
Thursday, 29 April 2021

Doooovid discusses Claire Khaw on Luke Ford

1:00  Doooovid "depressed" at Jews thinking he is an antisemite. 

2:00  Claire Khaw's Hinju skepticism mentioned. 

5:00  Jews being "a managerial class". 

8:00  How Luke Ford and Doooovid met

9:00  Luke's gift to Doooovid of a microphone

19:00  Claire Khaw mentioned.

1:25:00  Doooovid and Claire Khaw

1:26:0  Doooovid mentions my alleged "negativity and bad karma" and says after speaking to me he finds himself "arguing with Nazis". I have no idea which Nazi he argued with after speaking to me! I cannot think of any Nazi that I know, unless he means antisemites of which there are already plenty in his own circles. Church of Entropy, his regular streaming partner, rejects all the Abrahamic faiths on the ground that they are Jewish and has created a idolatrous religion of her own she says is based on the Vedas. Confusingly, she calls herself a nihilist.

Doooovid is the one who has direct access to the better known antisemites and has streamed with the biggest antisemites around eg Adam Green and Christopher Jon Bjerknes while they refuse to engage with me.

Doooovid says I am "a good streamer" whose opinion in this regard I humbly submit to.

1:27:00  I am "pretty clever". 

1:28:00  Mark Shapiro

"Extreme Orthodox rabbis"

13:00  Similarities between black people and the alt-right

14:00  Antisemitism

15:00  Are Jews servants or the puppet masters of American imperialism?

16:00  Ayin hara/the evil eye

17:00  The virtue of humility for intellectual narcissists

18:00  The alt-right are associated with low status low information low education unmarriageable men who are antisemies, Islamophobes and racists.

20:00  YouTube deleted my stream that could have gone viral.

21:00  News blackout on me 

23:00  Church of Entropy is the streaming partner of Doooovid.

24:00  Antisemitism

26:00  Who is a Nazi?

Muslim antisemitism

27:00  Catholicism has traumatised Church of Entropy and other former Catholics in the alt-right now fleeing to the Orthodox Church.

28:00  The fraud, idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

29:00  13 Principles of Judaism

30:00  The sacred cow of liberalism

31:00  Trump and his supporters have been identified as heretics to liberalism. 

32:00  Most people are sheeple worshiping their conceptual idols.


Proscription in Rome

35:00  Nihilism is a product of atheism and nihilists are those who have no moral principles they care to defend. 

36:00  Nihilists are narcissists who do not submit to Truth, Logic and Morality. 

37:00  Low status antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who don't want to give up their low status identity of being antisemites, Islamopobes and racists because that is the only identity they can imagine relating to

39:00  The minimum number of moral principles an honest, rational and moral atheist should have are that of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality.

42:00  Mark Shapiro's Limits of Orthodox Theology

43:00  Charles Moscowitz and Luke Ford

46:00  No system of belief in Jews and gentiles in the West nor a functioning moral system

47:00  The Intersectional Feminism of the matriarchy

48:00  The Third Principle of the Thirteen Principles of Judaism

49:00  Pantheism, animism and idolatry

50:00  Spinoza guilty of 4 capital offences

51:00  Unprincipled politicians

52:00  Nothing in a matriarchy is fit for purpose.

53:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.

54:00  Disputation of Paris

55:00  The God of Israel is also the God of gentiles.

56:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws

57:00  Vulnerable Jews in Israel unable to recognise idolatry when they see it are converted to Christianity because rabbis have for centuries not been teaching the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy to Jews, let alone Christians whose religion is the practice of idolatry and blasphemy. 

58:00  It is imperative that those guilty of idolatry and blasphemy be warned against idolatry and blasphemy by rabbis and Muslims in case God exists and intends to punish idolaters and blasphemers and those who fail to admonish those who claim that God has begotten a son.

The corrupt bargain of Christianity

1:01:00  Noahide laws

1:02:00  Orthodox rabbis omitting to teach properly the Noahide laws to Jews, let alone gentiles.

1:03:00  If nothing can be expected of rabbis in the diaspora because they have gone native, are Orthodox rabbis in Israel also too afraid of offending their Christian overlords in America to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws even when Christian missionaries swoop like vultures into Israel to carry off vulnerable Jewish souls ignorant of their Jewish tradition against idolatry? Once rabbis rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws, it will be clear to both Jews and gentiles which Abrahamic faith they must avoid if the are to avoid the sin of idolatry and blasphemy.

1:04:00  Jews were the people who first conceived of the prohibition against idolatry. 

1:05:00  Hidden idolatry

1:06:00  Idolatry eventually leads to self-destructive narcissism when the Western political establishment ignores me for the irrelevant reason of not wanting to admit that Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia because of their pride while ignoring the relevant reason of governing in the national interest. It is of course in the national interest to have a functioning moral system.

1:07:00  Christianity was a divine practical joke played by God on blasphemers and idolaters. The sin is its own punishment.  

1:08:00  All idolatry is blasphemy. 

1:10:00  Cattle only respond to threats and bribes. 

1:14:00 applies only to Unitarian Christians.

1:17:00  Dayananda Saraswati

1:19:00  The rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws is required.

1:20:00  Was Christianity a religion created to offend the God of Israel and/or those who worship Him?

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