
Thursday, 22 April 2021

Is antisemitism caused by rabbis not ranking the 4 gentile religions according to the Noahide laws?


Joseph Cohen accusing Doooovid of inciting antisemitism.

Charles Moscowitz accuses Doooovid of being an antisemite.

3:00  Jews wanting to discuss Jewish identity even at the risk of offending Jews and gentiles

4:00  Mark Collett, Richard Spencer, Adam Green - not all antisemites advocating violence. 

7:00  Free speech in US and Europe

Luke Ford and Charles Moscowitz

8:00  Do other Jews get accused of being antisemites? 

9:00  Luke Ford's gift to Doooovid of a microphone

11:00  Halsey

Complaining of antisemitism provokes further antisemitism. 

12:00  Adam Green's expressions of antisemitism is in fact typical of most American Christians, according to Doooovid. 

David Irving doesn't identify as Nazi.

13:00  Adam Green, the basket player, is a typical American Christian, according to Doooovid.  

14:00  Jews may find the quality of Adam Green's research threatening. 

15:00  Doooovid calls Adam Green's questions "generic". 

Joseph Cotto

18:00  Chillul Hashem
22:00  Kiddush Hashem
25:00  Disputation of Paris
26:00  Noahide laws
28:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
29:00  Christianity is a religion of idolatry and blasphemy for people in denial that they are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. 
30:00  The rule of law
31:00  Dooooovid accuses me of heresy because I want rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws.
32:00  Because God created good and evil, God also created antisemitism to punish Jews for not doing what they were made God's Chosen People to do. 
33:00  Rabbis have not been teaching the Noahide laws properly even to other Jews, which explains why Jews in Israel are being converted to Christianity by Christian missionaries. 

34:00  The souls of Israeli Jews are treated as a resource for Christian Zionism. 
35:00  If Judaism and Jews are not up to the job of teaching properly the Noahide laws, they should outsource the job to Islam and Muslims. 
36:00  Doooovid claims to believe in God but does not fear the consequences of disobeying His Commandments. 

Christians are idolaters and blasphemers. 

37:00  Doooovid accuses me of heresy.  

38:00  God helps those who help themselves. 

Rabbi Schneerson made a point of saying Jews should teach the Noahide laws. 

39:00  God made Jews His Chosen People to speak truth to power. If they are supposed to be the people who wrestle with God, then all the more should they be people prepared to offend their Christian overlords and inform them that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy and that they must therefore renounce the least Noahide gentile religion in favour of the most Noahide gentile religion. 

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

45:00  Jewish privilege

46:00  Diaspora rabbis are too afraid of offending their Christian overlords. 

48:00  Christians don't care that they are idolaters and blasphemers. When informed that the Ten Commandments do in fact forbid idolatry and blasphemy, their reaction is that of indifference. Clearly, they do not even have the beginning of wisdom that is fear of the Lord.  

This must mean that all Christians are functionally atheists and nihilists who only pretend to be idolaters and blasphemers to acquire a higher status over atheists in this life. 

It is hard enough for atheists to believe in God, but Christians are expected to go the extra light year of believing that a deceased Jew crucified for blasphemy is also the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. It is abundantly clear that most confirmed Christians don't understand the enormity of the absurdity they are required to believe in. Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury himself did not even know he was supposed to believe in this nonsense. 

49:00  Good rabbis
50:00  Rabbis teaching the Noahide laws

52:00  OV is the only person both Doooovid and I have interacted with who identifies as Nazi but he is just a larper with daddy issues because his divorced mother married a Jew. 

53:00  Church of Entropy, Doooovid's streaming partner, blames Jews for Christianity and Islam. 

Post-Christian Westerners begin to loathe Christianity after realising the enormity of the fraud perpetrated on them, their parents and ancestors.  

54:00  Adam Green and E Michael Jones

Christianity is the religion of antisemites forced to worship a deceased Jew. 

56:00  Idolatry

57:00  Jews are forbidden to enter churches. 

1:00:00  Shituf

1:02:00  New Testament

Emmanuel Rund

1:04:00  Supersessionism
1:05:00  Antisemitism comes from God. 
1:07:00  Haredim v IVF
1:08:00  Should Israel be a theocracy?
1:09:00  Christianity is kaput and Derek Chauvin was thrown to the wolves. 
1:10:00  God is so merciful that He answers the prayers of idolaters and blasphemers. 
1:12:00  Doooovid accuses me of atheism. 
1:13:00  How does agreeing with Rabbi Schneerson make me an atheist?
1:14:00  How does wanting rabbis to rank the four gentile religions make me an atheist?
1:15:00  The purpose of having religious and moral principles is to follow them in order to be righteous. 
1:16:00  Doooovid admits he is Hindu and an idolater.
1:17:00  Doooovid admits he is a heretical. 
1:18:00  Mark Shapiro
1:19:00  Most Jews are now heretics. 
1:20:00  Mark Shapiro is an Open Orthodox Jew engaged in diluting the principles of Judaism.

Another book with an agenda by the author. Wish he'd use his brilliance to promote the religion instead of poke holes in it.

1:23:00  Rabbi Sternbuch's letter to British and Commonwealth Jewry about Chief Rabbi Mirvis
1:25:00  The difference between Haredi and Hasidic
1:26:00  We act on our beliefs. 
1:28:00  Right thought, right speech, right action
1:29:00  Preaching Noahidism
1:30:00  According to Doooovid the Hinju, my views as an agnostic - and I identify as agnostic even though Doooovid keeps accusing me of being atheist, presumably to discredit me - are heretical to Haredism  

1:32:00  MR PELU joins.
Doooovid says he regrets how Mr Pelu was treated on Luke Ford. 
1:34:00  How Doooovid and I met
1:35:00  Higher Power, Providential Constitutionalism
1:41:00  My proposal to rank legal systems rather than belief systems
1:42:00  Brundle
1:47:00  Freemasonry
1:48:00  Providential constitutionalism with Chinese Characteristics
1:53:00  Should people recognise God to better organise their lives?
1:57:00  "providential social order"
2:00:00  Social and legal programme, Rabbi Coffman and platitudes
2:02:00  Providential constitutionalism against hypersecularity
2:03:00  Declaration of Independence and Providential Constitutionalism with American Characteristics
2:06:00  Broad platform
2:08:00  Lord Herbert of Cherbury
2:15:00  Dooovid refuses to answer a simple question. 
2:23:00  Policy making
2:24:00  Doooovid says he is a libertarian. 
2:29:00  Public finance
2:30:00  Standard American English
2:33:00  A bulwark against hypersecularity
2:34:00  Freewill and conscience
2:25:00  Beliefs are formed on knowledge and actions are motivated by beliefs. 
2:44:00  Doooovid claims he did not understand what Pelu was saying. Perhaps he would have understood it more easily if he were not interrupting him constantly.  
2:47:00  "The sky is blue."

2:48:00  "It would be better if we were better-informed about the matters we need to be informed about to go about the business of organising our lives properly to do the things we need to do." 

2:54:00  Rules are made to be broken.  

2:56:00  Doooovid refuses to agree that it would be better to be better-infromed.  

2:58:00  Doooovid accuses Pelu of being like me! 

3:00:00  Would it be better if we were better informed?  
3:04:00  Lashon hara
3:05:00  "Holocaust education"
3:07:00  "too much information"
3:20:00  Is it better for Jews to tell Christians that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy than not?
3:23:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
3:28:00  Church of Entropy
3:29:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis = More than one opinion about the same fact
3:33:00  Dooovid acknowledges that I treat him well. 
3:34:00  Ricardo/Brundle
3:44:00  My opinion on Doooovid being good or bad for Jews

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