
Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Discussing the Noahide law against idolatry with Rabbi Chaim Coffman

1:00  Definition of murder

2:00  "Noahides will have to answer to us."

Euthanasia and assisted suicide

4:00  Idolatry
Hidden idolatry
Vincent Bruno

9:00  Intention
11:00  Wearing a cross
12:00  Mitzvah to give rebuke
13:00  Rabbi Schneerson
Ranking the four gentile religions

14:00  Christians are confused.
Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury
16:00  Christians live with historical inaccuracy.

18:00  Only those who are confirmed Christians have the right to call themselves Christian. If confirmed Christians do not know they are supposed to believe that Jesus is God, they are not really Christian. 

The corrupt bargain of Christianity.

19:00  Westerners need to be put on notice that they do not have a functioning moral system.

20:00  Sexual immorality condoned by Christianity

21:00  The moral values of atheists is what the law allows.

22:00  Theocracy

23:00  Reform Jews are heretics.

24:00  Only observant Jews allowed to live, according to the Torah. 

25:00  Jewish emancipation made rabbis lose power.

Rabbinical courts cannot enforce their decisions in gentile nations. 

26:00  Jews are not Jewish. 

27:00  Chillul Hashem

28:00  Witnesses of God handing Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai

29:00  Lifestyle choice of obeying or disobeying God's laws

30:00  Generations going back to witnessing the events at Mount Sinai

32:00  God intervening in history

34:00  Denial

35:00  A Register of Jews would unJew someone.

36:00  Ignorant and arrogant Jews

Stephen Hawking

37:00  Jews are not supposed to marry gentiles.

39:00  Dunning Kruger Syndrome

41:00  Big Bang

42:00  Evolution and Saturn

44:00  The masses are not interested. 

45:00  Jews are proof of God's existence.

47:00  Talmud makes Jews smarter.

48:00  Rules are the gymnasium of the mind and protect you from straying into error and sin. 

49:00  The canary in the coalmine

50:00  Hitler

51:00  Democracy pandering to minorities destabilised Germany.

52:00  God will ensure Jews cannot escape their Jewishness.

55:00  Prometheus

56:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

57:00  Jews being punished for not doing what they are supposed to do.  

58:00  Sinai means hatred.

59:00  Gentiles now have the option of converting to Islam to be Noahide.

1:00:00  Why God gave Jews the Ten Commandments

1:01:00  Privilege comes with responsibility.

1:02:00  Islam is false, according to Rabbi Coffman. 

1:03:00  Not the narrative, but the principles.

1:04:00  Islam is "Judaism Lite". 


1:05:00  Keeping kosher

1:10:00  Symbolic submission leads to greater submission. 

1:12:00  Jealousy

1:16:00 The deadly sin of pride
1:18:00  The Book of Psalms
1:19:00  Humility
1:21:00  People who are happy being mediocre
1:26:00  Assimilation
1:28:00  Vincent Bruno
1:29:00  Righteous gentiles Jews can trust with their hametz
1:32:00  Christians and Muslims, Ishmaelites and pickpockets
1:35:00  Spiritual Mamzer
1:36:00  Antisemitic child
1:37:00  Vincent Bruno
1:39:00 "Kike"
1:43:00  Orthodox Jews v Reform Jews
1:44:00  Jews punished collectively,
1:45:00  Covid-19
1:48:00  Envy
1:49:00  Being close to the king
1:50:00  Jews held to higher standards.
1:51:00  Orthodox Jews insulted more than Arabs by secular liberal Jews. 
1:53:00  Scorpion and frog
1:54:00  Secular Koranism for Israel to avoid a Jewish Civil War?
1:55:00  Israel not even Noahide.
1:56:00  The West Bank
1:57:00  Arafat
1:58:00  Palestinian people
1:59:00  Israel being undermined by liberalism.
2:00:00  Transjordan, Lebanon, Egypt and 1967
2:01:00  Another religious war?
2:02:00  Muslims in Europe
2:03:00  Muslims in Japan
2:04:00  More Orthodox Jews in Israel than secular Jews.
2:05:00  Iran
2:06:00  "Europe is a powder keg."
2:08:00  Noahide laws
2:09:00  Self-defence of shop owners against looters
2:11:00  Islam is the middle way between degenerate liberalism and a Torah theocracy.
2:13:00  Putting one's life in danger in an unconstructive way
2:17:00  Sodom and Gomorrah
2:18:00  Stealing was the final nail in the coffin for Sodom and Gomorrah.
2:19:00  Amalek and his religion 
2:20:00  Amalek is nothing to do with Sodom and Gomorrah.
2:21:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
2:23:00  Teaching the Noahide laws as tikkun olam
2:24:00  Jews come first.
2:27:00  Secular Jews
2:28:00  Rabbi Singer
2:29:00  Christians bribing Jews to convert to Christianity.
2:30:00  Assimilation and intermarriage
2:35:00  Zen Buddhism
2:36:00  People who believe in patriarchy believe in theocracy. 
2:37:00  Jews are "disappearing". 
2:38:00  Judaism without Torah is a body without a soul.
2:39:00  Reform and Conservative Jews with their watered down Conservatism
2:40:00  Everybody is losing their religion.
2:41:00  Morality

2:42:00  Liberal morality changes and is moral relativsim. 

2:43:00  Definitions

2:44:00  Nihilist atheists are narcissists. 

Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
2:45:00  The French Revolution has no principles. 

2:46:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions would teach both Jews and gentiles about the Noahide laws.

2:47:00  Rabbi Coffman has given up on the masses.

2:48:00  An obligation to try

2:49:00  Trump supporters

Republicans cannot defend a principle. 

2:51:00  Murphy Brown and unmarried mothers
Dan Quayle
2:52:00  Ann Coulter
The media
2:53:00  When the Messiah arrives
Servant of God
Shooting the messenger

2:54:00  Censorship
2:55:00  Supreme Court
Nobody listens to the evidence.
2:56:00  The Messiah
Superbowl Sunday
2:57:00  Righteous Jews and gentiles taking over a TV station
2:58:00  Gog and Magog
2:59:00  A third of the world gets wiped out.
3:00:00  Christianity
3:01:00  Asking the Pope et al how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy
3:02:00  Christians threatened with career ruin for asking uncomfortable questions
3:05:00  Rabbi Mizrachi debating a Christian
3:06:00  Billy Graham
3:07:00  The utility of religion in keeping the group in existence and apart from others
3:09:00  Morality, Patriotism, Posterity and Nationalism
3:10:00  "Let the kid decide."
3:11:00  Status of Jews
3:14:00  Joke about Trump and a Reform rabbi
3:16:00  Gloria Steinham and feminism
3:18:00  Nobody's listening.
3:19:00  Jewish and Muslim alliance against idolatry and blasphemy
3:20:00  Rabbi Sacks
3:21:00  Jewish Virtual Library
3:22:00  Noahide laws
3:25:00  "Muhammad was a false prophet."
3:26:00  Kosher and halal
3:27:00  Animal breeding
3:28:00  Talmud
3:29:00  Listening to rabbis
3:30:00  65 Noahide laws
3:31:00  Rabbi Coffman admits he has not read all of the Koran.
3:34:00  Five inconsistencies
3:35:00  The Noahide laws are commandments and prohibitions. 
3:36:00  Species of animals
3:39:00  "Half baked lie"
3:40:00  "If the book is a sham ... "
3:41:00  " ... and the reason is because the book is false."

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