
Sunday, 1 May 2022

Discussing Jesus 888, gematria, the Mandate of Heaven and Socrates with Niels Jørgen Lindtner

Christian Lindtner
3:00  Geoff Roberts
5:00  Nicene Creed
7:00  Philologist
9:00  Plato and the hoi polloi
10:00  Zeus
12:00  The Abrahamic God
13:00  Worshiping Jesus is irrational.
14:00  Theosophy
16:00  God is the final arbiter.
17:00  It is religion that transcends religion and race. 
18:00  Self-improvement and national improvement through God and His laws
19:00  Geoff Roberts
20:00  A common narrative
21:00  Nicene Creed
22:00  Taking things literally
22:00  Church of Denmark
23:00  Confirmation ceremony
24:00  Confirmation ceremonies in May
25:00  Being Danish
26:00  Nation-building
27:00  Truth and logic
28:00  We don't want to be Aztecs.
29:00  Historical materialism
30:00  European Christianity 
31:00  Nietzsche said "God is dead and we have killed him."
32:00  Idolatry
33:00  God is the policeman in our minds.
Mora education
34:00  Corrupt and incompetent politicians who keep changing the laws for no good reason
35:00  The Christian narrative
36:00  Changing our religion
37:00  Constantine the Great
The Year of the Five Emperors
39:00  The Reformation
41:00  Rarely rational people in church
42:00  Gematria
46:00  Cultivating wisdom and Plato
47:00  Empiricism
49:00  Number of the Beast
51:00  Euclid
52:00  Egyptian deity 365
56:00  Calendars
57:00  Necromancy, sorcery or numerology?
1:00:00  I Ching
1:01:00  Prophethood
1:02:00  Militant atheists
1:03:00  Denying the existence of God and His prophets
1:04:00  Is Islam rational?
1:06:00  The Trinity is a Christian postulate. 
1:07:00  Buddhism
1:08:00  Irrationality
1:09:00  Emotion v Reason
1:10:00  Copernicus and Galileo
1:11:00  The Good Life
1:12:00  Truth, Reason and Justice
1:13:00  The problem with Christianity
1:14:00  The Will to Power, Man and Superman
1:15:00  The divine spark
1:16:00  Gematria
1:18:00  Freemasons, 33 degrees, Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code
1:19:00  Science
1:20:00  Plato
1:21:00  Mental arithmetic
1:22:00  Danish clergy inviting Islam into Denmark.
1:23:00  The established church is only a creature of the state.
1:24:00  Keeping people stupid
Mandate of Heaven
1:26:00  Divine right of kings
1:27:00  The Pope's authority rejected by European monarchs
1:28:00  People who pretend to believe the official version
1:29:00  The Fourth Estate is the First Estate.
1:30:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions
1:31:00  Voltaire and Dr Pangloss
1:32:00  Noahide laws
1:34:00  Plato and Socrates
1:35:00  Socrates and Jesus were martyrs.
1:36:00  The Republic by Plato
1:38:00  Socratic dialogue
1:39:00  Scientific Knowledge and Wisdom
1:40:00  Greek and Latin
1:41:00  The Ministrix of Education in Denmark
William Tyndale
1:42:00  The traumatised European
1:43:00  Stupider, worse and weaker
1:44:00  The Egyptians were fooled for a long time.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...