
Friday, 28 May 2021

Thursday Night Debate Prep #2 with Doooovid & Church of Entropy & Ask Me Anything

I appear from 

2:07:00  I ask a question, but was ignored.
2:10:00  Martyrdom
2:12:00  The soul is the memory we leave behind until after we are dead. 
2:14:00  Wasting our time
2:15:00  Serving God including Truth, Logic and Morality
2:16:00  Character refinement
2:19:00  Character defect of Jen
2:21:00  Hegel
2:23:00  Scoring system
2:25:00  The prettiest and nicest girl will win? 
2:27:00  Jen is too attached to be capable.
2:29:00  B-rate channel for losers
2:31:00  Multiple Trolling Hypothesis
2:34:00  My suggested debate plan
2:36:00  Beauty contest
2:38:00  Secular Koranism
2:42:00  High quality debates
2:43:00  Debate preparation and understanding what your opponent says
2:46:00  Personal attacks
3:11:00  Sloganeering
3:17:00  Claire's axioms
3:18:00  Conops says he can defend Secular Koranism better than me! 
3:19:00  Conops repeats my slogans.
Flowchart for my arguments
3:20:00  I am more coherent and consistent than Jen. 
Political practicality is queen.
3:21:00  The average person understands what I say.  
3:22:00  Secular Koranism
3:24:00  I am accused of being economical with the truth!
3:25:00  Jon Vance
3:26:00  Jen comes to my defence!
3:27:00  Sargon of Akkad
3:30:00  Debate prep
3:32:00  Cogito ergo sum.
3:34:00  Alexander Dugin
3:35:00  Representative democracy
3:37:00  Dance, monkey, dance!
3:40:00  Jen's debate plan
3:42:00  Jen's biggest fans are Claire and Conops.
3:47:00  Poor character
3:48:00  Bad karma
3:49:00  We are only trying to help Jen.
3:51:00  JF on Jen
3:52:00  Being called a "piece of shit" by JF
3:53:00  Jen is the country girl with the high IQ having taken low birth demonstrating poor character.
3:54:00  Character refinement and communication breakdown
3:55:00  Bad character
3:56:00  Cracks in a character
3:57:00  Religion as a black box and "Jennifer jennifering" 
3:59:00  Character refinement and Jen's inability to separate her ideas from herself.
4:00:00  Jen's character flaw and communication failure 
4:01:00  Jen always goes into conflict mode.
4:02:00  Jen accuses and berates Conops and Claire.
4:03:00  Reverse psychology
4:04:00  My advice and alliteration
4:06:00  The voices in Jen's head
4:07:00  Why I am a pantheist .... 
4:16:00  We want Jen to do well!
4:17:00  Jen's lack of self-awareness
4:18:00  Jen's communication failure
4:22:00  Communication failure
4:24:00  Bad character, lack of refinement, embarrassment, being apologetic
4:25:00  Social acceptance
4:26:00  A debate is more than just waiting for your turn to speak.
4:27:00  Understanding the audience
4:31:00  What it means for Jen to "win"
4:37:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis = Philosophical Relativism
4:38:00  Jen must understand what the others are saying and respond appropriately. 
4:42:00  Jen gets really triggered. 
4:43:00  Chunking as a mental technique
4:48:00  The voices in Jen's head
4:49:00  Increasing Jen's dissonance
4:53:00  Not charismatic enough
4:56:00  Doshas
5:24:00  Jen badmouths me again.

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