
Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Patrick Basham on the 'racism' of lockdowns + more

9:34 PM
Claire Khaw
​The matriarchy is firmly in charge.

9:35 PM
Claire Khaw
​Because the matriarchy is in charge, it can be deduced that the patriarchy has been undermined. It can only be restored with Secular Koranism.

9:36 PM
Claire Khaw
​Western Man does not seem aware that he is hated by Western Woman who is now in charge of the matriarchy promoting the policies of Intersectional Feminism.

9:37 PM
Claire Khaw
​There is no logical reason for the matriarchy, therefore defeat it with the Truth, Logic and Morality of Secular Koranism.

9:38 PM
Claire Khaw
​The fact that Western Man remains in denial of the matriarchy that has now replaced the patriarchy suggests that he has become a woman with a penis extension. Denial is a feminine vice.

9:39 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David I should be the one explaining how and why the West has turned into a demented matriarchy, but Cautious Cotto thinks Secular Koranism is too hot to handle.

9:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​The matriarchy has no idea what it is doing except reacting to events like a frightened animal.

9:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Steven Mulraney Nothing much will change for the better since no one is proposing a solution except me: a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

9:41 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David Western Woman hates Western Man for not marrying her. This is all the explanation you need.

9:42 PM
Claire Khaw
​Western Woman hates Western Man so much for not marrying her and fathering her children that she has decided to pull down Western civilisation to spite him.

9:42 PM
​Schizo Claire lol

9:43 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David The topic is lockdown and I am saying that lockdown is a policy of the degenerate matriarchy Western Man is too afraid to challenge.

9:43 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David Are you suggesting that I have said anything untrue, illogical or immoral?

9:43 PM
Steven Mulraney
​sticking women to men who aren't trash would fix a lot

9:44 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Steven Mulraney The matriarchy has made most men and women unmarriageable.

9:44 PM
​I just think you communicate like a schizo person

9:44 PM
Steven Mulraney
​yes. the men think they need to enact what makes women feel positive things

9:44 PM
Claire Khaw
​I think the reason I don't get invited here to explain my view of the situation is because Cotto himself does not want to restore the patriarchy because he does not want to become a married father.

9:45 PM
​He is talking about politics and is knowledgeable on the topic, take it for what it is, don't look for an online super hero lol

9:46 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David You can't point to a single thing I have said that is untrue, illogical or immoral so you call me "schizo". You are obviously unmarriageable with no intention of becoming a married father.

9:47 PM
​lol, schizo

9:47 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David No Western Man will challenge the matriarchy because they are too unprincipled, frightened and unmarriageable to restore the patriarchy.

9:48 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David You are not a married father and have neither the desire nor any prospect of becoming a married father, have you? You are basically another unmarriageable bachelor invested in the matriarchy.

9:50 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Steven Mulraney I am the only YouTuber with a big idea and a plan. Everyone else is too frightened to propose a solution that might actually work and basically waste their time bitching like women.

9:50 PM
​Claire is so annoying lol

9:51 PM
Claire Khaw
​When you hear intellectuals talking about matriarchy, you might see some signs of degenerate Western men considering obeying their moral imperative.

9:51 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David I am annoying because I am right.

9:52 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are we supposed to think of Huckleberry Finn when we look at Cotto?

9:54 PM
Claire Khaw
​The only thing that would work now is if Trump started promoting Secular Koranism and proposing a one party theocracy.

9:55 PM
Claire Khaw
​I bet I would get so many superchats if Cotto had me on here to answer questions, but Cotto is too cautious!

9:56 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Kay Warren The matriarchy is charge of government now imposing its degenerate intersectional feminism.

9:57 PM
​It's because you are promoting ideas outside the political reality lol one party theocracy is only possible in the islamic world

9:57 PM
Claire Khaw
​So no one agrees with me about a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism because they are basically unmarriageable bachelors who hate women of their own race?

9:58 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David George Washington was against political parties. You should know this if you have read his valedictory speech.

9:59 PM
Claire Khaw
​I wonder what is the best way of contacting Trump so I can give him my gift of Secular Koranism.

10:00 PM
Claire Khaw
​Libertarianism should be taken out with the trash and its stinking rotten corpse buried good and deep.

10:00 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David I am the only one who talks sense and solutions in the chat.

10:01 PM
Claire Khaw
​No more left and right. Ein volk, ein reich, ein Gott, eine partei!

10:03 PM
Claire Khaw
​The matriarchy produces victims and encourages victims to seek status from their victimhood. Western Man being unmarriageable bachelors is too spineless and unprincipled to challenge this degeneracy.

10:03 PM
Claire Khaw
​More vagaries and abstractions still talking about libertariansim and classical liberalism like the dinosaurs they are!

10:04 PM
Claire Khaw
​What are we going to do about the degeneracy of liberalism and libertarianism? Call Claire Khaw to restore the patriarchy with Secular Koranism!

10:07 PM
Claire Khaw
​Race is a red herring. This is about Yin and Yang.

10:09 PM
Claire Khaw
​QUESTION: When will you be having me on to answer questions about how to establish a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism?

10:11 PM
Claire Khaw
​The answer is to restore the patriarchy with Secular Koranism!

10:13 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David Time to abolish usury with Secular Koranism!

10:31 PM
Claire Khaw
​There is no revolution coming because the American national average age is over 40.

10:33 PM
Claire Khaw
​The Americans are revolting!

10:38 PM
Claire Khaw
​The slide into chaos and criminality will accelerate now.

10:38 PM
Claire Khaw
​America just needs to become an Islamic Republic and things will start righting themselves.

10:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​Why won't American men just acknowledge that their society is being drowned by the moral sewage of the matriarchy?

10:46 PM
Claire Khaw
​"We have to reinvent how we educate young people" - does Patrick mean revolution?

10:48 PM
Claire Khaw
​Why don't Americans think liberals won't steal the 2024 election even if Trump won?

10:49 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are Cotto and Patrick still officially treating democracy as if it were a viable form of choosing the next President?

10:50 PM
Claire Khaw
​"Meaningful change" - acknowledging that the West is now a matriarchy and resolving to restore the patriarchy with a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

11:00 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Keddy Man And head for the destination of an Islamic American Republic to restore the patriarchy?

11:01 PM
Claire Khaw
​Talking about the next election as if it holds the solution is a sign of not getting it and also of cowardice.

11:02 PM
Claire Khaw
​Unmarriageable bachelors who are atheist nihilists won't fight for anything, being spineless unprincipled worms of doubtful masculinity.

11:03 PM
Event Horizon
​Patrick Basham is such a breath of fresh air

11:04 PM
Claire Khaw
​So many words saying nothing proposing no solutions mouthed by unmarriageable bachelors who believe in nothing.

11:05 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Event Horizon What is he actually proposing anyway? Anyone who is still talking about libertarianism and liberalism is not getting it.

11:06 PM
Claire Khaw
​The most unmarriageable bachelors who are atheist nihilists will do is hope to be dead before the shit really hits the fan.

11:07 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Event Horizon Still talking about Christianity as if it were still a thing?

11:08 PM
​unfortunately I think neither are likely outcomes at this point

11:08 PM
Claire Khaw
​Patrick still talking about democracy as if it were still a thing.

11:08 PM
Mary Crow
​orthodoxy is a real thing, robust and thriving in the east, and not a heresy.

11:09 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David You don't seem to have noticed that the Protestant work ethic died with the welfare state.

11:09 PM
Event Horizon
​@Clare Khaw. Christ is King and reigning even now. One day you and everyone else in this wprld will be the knee to Christ as Lord

11:09 PM
​In American a Protestant revival is more likely than Orthodoxy, it was never a thing in America

11:09 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Mary Crow Why are so many Christians so narcissistic they think their going to a different church on Sundays is going to change the political system?

11:10 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Event Horizon Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers cursed by God.

11:12 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Event Horizon Why do so many people who call themselves Christians forget that the Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and blasphemy?

11:13 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David Cotto's atheism "supports" his caution and cowardice.

11:13 PM
Event Horizon
​@Claire Khaw. Are you a Muslim?

11:14 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David Atheism is synonymous with unprincipled cowardice and ever widening and deepening degeneracy.

11:14 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Event Horizon I am an agnostic who sees the benefits of a theocracy.

11:14 PM
​Tell that to the stoics

11:14 PM
Event Horizon
​@Claire Khaw. What kind of theocracy?

11:15 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David Stoicism came before Islam.

11:15 PM
​WOW an agnostic promoting militant theism lol

11:15 PM
​yup, schizo

11:15 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Event Horizon There are only two kinds of theocracy based on divine revelation: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.

11:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Mary Crow Nobody can possibly know whether God exists. They can only believe that He does. The Abrahamic God forbade the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity in the Ten Commandments.

11:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​@David The Romans were polytheist.

11:18 PM
Claire Khaw
​Trying to be cool will soon be a thing of the degenerate past.

11:19 PM
Claire Khaw
​No religion, no moral system, no principles, no men prepared to stand up for a principle in a degenerate matriarchy.

11:19 PM
​Nobody knows God exists assumes knowledge, which relies on the existence of a divine mind, thus God exists

11:19 PM
Claire Khaw
​Democracy will soon be a dirty word.

11:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​It was always a "managed democracy". It will soon be a MANGLED degeneracy.

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