
Monday, 1 October 2018

The Senate Judiciary Hearing and the perniciousness of feminism

I am given an honourable mention at the 57th minute.

I appear at 2:24:00.

My comments under the video:

Kavanaugh is not an attractive man with his snorty grimacing ways that say redneck, redneck, redneck .... He actually looked more attractive before I heard him speak, but, hey, you can say this about most pretty women, huh?

Flake and his matinee idol looks - not to be trusted. Basically, good looking men are not to be trusted. Men are not for looking at.

Good-looking men should be assumed to be morally defective or gay unless they prove themselves otherwise.

My dear mother says "We know what these Americans get up anyway. We have seen enough of their movies to know exactly what these loose women get up to ... "

Christine Ford - crazy lady! Ann Coulter - my favourite white nationalist - took the right position on her: that Ford probably was assaulted "but not by Kavanaugh."

Everyone gets bored and irritated with their spouse. It should be written into every Marriage Contract

Mere boredom, irritation and disenchantment with married life shall never be a sufficient reason to apply for a divorce to Matrimonial Disputes Tribunal. It is assumed that marriage is a sacrifice the parties to the marriage make for the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. It ain't no bowl of cherries. Divorce will only be granted without investigation by the Tribunal if there are no children of the marriage and both parties agree to the divorce. Fault for divorce always starts at 50/50 even if the parties agree amicably to divorce, because at the very least the parties to the amicable undisputed divorce married the wrong person.

I think only people from a religious background really understand the nature and purpose of principles even if they subsequently reject their religious upbringing.

"Maybe we did wrong" - To fix things, you would have to acknowledge that both your religion (Christianity) and political system (multi-party democracy) have failed and think about its replacement ie one party theocracy . That is really all it takes, in theory. You're not gonna do it though, are you? You will just wait and wait and continue to live in your condemned building until it collapses round your ears. Sad, so sad.

How long did democracy last in Ancient Athens? Not very long!

Did Republican Rome last longer than Imperial Rome?  Nope.

Western academics who are coming round to my point of view:

The China Model
Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy
Daniel A. Bell

Is this how democracy ends?
David Runciman

How many Noahide laws do US laws infringe? How many peoples and nations have the Americans led astray under its imperium after being forcefed its rotten culture?

1.  Do establish laws (and adhere to the rule of law in order to dispense justice).
2.  Don’t curse God.
3.  Do not practice idolatry. (Christianity is idolatry because the Doctrine of the Trinity is about worshiping an executed revolutionary and claiming he is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and persecuting anyone who disagrees with you eg Jews, Muslims, Unitarian Christians, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses etc.)
4.  Do not engage in illicit sexuality. (Obviously, all extramarital sex is "illicit sexuality".)
5.  Do not participate in bloodshed. (How many neocon wars this century?)
6.  Do not rob. (How many neocon wars this century?)
7.  Do not eat flesh from a living animal.

God's curses for disobedience can be discovered at  Presumably He will punish the gentile less harshly if they repent in time.

Stop blaming women! You lot are like parents who leave your adolescent children for three months for a holiday and then come back to find the family home trashed or turned into a drug den or a brothel. Are you really going to blame the children?! Just admit that you have been distracted by taking the bribe of fornication offered to you by feminism and correct yourselves.

Misogyny v Misandry march hand in hand.

Tolerating female promiscuity cheapens relationships between men and women and nothing breeds contempt like familiarity. Why are gay men so bitchy about each other? Because they have all "cheated" on each other and felt they have been cheated on.

I like to think White Sharia came from Secular Koranism.

The first mention of Secular Koranism was at

White Sharia came afterwards.

Secular Koranism is less restrictive of women's rights than White Sharia because divorce will be allowed and no fault divorce abolished. Coverture will not be reintroduced under Secular Koranism.

There is no need to persuade women to surrender their rights. All you have to do is to persuade enough ambitious, marriageable and influential men to restore the patriarchy.  If you manage that, then it is as good as done.

My blueprint to restore the patriarchy is at

You can't be Nazis if you are not German and don't want to deport Jews, surely? Antisemitism is a feature of Christianity. What Western gentiles need is a religion that protects them from their women and bad unobservant Jews. You know which one there is left, because Christianity is kaput.

The death knell of WASPs was sounded when Britain lost her world empire and the Americans took over. The Anglican Church was the most powerful church in the world after the Catholic Church. As  you would expect, Americans cannot respect a religion of a nation who was really the vanquished after WW2 and whose nation immediately became their debtor. In fact, it really began to fail once it became legal to deny the Trinity after the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813. It was inevitable that the baby of the Biblical morality would be thrown out with the bathwater of the Trinity.

Bottom line: no patriarchy, no white pride. This is because the immigrants who come here will instantly know that you have lost control of your women. Any attentive foreigner who pays attention to the news and capable of making inferences will also know that you have lost control of your women.

You know what I think makes Muslims blow themselves up when they get to the West?

They blow themselves up when they realise that they and their descendants will suffer the same fate as the white man. And this after they have crossed seas and continents to get to what they thought was their promised land. I can't prove it of course, but that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

1:49:00 Calling complainants "survivors"  assumes the guilt of the accused.

1:51:00  The corporations might find Islam useful because patriarchy is more likely to create a good business environment of law and order rather than a failed states like South America, huh?

1:53:00  Women are non-combatants in this Culture War between Matriarchy and Patriarchy, like lionesses watching the father of their cubs deal with a challenger for his harem. Whoever wins, the lionesses will have his cubs and this is fine by them because they will always have the cubs of the winner. I just discovered this series about older women leading the next generation of women astray in their promiscuity.

This is the best reference to Balaam. I think he was briefly discussed in one of Luke's streams at

2:27:00  It was Tuesday 25 September 2018 when Greg Johnson said yes to me. Eeek! Nearly a week ago!

2:28:00  Transcript of what I said on the Victoria Derbyshire Show in 2 March 2011 that got me expelled from the BNP.

You can still hear it at

My letter of expulsion from the BNP

2:38:00  Dennis Dale notices that the BBC have been taken over by women. Every time he tunes in, it is two women talking. I just discovered this series about older women leading the next generation of women astray in their promiscuity.

This is the best reference to Balaam. He was briefly discussed in one of Luke's streams at

2:46:00  The ultimate matriarchy is the bee colony with only a few drones allowed to exist for the purpose of pleasuring the queen and siring her offspring.

2:48:00 Kelly Anne Conway is a "survivor"

2:52:00  On being London Mayoral candidate for the BNP

2:57:00  Martin Bell, Independent MP

2:59:00  Chinese degeneracy

3:03:00  34 years on, Japan finally prepares to swallow Pill

3:15:00  Jews

3:16:00  Dennis Prager

3:17:00  Melanie Phillips

The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony

3:20:00  Ultra Orthodox Rabbi Aaron Bassous

3:21:00  E Michael Jones: No religion, no white identity.

3:23:00  Neoconservatism = US imperialism

Israel is the status symbol of global imperialists

3:25:00  Chinese Ancestor Worship

3:31:00  Sukkot

3:32:00  Yom Kippur

3:36:00  The spin of the Trinity

3:39:00  The diversity of Trump supporters

3:40:00  Peaceful conquest of the world by commercial means

Discourage social diseases by protecting the small and medium farmer

Like a pendulum in its eternal sway

The political philosopher and practical political leader

The operation of democracy

Public opinion and the presstitutes who form it

Democracy is the forerunner of Marxism

The revolutions of 1848 and British democracy

Fall of empire

Under 30s please note

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...