, being by definition beta males, you won't be listening to each other either because beta males will not obey the orders of another beta male, as British Prime Minister John Major discovered to his cost. What you need is an alpha male leader, but, because you live in a matriarchy, you would have no alpha male leader and males in a senior position in Western politics would be unwilling and unlikely to give up their status to protect the interests of men women would regard as unmarriageable losers and cranks whose personality defects and narrative of victimhood makes them instantly repellent to women. 

There is only hope if enough influential and honorable men are prepared to discuss whether the West is a matriarchy, and so far no man with any intellectual or moral authority is showing any interest in engaging on this with me. I did try to raise the subject with the late Roger Scruton but received a response from him to the effect that his views on feminism were exactly the views of Christina Hoff Sommers. I imagine this was because he was too afraid of his wife whom he knew would soon become his nurse to even acknowledge the matriarchy, let alone challenge it.

1:30:00  I have communicated with both Paul Elam and Mike Buchanan who are not at all interested in abolishing no fault divorce.

1:31:00 I have been in contact with MRAs whose strategy is to apply to the matriarchy for equal rights and told them they are not going to be taken seriously as applicants and supplicants.

1:33:00  I did say quite a few things about the Kavanaugh hearings to the extent that I can no longer post links here from my blog Voice of Reason so I suggest you find what I posed about it dated 1 October 2018 on The Senate Judiciary Hearing and the perniciousness of a certain ideology beginning with F. 

1:34:00  I have actually criticised most of these women you mentioned but all this is useless until and unless men collectively discuss and denounce the MATRIARCHY. Use this actual word and see what happens. If you find YouTube censoring it, you will know that they are on notice and nervous.

1:35:00  I am aware of the beta male strategy of withholding their co-operation, labour and taxes and also the plan to murder women as a form of protest. I do advocate peaceful and effective methods which I invite you on my channel to discuss.

1:36:00  I actually don't know what you are saying Frances Fitzgerald has done to you that you claim is a crime.

1:37:00  I don't have a problem with fat-shaming.

1:38:00  That Sharon Osborne said what she said ie that a joke about a wife castrating her husband she had drugged unconscious is funny while a husband performing FGM on his wife he had drugged is not funny is evidence that you live in a matriarchy. There is only one way to challenge and defeat the matriarchy and that is through men proposing Secular Koranism in a focused and rational way. You seem to be advocating more violent methods.

1:41:00  Think of women as lionesses in your harem. The lionesses will not help the father of their cubs fight the usurping male. Their duty is to see to it that their cubs are the cubs of the victor. I am telling you what men must do if they want marriage to be a good bargain again, and they are telling me that they don't care because they have no intention or prospect of marrying and are content with the cheap sex the matriarchy continues to bribe them with.

1:42:00  Actually, men are the best people for telling women what men want from them, and women are the best people for telling men what women want from men. This is assuming that both parties are interested in contracting the bargain of marriage with each other for the purposes of sex and children. Obviously, society  should prioritise the preferences of married parents (and this would mean restoring the patriarchy), and the problem is that the West is currently a matriarchy ie a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. To discover that your society is a matriarchy is like discovering you have cancer. Westerners are still in denial about this though because I literally cannot find anyone with any moral and intellectual authority ie a public intellectual prepared to engage with me on this. It seems that they submit to the censorship of the Fourth Estate that colludes with the matriarchy and is staffed by its operatives who pander to the preferences of non-parents and unmarried parents.

1:44:00  Frequency of conjugal relations should be stated in the marriage contract without which no couple will have their marriage legally recognised.

1:45:00  There would be licensed brothels in every town under Secular Koranism.

1:46:00  The compulsory marriage contract under Secular Koranism would forbid extramarital sex and specify the right to have sex of both parties as well as its frequency.

1:50:00  What is your evidence that women have been attempting to murder you?

1:54:00  I have been proposing the narrowing of the franchise to taxpayers only since the 2000s and a flat rate income tax of 20%.

1:56:00  Your elaborate plan of an all female jury was never going to be implemented. I repeat: Western men must first acknowledge that they live in a matriarchy before they can form the desire to restore the patriarchy. This is all you have to do: use the word MATRIARCHY to rally good men and women of the world who see the purpose of making marriage a good bargain for men again. The patient must first acknowledge he is ill to seek a cure.

2:02:00  I would abolish equal pay too.

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