
Friday, 28 May 2021

Status, especially the status of dishonest irrational immoral people who do not deserve good government

1.  If I have a solution and you don't, I have higher status.  

2.  You can undermine my status by showing that my solution wouldn't work, but it is not enough to say "I don't like it because I am an Islamophobe" because if you are just another Islamophobe who has an irrational hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam. If you are an atheist and are always complaining about Jews and Muslims, you are obviously not getting it that your social and political problems are caused by the fact that your moral and political system ie Christianity and Liberalism have failed, and this is the reason people with religion who subscribe to a moral system keep doing better than you. 

Someone suffering from a phobia would not be capable of rational thought because he already has an irrational hatred and fear of something, in this case Muslims and Islam.  

This means he will remain in denial about the failure of his moral and political system for as long as he can because of his moral and intellectual corruption. 

He is intellectually corrupt because he denies the truth and rejects logic. He is morally corrupt because he clearly does not give a damn about the future of his society as long as he can get away in his own lifetime by refusing to acknowledge that Christianity and Liberalism have failed.  

By continuing to deny that Christianity and Liberalism have failed, he can avoid having to consider what is to replace these failed systems.  

If he has offspring, then his moral corruption is aggravated by the fact that he values his pride over and above the welfare of the next generation and even his own flesh and blood by refusing to acknowledge the problem, much less fix it. He clearly intends to leave his society in a worse state than when he found it when he was born and has no compunction in leaving behind the civilisational equivalent of an overflowing toilet for the next generation to clear up. 

It is not for nothing that Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but he wouldn't know about that because he is an atheist who sneers at religion and people who believe in God for being stupid in obeying the laws of  the Abrahamic God whose existence he denies. 

People deserve the government they get.

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