
Saturday, 30 April 2022

Discussing Jewish eschatology, antisemitism, life in Israel and Christianity with Sam Samuels


1:00  Sabbath
2:00  Temple, synagogue or shul?
3:00  Religious worship in Israel
4:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
Religious extremism
5:00  Christianity
6:00  Ingathering of diaspora Jews
8:00  Uncertainty is paralysing.
9:00  Divine nudges and pushes
10:00  Antisemites
12:00  My leaking roof analogy
13:00  People motivated only by their emotions
14:00  Christianity 

15:00  I leave the stream to Sam Samuels.
16:00  Signs of the Mashiach
17:00  Financial calamity, Ukraine, WEF
18:00  Zbigniew Brzezinski
21:00  Larry Fink, Yuval Harari, CEO of Pfizer are prominent Jews.
22:00  Michael Schumer
23:00  Covid19
24:00  Sterilisation and Moderna
25:00  Least affected people are inbred groups such as Jews, Amish and royals.
29:00  Vladimir Zelenko 
35:00  Population exchange
If you are not sure of your Jewishness, don't come to Israel. 
38:00  Mega-tsnunami predicted by the rabbi to take out Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
39:00  How Sam met the rabbi
40:00  Telepathy
42:00  Dr Xavier

46:00  Sam's trip to the Dead Sea
47:00  Religious Jews
Everything happens for a reason.
48:00  Wishy-washy Jews
50:00  Chabad
53:00  Sam initiated his divorce.
54:00  Solving the problem ourselves without the Messiah
55:00  Christians were riding high until they stopped practising marriage 50 years ago. 
56:00  Catholic Church was where to go if you are a gay male Catholic.
57:00  Sexual activity amongst in male only environments
58:00  Jesus
59:00  Akhenaten
1:00:00  Secular Koranism
1:02:00  Seven Deadly Sins
1:03:00  Rabbi Yaron Reuven on Christianity
1:04:00  Absolution
1:05:00  Pie in the face
1:06:00  Payback time
1:07:00  Christians don't understand their own history.
1:08:00  The Vatican issued edicts permitting Jews to practise usury.
1:10:00  Jews in England
1:12:00  Edomites and Esau
1:14:00  Gentiles corrupting Jews
1:15:00  Jesus acquits gentiles of their sins. 
1:16:00  The Christian narrative: "Jesus died for your sins." The narrative of antisemites: "Jews corrupted your morals".
Ancient behavioural psychologists in the Roman Propaganda Department
1:17:00  The Koranic narrative of Jesus is that he did not die on the cross.
1:18:00  Jews can be light unto nations and a kingdom of priests by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

How Jews could have avoided the Edict of Expulsion if only they had done what they were chosen by God to do: teach the Noahide laws to Christians so Christians understand why Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. 

1:19:00  The Reformation
E Michael Jones
1:20:00  Blaming Jews
1:21:00  Gay parades in Tel Aviv
1:22:00  Women will dress modestly and sodomites refrain from sodomy when Mashiach arrives.
1:25:00  The end of free will
The evil inclination
1:26:00  The evil inclination will gradually diminish. 

The role of the Yetzer Hara
Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah 9:7) states:

"Without the evil inclination, no one would father a child, build a house, or make a career."

1:32:00  Exchange of populations in Israel

1:33:00  Rabbi Kahane

Muslims were sent to punish Jews. 

1:34:00  Deviant transgressive Jews

1:35:00  More is expected from Jews.

A lascivious atmosphere created by lesbian Israelis at the Haifa Central Bus Station and on the bus

1:36:00  Arab Bedouin with a look of rage

1:37:00  Lesbianism not forbidden in the Torah.

1:39:00  Do not force your slave girls into prostitution if they wish to remain chaste.

1:40:00  Halal live sex shows

1:40:00  Pederasty

1:41:00  Christianity raised standards of sexual morality in Europe. 
1:42:00  The age of consent in the Vatican was raised to 18 from 12 in 2013. 
Adam Green
1:43:00  Catholic victims of child sexual abuse
1:44:00  Islam dispenses with a priesthood. 
1:45:00  William Tyndale
1:47:00  The West is a degenerate matriarchy.
1:48:00  I am praised for being a good listener.
1:49:00  If Sam didn't believe the Messiah is coming, he would also adopt my methods. 

1:50:00  I make the arguments for patriarchy better than men. 

Westerners won't accept my authority as a female and racial foreigner.  
Would they accept the authority of a married father with adult children if he were a senior politician?

1:51:00  Sexualising children
1:52:00  Getting children hooked on extramarital sex early
1:53:00  Gillick Competence
1:54:00  Jimmy Savile

1:56:00  Johnny Rotten

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